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Suchergebnisse 1-2 von insgesamt 2.

Mittwoch, 4. Januar 2006, 18:53

Forenbeitrag von: »jackle«

Re: Need a little help

but i have 1/2"tubing lol is there some kind of conferter i can get or something or am i best selling it on? I have enough 1/2"tubing for another machine and was going to use that :|

Dienstag, 20. Dezember 2005, 01:53

Forenbeitrag von: »jackle«

Need a little help

Hey up people im new here and i need a little help from you if you peeps dont mind? Ok here is the story i have brought a 6600GT Aquacomputer Gfx card cooler thing and the person i got it off gave me some plug n play clip things at a 45degreee angle but unforunatly they dont fit my 1/2" tuing : Anyway can someone tell me what fitting s i need to make it fit please/ i plan no buying the parts in january/feb when i sort out my whole loop