• 17.02.2025, 04:32
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High flow next and splitty 9 not communicating

Saturday, March 16th 2024, 5:05pm

I just added a high flow next and a splitty 9 active to my existing loop that has d5 next 150 reservoir and leakshield. The high flow next is working correctly it is connected to the splitty 9 with the appropriate cable connecting the signal output on the high flow next to the input on the splitty 9 active. After installation I fired up the computer and was greeted with a message to upgrade the firmware on both new devices I clicked on the high flow next to update it then restarted expecting to be prompted for the splitty 9 next but it never popped up again and it is not showing in the aquasuite software or device manager. My fans are all running 100% I'm guessing the default. when I go into aquasuite / d5 next / sensors / flow / sensor type. the high flow next isn't one of the options. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "mrdragon1013" (Mar 16th 2024, 6:32pm)


Senior Member

Sunday, March 17th 2024, 11:54am

the splitty9 is a passive device. it is not communicating with anything.
you cannot connect the signal output of the highdlow next to the splitty 9.

the highflow next is not a fan controller!

Sunday, March 17th 2024, 1:14pm

Thank you for the response. after researching all night I did figure out that it is passive as you said my mistake. the highflow next isn't a fan controller but it will send a fan speed signal that is synced with the flow speed, but that is not what I want. so I guess to get full fan control I will have to connect the splitty to the D5. The reason I didn't go that way first is due to the inability to get to the connection on the D5 without disassembling the entire computer. I have a cable that has these pwm connectors on both ends is this the correct end for the D5 fan output. I just want to be sure I have what I need prior to starting this nightmare.
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Senior Member

Sunday, March 17th 2024, 3:30pm

Connecting the active splitty9 to the pwm connection on the D5next is correct.

The splitty9 comes with the correct cable to connect to the FAN connector on the D5next.
See here: