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Closed - Do I need to RMA my power adjust

mercredi 4 avril 2012, 12:40

Hi all

I just bought my second power adjust.
I connected it with usb, i installed latest firmware in aquasuite 4.72, I put a different number on this one (i put number 60, and as i didnt touch to the first one, he is still 50)
Every things seem good in usb mode: I see the temp sensor, i see the fan attached and so on.

But as soon as I connect that power adjust with aquabus (to my first power adjust, who is connected to the aquaero 5 XT) everything bugs
-> fan are still spinnig, but i can no more controll them in aquasuite 2012
-> in aquasuite 2012, I lose all my controllers, all my sensors name, and i only see 4 fans in the fans section

If I connect only that second power adjust to the aquaero, same problem in aquasuite: (I tried connecting it with the aquabus N°1 or N°2, same results)
I loose everythings and only 4 fans are shown.

So... Am I the one doing something wrong? Did I forget something in aquasuite 4.72?
Or can the aquabus channel of my power adjust be faulty?

Ce message a été modifié 1 fois. Dernière modification effectuée par "bob452" (5 avril 2012, 18:07)

mercredi 4 avril 2012, 14:17

If your first PA is #50 then your next PA should be #51 & so on. Not sure if putting the second PA at 60 might be causing your problems, so try re-setting it's Aquabus address as #51 :)

jeudi 5 avril 2012, 18:12

Thank you for your answear.
I set at first the second power adjust to 51, but with no success. So I tried number 60.

So I tried again ^^
This time, I've set power adjust n°2 as 50 and my first power adjust as 51.
I connected the second power adjust directly to the aquaero (and the first one is at the end), and.... This worked

I see my 6 fans, sensors names and so on
So once again, thank you ^^