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Suchergebnisse 1-4 von insgesamt 4.

Mittwoch, 23. März 2005, 09:52

Forenbeitrag von: »zxcs«

Re: EEPROM FAILURE - Need to find FIRMWARE to flas

I guess I'm gunna put the system together with the aquastream and aquaero seperate, untill they release the new bios. Thanks for the help

Mittwoch, 23. März 2005, 04:54

Forenbeitrag von: »zxcs«

Re: EEPROM FAILURE - Need to find FIRMWARE to flas

Cant understand german, re-post, sorry

Mittwoch, 23. März 2005, 04:53

Forenbeitrag von: »zxcs«

EEPROM FAILURE - Need to find FIRMWARE to flash!!!

Ok, I got the EEPROM FAILURE message when hooking my aquaero up to aquastream. I've disconnected the aquaero and got it running on another computer, ready to flash the firmware. However my current firmware is 3.99 and I cannot find a higher firmware, when I try and flash a lower firmware I get the messsage "cannot flash firmware as the installed one is higher version" or something like that. Please point me in the direction of a higher firmware version, or a way to flash a lower firmware. Please...