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Suchergebnisse 1-50 von insgesamt 118.

Mittwoch, 25. Dezember 2013, 12:08

Forenbeitrag von: »cc01«

New softwar and MPS flow meter

Another possibility ... Are you saving your configuration to the MPS device by clicking on the little disk icon? Perhaps your new settings are simply not being saved?

Mittwoch, 25. Dezember 2013, 06:24

Forenbeitrag von: »cc01«

Issue installing Aquasuite (Solved). How to quite down the "High Flow" sensor "ticking" noise.

Zitat von »'47 Knucklehead« After playing with my AQ gear some more, I think I have figured out how to make the "ticking noise" from the AQ "High Flow" sensor bearable. By decoupling the sensor from the pump unit, and wrapping it in a simple wash cloth, the noise virtually goes away. My build will be using all rigid acrylic tubing, so I will most likely just use 2 small sections of soft tubing going to and from the flow sensor. But the biggest thing will be insulating the entire sensor with som...

Sonntag, 22. Dezember 2013, 12:06

Forenbeitrag von: »cc01«

New softwar and MPS flow meter

Just a possibility but have you upgraded the firmware on your devices? New firmware came with the software upgrade ...

Donnerstag, 12. Dezember 2013, 05:47

Forenbeitrag von: »cc01«

SOLVED: Getting the flow reading from aquabus usb d5 pump via usb only

In order to report flow you need to use a flow meter such as thisThe pump you have pictured cannot report flow.

Donnerstag, 12. Dezember 2013, 05:44

Forenbeitrag von: »cc01«

Fan reading bouncing between 0 and 1752 rpm

Okay, using a 3-way splitter on the fans means you are sending 3 different frequency signals to the one fan header and confusing the aquaero. While you can power more than one fan from a single fan header via a splitter, you cannot report more than one fan frequency. You are trying to report three at once, hence why you are seeing fluctuating readings. This has nothing to do with PWM which is something entirely different.

Dienstag, 19. November 2013, 04:07

Forenbeitrag von: »cc01«

Aquasuite 2013 - 3 start up issue

I get this problem with my mps devices frequently. I have tried swapping cables but the problem persists, however, it also sometimes corrects itself between shutdowns and restarts. I am wondering if it has something to do with USB selective suspend in power options? Any thoughts anyone?

Samstag, 9. November 2013, 07:38

Forenbeitrag von: »cc01«

Firmware updates

Did the PA2 devices get a firmware update?

Mittwoch, 6. November 2013, 10:15

Forenbeitrag von: »cc01«

new member

Yes, it is okay to put the inline temp sensor on your radiator outlet. I'm sure you're not texting to this forum so it would help with understanding what question you are asking if you wrote in sentences, even if they are brief. Thanks.

Dienstag, 15. Oktober 2013, 07:42

Forenbeitrag von: »cc01«

High Flow Sensor clicking noise

My flowmeter demonstrated the same noise although after some time it stopped. It also helps if you don't hard mount the flowmeter as the noise is exacerbated.

Freitag, 20. September 2013, 15:39

Forenbeitrag von: »cc01«

Aquaero = Over-rated

A three year-old's tantrum may be excused on account of his or her emotional inexperience, but coming from an adult on a public forum it is plainly ridiculous.

Donnerstag, 19. September 2013, 06:34

Forenbeitrag von: »cc01«

Aquaero = Over-rated

The 3-pin cable will connect to the 4-pin Aquabus port without any problem. Why can't you move your flow sensor closer to the XT?

Donnerstag, 29. August 2013, 10:42

Forenbeitrag von: »cc01«

Using two AC D5 Pumps, how do I connect them?

Not possible to photograph my pump setup in my computer case without A LOT of fiddling about to show you what I meant in my post above. Stating it a little more precisely, the Bitspower pump kit consists of several parts. The cylindrical housing which holds the pump onto the pump top looks like it is one single part in the picture you linked to but it is actually two. One part is the cylinder that screws onto the pump top to hold the pump in place. The other is a circular end cap (with the Bitsp...

Mittwoch, 28. August 2013, 08:24

Forenbeitrag von: »cc01«

Using two AC D5 Pumps, how do I connect them?

dseg The circular back part of the Bitspower D5 / MCP655 Mod Kit is not fixed to the outer cylinder so it can be removed. I use the same kit for my two AC pumps just without the circular back part installed.

Sonntag, 4. August 2013, 12:44

Forenbeitrag von: »cc01«

Aquaero 5 doesn't see MPS 400 over aquabus.

axium, have you tried using 4-pin aquabus + USB?

Dienstag, 23. Juli 2013, 07:41

Forenbeitrag von: »cc01«

Can I run 8 x aquabus d5 pumps

You can only control a maximum of 4 of these pumps on one Aquaero. To control another 4 pumps I assume you would simply have to use a second Aquaero. The pumps do not have a 'standard' speed but they are set at 100% output when they are shipped. To change this connect them via USB and change the output in the Aquasuite software.

Dienstag, 9. Juli 2013, 07:48

Forenbeitrag von: »cc01«

Power Adjust devices behaving badly

Never mind. Found the problem.

Montag, 8. Juli 2013, 11:57

Forenbeitrag von: »cc01«

Power Adjust devices behaving badly

I have 4xPA2 ultra and suddenly all of them at once no longer seem to communicate with the Aquaero after months of use and no issues. I get no rpm signals from my fans and the PA2s report 12V output even though the fans are spinning at about 35% of maximum. The fans no longer respond to the controller I have set in Aquasuite and have disappeared. Also 2xD5 (Aquacomputer mps version) also no longer communicating with Aquaero and disappeared from Aquasuite. Aquabus seems to be not functioning? Hav...

Sonntag, 7. Juli 2013, 12:04

Forenbeitrag von: »cc01«

Aqua Computer High-Flow Flow Sensor Reading

Does your D5 have a tacho output? If so could you check the speed of the pump? At 12V on setting 5 the speed is around 5500rpm if my memory serves me correctly.

Sonntag, 16. Juni 2013, 14:12

Forenbeitrag von: »cc01«

Considering a Airplex GIGANT 3360

What sort of pumping power do these things need?

Donnerstag, 23. Mai 2013, 11:37

Forenbeitrag von: »cc01«

RPM reporting and other issues

Zitat von »Grasshopper« Measuring difference between in.out of radiator is a way of setting up fan speeds independent for the most part [/align] on room temperature, in my case computer room can vary between 12c -36c, so I cannot set fan/pump speed to fluid temperature/ room ambient temperature, other wise I would need multiple profiles , Summer, Winter etc. [/align] If you use the 'setpoint' controller option in Aquasuite using an ambient air/fluid temp delta as the datasource you wouldn't nee...

Montag, 25. März 2013, 21:48

Forenbeitrag von: »cc01«

Upgrade poweradjust 2 USB Standard auf Version Ultra

My German is rusty but yes, that is what it means.

Freitag, 22. März 2013, 22:44

Forenbeitrag von: »cc01«

Questions for experienced Aquaero users on temp sensor inputs

I use a calibrated, old photographic mercury thermometer with increments of 0.1C on the scale to check my sensor temps. I know it's not a digital device but the scale is large enough with small enough increments to read with great accuracy. The only problem is with positioning to get a reading so I am aware that the data I obtain from it may not be precise. It is however, extremely sensitive and will react even just breathing on it or placing a warm or cold object near it. I calibrate ambient ai...

Freitag, 22. März 2013, 06:51

Forenbeitrag von: »cc01«

Let's see how the Poweradjust 2 performs compared to the competition...

Zitat von »Namron« I've been putting together a BASIC set of Guides for setting up the Aquaero & some of the gear that you can attach to it or run independently e.t.c... It's still a work in process, But might help out some peoples that are finding themselves a bit stuck..... (sorry for the blatant plug ) N. Although I haven't gone through it in detail, it looks like a great guide. You've put a lot of work into it, keep it up. Cheers

Donnerstag, 21. März 2013, 23:00

Forenbeitrag von: »cc01«

Let's see how the Poweradjust 2 performs compared to the competition...

T-Balancer is quite a good product although it hasn't had a software/firmware upgrade in almost a decade. Software is full of bugs and clunky to use but the device does the job once you can get it to work. Nowhere near as extensive in features as the aquaero and the unit overheated once I used it to control a pump. I had quite a few problems getting it to work as intended even though it had a manual in English. No forum support either. It seriously lacked polish and did not seem to be a finished...

Sonntag, 10. März 2013, 03:14

Forenbeitrag von: »cc01«

AquagraFX for GTX 670 didnt fit on my Gtx670??

Zitat von »mike_s« Hi! Thank you for your reply. So what happens now, i can't return the card? Do you think they will take the card back because it didn't fit? Who's fault was it, me for not checking if it will fit or the site where i bought it from? Can i return it directly to aquacomputer and get a refund? You will have to deal with the people you bought it from and ask them these questions. It isn't the manufacturer's fault that it doesn't fit and this is the way it usually rolls if you don'...

Sonntag, 3. März 2013, 12:48

Forenbeitrag von: »cc01«

Newbie to Aquaero 5

There are instructions in English available on the Aquacomputer download page, and yes, they are very basic, but there is enough information in them to answer the questions you have asked.

Mittwoch, 27. Februar 2013, 02:41

Forenbeitrag von: »cc01«

Aquaero 5 support for more than 4 mps devices?

You could use the older type flow meter (there is a high flow version) to free up an mps channel. There is a dedicated 3-pin header on the aquaero for this device.

Dienstag, 26. Februar 2013, 07:57

Forenbeitrag von: »cc01«

PowerAdjust 2 + Aquaero 5 LT. Signal lost via Aquabus

As far as I know a PA2 will not show up as a tab in aquasuite if you only have it connected via the aquabus. When I installed my PA2s I connected them via aquabus and USB in order to configure them in aquasuite. I then unplugged the USB cables because I don't want that many cables clogging up my case and their respective tabs in aquasuite promptly disappeared but I have not had any problems with the devices not working or responding to situations in my cooling setup. I don't think this is actual...

Dienstag, 12. Februar 2013, 06:40

Forenbeitrag von: »cc01«

Aquareo 5 Waterblock Thermal Pad

[attach]3754[/attach] Does this help?

Freitag, 8. Februar 2013, 23:21

Forenbeitrag von: »cc01«

maximum fan output selection for controller?

My air sensor is outside my case and the delta under load actually fluctuates very quickly, which is why I believe my fans are spinning up and down so quickly. I tried a less steep curve as Jeremy suggested and that seemed to work better but it wasn't a dramatic change in terms of the noise. Once I notice the fans spinning up and down it drives me nuts. I'm now using a stepped curve and this works for me in terms of the noise but I think there must be a more elegant solution that also optimises ...

Donnerstag, 7. Februar 2013, 11:13

Forenbeitrag von: »cc01«

maximum fan output selection for controller?

Out of curiosity I have tried a fan controller using a water/air delta instead of water temp only and it works well, although I think I need to fine tune it to my system. Under idle and low loads my system is quieter due to the fans not winding up as much however under load I get regular and pronounced fluctuations of fan speed. Delta doesn't increase beyond 10C and at idle sits around 4 to 5C. I have noticed that using this contoller doesn't work quite as well on hotter days than it does on mil...

Montag, 4. Februar 2013, 12:08

Forenbeitrag von: »cc01«

Pump Control HELP!

Zitat von »Jakusonfire« Fan splitters http://www.frozencpu.com/products/14662/…?tl=g47c121s424 Those are the cheap ones I mentioned where the solder breaks loose on the fan headers after a few pushes and pulls. For a few coins more ... Balanar, you might be interested in these cable splitters I haven't used these cables but I've used a few other Bitfenix products and have been satisfied with their function and build quality. They aren't as cheap as the alternatives but you will only need three ...

Samstag, 2. Februar 2013, 01:36

Forenbeitrag von: »cc01«

Do these two parts combine together?

If you mean this and this according to the AC website, yes.

Mittwoch, 30. Januar 2013, 08:42

Forenbeitrag von: »cc01«

maximum fan output selection for controller?

Basing your fan speed on coolant temp is exactly how you want to do it. Your coolant is the medium by which you are effecting heat transfer, so you want to keep the coolant temperature as low as as possible. Heat is not the same thing as temperature. Heat is the amount of energy transferred from one thing to another because of a difference in temperature, (ie from a hot object to a cold object) so to maintain the efficiency of your loop to cool your components you want to maintain as great a dif...

Montag, 28. Januar 2013, 09:03

Forenbeitrag von: »cc01«

About to purchase, checklist

Which D5 are you planning to buy? If you get this one you don't need the poweradjust and can save yourself some money. This pump connects directly to the power supply and is controlled via the Aquasuite software.

Montag, 28. Januar 2013, 08:33

Forenbeitrag von: »cc01«

Pump Control HELP!

The relay connectoris a 3-pin type and is not the same as the PWM output connector which I linked to above for powering the LEDs. The PWM output requires the 2-pin connector and does not fit into the relay output on the Aquaero. Just make sure you don't exceed the 1 Amp limit on these PWM outputs with too many LEDs or you will fry your unit. You may wish to consider running a CCFL such as this from each PWM output instead of the LEDs. They are usually very bright and will provide plenty of light...

Montag, 28. Januar 2013, 01:28

Forenbeitrag von: »cc01«

Pump Control HELP!

Hi Balanar, Firstly some feedback about the splitters you intend to use. I once used those ModMyToys "Power Distribution PCBs" that you linked to in your first post and I was disappointed with them. Initially they work well but after a few times of pulling off and pushing on fan connectors the headers on these boards started to wriggle loose where they were soldered to the board. The idea is great but they are cheaply manufactured. I had to re-solder them but in the end I gave up and just made m...

Sonntag, 27. Januar 2013, 11:44

Forenbeitrag von: »cc01«

RE: Pump Control HELP!

Zitat von »Balanar« 1) I have wanted to use the Aquacomputer pumps to maximize compatibilty but I will be using the Bitspower D5 Pump Mod Kit and don't think the pumps will fit properly. They will probably lack space for the wires to plug in. Can anyone confirm this? The Bitspower Pump Kit contains two peices: the cylindrical barrel which houses the pump and mounts it to the pump top and a flat disc that simply fits into the end of the barrel to seal it up and hide the end of the pump. With the...

Donnerstag, 17. Januar 2013, 13:15

Forenbeitrag von: »cc01«

One Aqua Computer D5 Pump Sufficient?

One will say yes and another will say no. In any case, you will need at least one pump, and you will probably find that it is enough. But beyond the practically useless pump curves and graphs of so-called 'testing' websites you will decide what suits you regardless, in spite of the 'science'. If you want the real answers and want to eke out every last bit of heat from your loop you need to look up text books on fluid dynamics and thermodynamics, and apply your own data from your own loop to see ...

Donnerstag, 17. Januar 2013, 11:52

Forenbeitrag von: »cc01«

One Aqua Computer D5 Pump Sufficient?

Yes, one D5 is enough. I know it can be confusing when you get conflicting responses. One D5 will provide sufficient flow to cool your proposed loop. Two pumps will not significantly lower temperatures on your hardware as opposed to a single pump. I have tried running my loop (2x420 rads, 3xGPU, CPU, RAM, Motherboard full cover, Aquaero block, Aqualis Reservoir, Aquacomputer filter) with one pump configuration as well as two pump configuration and I did not notice a significant difference in the...

Dienstag, 8. Januar 2013, 12:36

Forenbeitrag von: »cc01«

G'Day from Sydney Australia

Kosti, greetings from Melbourne... You might want to consider an LT version of the Aquaero mounted internally in your case. The XT version includes a remote control and touch sensitive screen as opposed to the PRO which has no remote and is push button controlled. The LT dispenses with the screen altogether and everything is controlled via the Aquasuite software. It has the same functionality except for being able to use a remote control. I personally find the screens a bit fiddly but they do lo...

Samstag, 29. Dezember 2012, 03:35

Forenbeitrag von: »cc01«

hooking up 2 aquastream xt pumps

To control both pumps in Aquasuite you need to have both of them connected via the aquabus, not just one of them. Two pumps of the same type together will have a different effect whether they are connected in series or in parallel. In series will give you double the head of just one pump, useful for overcoming the loss of head as coolant moves through a system. Two pumps in parallel will increase your flow rate for the same head, useful when one pump alone cannot cope with the volume of flow. Pr...

Dienstag, 27. November 2012, 09:08

Forenbeitrag von: »cc01«

Name Truncation Issue

Experimented a little... The magic number is indeed 21.

Dienstag, 27. November 2012, 08:57

Forenbeitrag von: »cc01«

Updated aquasuite/firmware stabillity issues??

Zitat von »cpachris« If I said that the sky was blue....I'm fairly certain cc01 would jump in and argue with me. I've gotten used to it. Here's diplomacy: if it were blue I wouldn't argue. Actually it's cyan for most of the day. Various hues of yellow, red, orange or violet at dusk or dawn, black at night (depending on the light pollution). I'm out of this thread as it seems I can never escape abuse for disagreeing with what doesn't make sense.

Montag, 26. November 2012, 10:46

Forenbeitrag von: »cc01«

airplex GIGANT 3360 & 1680

Thank you.

Montag, 26. November 2012, 07:36

Forenbeitrag von: »cc01«

airplex GIGANT 3360 & 1680

Ahh I see. Thanks. So the 3360 would be 4 x 840? Can that be right? The thing is huge!

Montag, 26. November 2012, 07:21

Forenbeitrag von: »cc01«

Name Truncation Issue

I have also seen it but I cannot recall how many characters I used before the truncation occurred. I use quite lengthy names for some things and I noticed once that some of my fans had the ends of their names missing, which I then revised to shorter names and all was well.

Montag, 26. November 2012, 07:17

Forenbeitrag von: »cc01«

RE: RE: AS2012 cpu load

Zitat von »cpachris« Zitat von »jpmboy« .....but the software seems to consume a lot of resources. Seriously, none needs high end watercooling to run a system at stock settings....Sounds like marketing and engineering need to talk once in awhile. Agreed. Disagree and disagree and disagree. It doesn't consume 'a lot' of resources. Perhaps it consumes slightly more than previously but all the new features are things that customers 'wanted'. & Why is watercooling only for overclockers? HIgh-end wa...

Sonntag, 25. November 2012, 04:07

Forenbeitrag von: »cc01«

airplex GIGANT 3360 & 1680

To the AC people, The airplex GIGANT 3360 & 1680 dimensions in the AC shop are both listed as 310 x 310 x 540 mm. What are the correct sizes for each of these items? Also, what do the numbers 3360 & 1680 refer to? They look like fantastic products! Thanks in advance.

Sonntag, 25. November 2012, 03:52

Forenbeitrag von: »cc01«

Spelling mistake in Aquasuite.

[attach]3557[/attach] Hi to the AC crew, Small thing for the next version in English ... there is a spelling mistake in one of the settings tabs. Spelling should be 'needle' instead of 'neelde'.