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Suchergebnisse 1-50 von insgesamt 113.

Dienstag, 1. Januar 2008, 03:45

Forenbeitrag von: »Infiltraitor«

Re: Guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr 2008!

Happy New Year all! ;D

Donnerstag, 6. Dezember 2007, 15:16

Forenbeitrag von: »Infiltraitor«

Re: New: aquainlet in black

Looks nice, what doesn't it do? (Private joke)

Donnerstag, 6. Dezember 2007, 15:14

Forenbeitrag von: »Infiltraitor«

Re: Leaking Problems

When I assembled my aquabox, I had to get one end of the seal in the milled groove and trap it with the faceplate then slowly slide the faceplate along whilst manipulating the seal to keep it in on both sides. It should've been a test on the old Krypton Factor ;D

Sonntag, 21. Oktober 2007, 19:13

Forenbeitrag von: »Infiltraitor«

Re: Which water addition?

I'd go for AC Fluid - I've never needed to try anything else. I don't know if they've changed what water-wetter is made from, here's a thread that might be worth reading

Mittwoch, 17. Oktober 2007, 00:01

Forenbeitrag von: »Infiltraitor«

Re: Aquasuite and two Aquaero's

Out of interest, why are you using two Aquaeros? A single Aquaero can run two Aquastream pumps using the dual-connection cable, and if you want to run more than four fans you can connect a Multiswitch. Not saying that nobody should try and run two, I'm just curious as to why they would

Mittwoch, 10. Oktober 2007, 02:00

Forenbeitrag von: »Infiltraitor«

Re: aquastream: major problem

Is there any vibration coming from it at all, or is it totally dead? I'd start by checking the cable connection to your Aquaero (assuming it's not one of the new XT versions), that kind of thing. Is the pump being reported as OK on the Aquastream page of Aquasuite? Are the settings in there as they should be?

Montag, 27. August 2007, 18:52

Forenbeitrag von: »Infiltraitor«

Re: Tubemeter with Aquaero

My Tubemeter is connected to the header pins in my Aquaero.

Sonntag, 26. August 2007, 23:42

Forenbeitrag von: »Infiltraitor«

Re: Tubemeter with Aquaero

So on your Aquaero display (LCD or VFD), the water level is displayed okay? Assuming you're not running the Lite version. Have you tried uninstalling Aquasuite and reinstalling it?

Sonntag, 26. August 2007, 18:07

Forenbeitrag von: »Infiltraitor«

Re: Tubemeter with Aquaero

Ah, right - I see. What version Aquasuite are you running?

Sonntag, 26. August 2007, 17:17

Forenbeitrag von: »Infiltraitor«

Re: Tubemeter with Aquaero

I'm still using all the tabs in my Aquasuite - the tubemeter doesn't appear on my Aquastream tab either; it's on the Overview tab.

Montag, 13. August 2007, 21:26

Forenbeitrag von: »Infiltraitor«

Re: Aquaero Controling Aquastream

Are you supplying power to both the Aquaero and Aquastream controller from your PSU? If so, don't! You only need to power the Aquaero if you have the Aquastream controller connected to it.

Montag, 9. Juli 2007, 01:58

Forenbeitrag von: »Infiltraitor«

Re: quick question

Ah, and there I was thinking you were talking about AC waterblocks : I couldn't really guess how well an Aquastream would run those blocks in a loop - sorry. Maybe someone else could advise you on this one.

Montag, 9. Juli 2007, 00:11

Forenbeitrag von: »Infiltraitor«

Re: quick question

If you're looking at the one with the Airplex 360XT rad and Aquastream, then I very much doubt you'd have a problem cooling the blocks you've listed on a single loop. Just to be sure, what hardware are you planning to cool and which blocks are you looking at for the loop?

Samstag, 5. Mai 2007, 02:17

Forenbeitrag von: »Infiltraitor«

Re: I think I broke my aquaero

E-mail AC and see how much they'll charge to try and fix it for you

Freitag, 2. Februar 2007, 22:05

Forenbeitrag von: »Infiltraitor«

Re: Question about coolant

You can use either UV reactive coolant additive (AC's BlueMotion or ClearMotion for a blue glow or GlowMotion for a green glow) or UV reactive tubing (Blue reactive P&C tubing) which is probably the easiest method of achieving a nice even glow.

Mittwoch, 31. Januar 2007, 02:28

Forenbeitrag von: »Infiltraitor«

Re: Airstream

Sounds like either the circlip that secures the rotor/blades on the shaft has given way, or there's something stuck between the rad and fan. I'd get a Papst or NMB-Mat (Panaflo) fan to replace it with.

Dienstag, 16. Januar 2007, 21:14

Forenbeitrag von: »Infiltraitor«

Re: AC Flow Meter..flow rates?

I'd look for another flowmeter then - the AC one isn't suited to your loop.

Dienstag, 16. Januar 2007, 00:32

Forenbeitrag von: »Infiltraitor«

Re: AC Flow Meter..flow rates?

What blocks are you planning to use?

Montag, 15. Januar 2007, 20:00

Forenbeitrag von: »Infiltraitor«

Re: Cover/Housing for Aquastream

Can I have mayonnaise with that please? Very clever - ghetto pump mounts.

Montag, 15. Januar 2007, 17:55

Forenbeitrag von: »Infiltraitor«

Re: Cover/Housing for Aquastream

Have you mounted your Aquastream using a set of the anti-vibration mounts? They're probably better for eliminating pump noise due to vibration - my Aquastream is pretty much inaudible. If you have and you're still getting noise, maybe you've got air trapped in the pump?

Dienstag, 9. Januar 2007, 18:27

Forenbeitrag von: »Infiltraitor«

Re: aquastream with 4 waterblocks

Zitat von »daherik« Hello again! What kind of blocks do you use for your system? And what is your flow rate? I'm running an Asus A8N-32, so two of that type of VR blocks, my Cuplex Evo, two AMD chipset type twinplexes (standard not XT/Pro), an AquagraFX 7800, then a single Aquadrive. Temps are fine and my rig is stable, I haven't got my AC flow meter in ATM, because I haven't got around to either; a) Modding it (drill the inlet out to 6mm and reverse the direction of flow; inlet -> outlet, and ...

Montag, 1. Januar 2007, 03:05

Forenbeitrag von: »Infiltraitor«

Re: Erster Beitrag 2007 - Prost Neujahr

Happy New Year guys! ;D

Dienstag, 26. Dezember 2006, 20:22

Forenbeitrag von: »Infiltraitor«

Re: aquastream with 4 waterblocks

It should be fine. My Aquastream is pumping through 2x VR blocks, 1x CPU, 1x GPU, 2x chipset blocks and a single Aquadrive. There's suggestions that running an impingement-jet style block such as the Cuplex XT in a multi-block loop might result in marginally lower performance from the other blocks, but not by much.

Montag, 25. Dezember 2006, 12:25

Forenbeitrag von: »Infiltraitor«

Merry Christmas!

To everyone on the AC forums - Merry Christmas guys!

Sonntag, 24. Dezember 2006, 02:47

Forenbeitrag von: »Infiltraitor«

Re: Hi.. New to Water Cooling which kit ?

Those kits are good as they generally cater for a range of budgets and include most of the gear you'll need. They don't include any of the waterblocks you'll need, nor the fittings for connecting the tubing to the blocks - you'd need to add those to an order separately (which will push the price up).

Samstag, 23. Dezember 2006, 23:57

Forenbeitrag von: »Infiltraitor«

Re: Special Edition: aquagraFX 8800GTX in silver

Nitrix - any chance you can tone down the gratuitous self-pimping of your site? It's all I see from you on here nowadays. It's not like anyone can miss your sig.

Mittwoch, 29. November 2006, 23:30

Forenbeitrag von: »Infiltraitor«

Re: connectors help

Hey there, If you're planning to use 3/8" ID tubing, I'm assuming that you'll be going with barbs rather than pushfit fittings? If so, these would be the fittings you're after. Can I ask what other watercooling gear you're planning to use in your loop?

Mittwoch, 29. November 2006, 11:22

Forenbeitrag von: »Infiltraitor«

Re: How to connect Cuplex XT Question ??

The inlet should lead to the jet plate, and the outlet comes from the base. Sounds like you've got it the right way around. I can't find many pics that explain the connections, but in this pic the inlet is the lower connection on the left, and the outlet the higher one on the right.

Sonntag, 12. November 2006, 14:34

Forenbeitrag von: »Infiltraitor«

Re: Brand new setup, Aquaero and Pump control

From my experience it sounds as though you're going about things the wrong way, and risk damaging your other hardware if you're not careful. If your cooling loop isn't running properly you could end up killing whatever it's supposed to be cooling. When you first install a watercooling loop, it's highly advisable to run the loop for 24 hours or so with the PC off to test that the loop works and all connections are made and you're not going to get any leaks. The best way of performing such a test ...

Montag, 6. November 2006, 01:39

Forenbeitrag von: »Infiltraitor«

Re: US Distributor ?

++ to Stefan being a great guy. I've bought AC gear off of him a few times now - excellent service.

Mittwoch, 1. November 2006, 00:41

Forenbeitrag von: »Infiltraitor«

Re: aquaero and tubemeter problem

Strange indeed. I always thought connecting power to both the Aquastream controller and Aquaero was a no-no? Is your A/S controller connected to your A/E with the ribbon cable?

Mittwoch, 25. Oktober 2006, 16:11

Forenbeitrag von: »Infiltraitor«

Re: Flow Meter Setup

Zitat von »virtualrain« Why on earth would they design it to only 180lph which is only 3lpm... That's a terrible limitation! Because it's designed for use with AC gear, which is low flow. Why don't you just set it up so that the Aquaero displays a scaled flow - 1/3 of actual flow for example? That way you'll still be able to monitor it, just x3 for the true reading.

Mittwoch, 25. Oktober 2006, 02:30

Forenbeitrag von: »Infiltraitor«

Re: Missing rubberrings.

Have you tried e-mailing them? support@aqua-computer.de It's very unlikely you'll get this dealt with on here.

Dienstag, 24. Oktober 2006, 12:05

Forenbeitrag von: »Infiltraitor«

Re: aquaero and tubemeter problem

Are you using this cable to connect it? - Clicky

Freitag, 4. August 2006, 18:53

Forenbeitrag von: »Infiltraitor«

Re: Eheim 1048+AC Inlet+AC fluid

So you've already tried using the anti-vibration mounts?

Freitag, 4. August 2006, 17:46

Forenbeitrag von: »Infiltraitor«

Re: Eheim 1048+AC Inlet+AC fluid

You might want to try using a set of the anti-vibration mounts. If you don't want to drill through the bottom of your case, it's possible to drill a piece of plexi to screw them into, using the pump's base as a drilling template.

Freitag, 4. August 2006, 15:00

Forenbeitrag von: »Infiltraitor«

Re: 7950 fitting instructions

The 7950GX2 guide I linked to here is pretty good, it answers the tape question too - Click here. It's currently only three threads below this one too :

Mittwoch, 2. August 2006, 18:05

Forenbeitrag von: »Infiltraitor«

Re: Aquagrafx 7950gx2

See this thread for pics - I think those sticky patches are to stop the blocks shorting on parts of the cards. Click here

Mittwoch, 2. August 2006, 17:41

Forenbeitrag von: »Infiltraitor«

Re: Eheim 1048+AC Inlet+AC fluid

I'd say it's air trapped in there too. Have you stopped running the blue additive? If so, did you carefully take the pump apart and clean inside it when you cleaned your loop?

Montag, 31. Juli 2006, 00:52

Forenbeitrag von: »Infiltraitor«

Re: Tubemeter not passing info to Aquaero

It doesn't look like it - I got mine sent from Germany IIRC.

Sonntag, 30. Juli 2006, 23:39

Forenbeitrag von: »Infiltraitor«

Re: Tubemeter not passing info to Aquaero

With the appropriate cable of course! ;D You're also correct in that the Aquastream gets its power from the Aquaero without needing a direct PSU connection.

Sonntag, 30. Juli 2006, 22:00

Forenbeitrag von: »Infiltraitor«

Re: 1/2" barbs on aqua water block?

Zitat von »A_L« meaning if you used 1/2" barb, then you can only use 1/2" ID hose. Not strictly true - 3/8" ID tubing is generally a better match for the ID of 1/2" barbs, and gives a more secure seal around a 1/2" barb when fitted. No big deal though

Donnerstag, 27. Juli 2006, 18:19

Forenbeitrag von: »Infiltraitor«

Re: New system up and running

Let us know how you get on.

Donnerstag, 27. Juli 2006, 17:37

Forenbeitrag von: »Infiltraitor«

Re: New system up and running

Very nice I'm not too keen on externally mounted rads, but the design and finish you've got on that housing is great. One thought I had - with a lower flowrate, you'll have to be careful and make sure you get all the air out of your rad, maybe by moving it about to encourage any air trapped in there to come out. Other than that, without reducing the number of blocks you're running, dropping the Aquajet or modding the flowmeter as I previously hinted at, I can't see you upping your flow too much....

Donnerstag, 27. Juli 2006, 14:54

Forenbeitrag von: »Infiltraitor«

Re: New system up and running

Oops! Sorry - I missed the room temp in your first post I'd be a bit skeptical of the mobo temperature of your aircooled PC; it's unlikely to be room at temperature unless it's a very low powered system. I wouldn't worry about those temps; they're looking okay. Also, you can't always trust onboard temperature sensors to be completely accurate. You're running seven blocks (including the restrictive-by-design XT) and AC flowmeter - I'd say the temps and flow you're seeing are about right. I'm back...

Donnerstag, 27. Juli 2006, 12:01

Forenbeitrag von: »Infiltraitor«

Re: New system up and running

Those temps seem okay to me too, what's your room temperature ATM? As for you pump, Eheim's rated output of 300lph (up to 600lph with the Aquaero ) will be without a restrictive watercooling loop to pump through. As you’re using lots of blocks, and in particular an impingement block like the XT, you’re flowrates will be much lower; anything over 20lph is considered okay. I don’t know how much of a difference it would make, but you could always search for info on the AC flowmeter mod – in stock f...

Freitag, 21. Juli 2006, 17:56

Forenbeitrag von: »Infiltraitor«

Re: Insight into Aquaero fan controller workings?

^ Probably because the MCP655 he's looking at can hit 1200 l/h and has 1/2" barb connectors - it's intended for larger bore loops.

Freitag, 21. Juli 2006, 13:56

Forenbeitrag von: »Infiltraitor«

Re: Insight into Aquaero fan controller workings?

As the MCP655 has a rating of 24W@12V, and the Aquaero V4 fan channels handle a maximum of 10W, (more than enough for the fans that you're meant to run on them) I'd say no. The Aquaero is a pretty complex piece of equipment designed to integrate and manage AC hardware and most suitable fans - you're almost certainly not going to receive official support on these forums for trying to run anything else on it. It's also quite an expensive item of hardware to ruin in this way. Before you ask, I have...

Dienstag, 18. Juli 2006, 23:48

Forenbeitrag von: »Infiltraitor«

Re: High End 240 Supply Kit, aquastream 12 V

Sure you'll be able to order a Cuplex XT with AM2 mountings either now or very soon. If you already own an XT, you'll be wasting your money though All AC blocks are modular, with interchangeable mounting options; by purchasing the AM2 mounting kit you'll be able to turn an existing XT into exactly the same as you'd get by buying the AM2 version.

Montag, 17. Juli 2006, 19:11

Forenbeitrag von: »Infiltraitor«

Re: Temperature sensors

Woah - thread hijack! Click on - Shop, then the Union Jack in the bottom right-hand corner. Monitor and Control, aquaero and Accessories, then Accessories. You'll find the P&C temperature sensor on there, and yes you'll need a G1/8 straight fitting to mount it in an Aquatube.