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Junior Member

Aqauero 5 LT Master -> Slave Mode

Wednesday, May 9th 2012, 12:38pm

Hello Guys,
Time to get rid of the (unsupported in Win 2008 Server R2) Koolance TMS 200 - sad, as it's such a nice bit of hardware, but let down by a lack of software=-support from the boyz over at Koolance.

Anyway, 2 quick questions, as I have not found a clear answer on this:

1) Will Aquasuite run in Windows Server 2008 R2 - anyone doing it currently?

2) Does the current firmware support the LT in master and slave-configuration yet - thus connecting 2x LT together which is cheaper than running 1x LT with a few PA's? I know Shoggy mentioned this over a year ago on XS forums that this feature will come, but is it here yet? Working or not?

Appreciate your feedback!

ps: Excuse the English, but my German is rusty - I am ok with Dutch/Afrikaans though :)

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "mrbean" (May 9th 2012, 12:48pm)

RE: Aqauero 5 LT Master -> Slave Mode

Wednesday, May 9th 2012, 12:46pm

2) Does the current firmware support the LT in slave-mode yet - it will be cheaper and better to run 2x LT's, vs LT+ 2x PA's. I know Shoggy mentioned over a year ago this feature will come, but is it here yet?

This feature is not available yet. And there is no release date for this feature.


Junior Member

Wednesday, May 9th 2012, 12:59pm

Thanx for the feedback, Palme.
So in reality it means that it never comes, or at least, not in the next year or two at least, as it was more than year ago already since first mentioned. I know there is lots going on with the firmware, but it would have been really nice to have had this feature available.
Do you know if Server 2008 R2 is supported without problems?

Wednesday, May 9th 2012, 1:03pm

Sry, i don't have any experience with Win Server 2008 & AE5/Aquasuite


Junior Member

Wednesday, May 9th 2012, 1:12pm

Ok, thanx again - maybe one of the other guys or Aqua-staff can tell if it works - at least the pdf says all 32- and 64bit Windows OS' are supported, but best to check if server is included.


Senior Member

Wednesday, May 9th 2012, 1:12pm

I cant realy say if the sw is running, but you can test it yourself on your machine. Download and install it. :)
Is there a difference in master/slave or 2 connected Ae lt? I know that a few users already using 2 ae with one as2012 installation. Is this not the same?


Junior Member

Wednesday, May 9th 2012, 1:22pm

Hello Multisaft,
Yes, I can test sw that way, but won't be sure if it is actually communicating the the LT - problem is I don't want to buy the LT if it is not going to work, I already have a Koolance TMS-200 with daughterboard, and it is not working on server.
Wrt M/S mode, of course I am sure we can run multiple instances of the AE LT hardware, and maybe it would even be allowed to set the affinity on the executable to run two simultaneously, but you also need to do 2x setup then - or save/download config from the one to the other.
Ah well, guess I will think on this one a bit.....see if I go for it or not, still a pity about M/S config though.


Full Member

Thursday, May 10th 2012, 3:32pm

The Aquasuite 2012 can handle more than one Aquaero 5 (LT / Pro doesnt matter) at once in one distance. Im using one 5 Pro and one 5 LT Board in my System at the same time, both connected with their own USB Port and controllable with one Aquasuite instance. 5 Boards would propably work with one Aquasuitet too.
The only "problem" is that you cant use the sensors of one Aquaero to controll the other one. Maybee this would be better with a slave mode.. So that both Aquaeros will work and apear in Software like a single one with 8 Fans and 16 Sensors.. That or a real Multiswitch would be quite cool, like i said in another thread before :)

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