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Suchergebnisse 1-9 von insgesamt 9.

Montag, 3. September 2012, 21:54

Forenbeitrag von: »Goetz«

How would you hook all of this together?

Thanks for all the help, I did order a couple y cables to hook it all up with my order. I'll let you know how it goes once I get it all set up... the pumps don't show they are in stock but "expected" so it may be a while to get my order. I might have to learn German to figure it all out lol

Donnerstag, 30. August 2012, 08:52

Forenbeitrag von: »Goetz«

How would you hook all of this together?

I have two of your new D5 Pumps with USB and aquabus interface and one Flow sensor with USB and aquabus on order and I was wondering how I would hook it all up to my Aquaero 5 Pro. What is the difference between setting everything up with USB or aquabus? How would you plug all three parts in with aquabus? Thanks for your help

Sonntag, 29. Juli 2012, 09:28

Forenbeitrag von: »Goetz«


Yes that does help, thanks for the explanation. I'll try just plugging one fan in and see if it still gives me the same noise. It could just be from the air in between the fan and the rad. I have some fan silencers coming in the mail and I'll try those out too.

Samstag, 28. Juli 2012, 07:37

Forenbeitrag von: »Goetz«


I just set up my aquaero 5 Pro, I love it but I'm still learning how to use it and I have some questions. I have 3 fans attached with a 3pin to 3 x 3pin adapter to the first fan controller and the RPMs are jumping all over the place! Is that normal when hooking up 3 fans to one port on the aquaero or do I need to get a different 3pin adapter? I'm also hearing some humming coming from the 3 fans at 12v, they are brand new corsair sp120s quite edition, so I don't know if that's just the way they a...

Freitag, 27. Juli 2012, 07:22

Forenbeitrag von: »Goetz«

Temp sensor placement

Thanks Namron for the ideas. I finally have everything set up, I tried putting the fans on the top of my 800d and I got about a 1 - 2 degrees cooler temps but I couldn't handle the noise! With the fans up against the cases metal mesh on the top, the noise from the air pulling through is too much. I might get some fan shrouds / silencers and try it again. I put the aquaero in the top 5.25 bay and there is no way to get the temperature sensor to reach the bottom of the case, I did get one to just ...

Sonntag, 15. Juli 2012, 03:10

Forenbeitrag von: »Goetz«

Temp sensor placement

Thanks for the info Namron, I'll be redoing my loop in my computer to fit the AC 5 water block and will give it a try. With your setup, where do you measure the ambient room temp? Is it better to put a sensor on the bottom, top or back of the case? Also what kind of dust covers do you use? Goetz

Samstag, 14. Juli 2012, 01:28

Forenbeitrag von: »Goetz«

Temp sensor placement

I've read a ton of forums and it's about a 50/50 split as to have the radiator fans as an intake or exhaust. Do you think that the air inside my case is much warmer then the outside air with everything water cooled Namron? I'm not sure what way to go now, if I do it as an intake, I'll be blowing warm air over my motherboard and video cards but my radiator may cool a little better. I like to have a quite system and low RPM's on the fans, does that make any difference as to which way I should set ...

Freitag, 13. Juli 2012, 18:52

Forenbeitrag von: »Goetz«

Temp sensor placement

Thanks for the info and pictures gullars, I have a Corsair 800D case with a RX360 rad and three fans blowing air through the rad out of the case, my back fan is also blowing air out and I have a fan in the mid section of the case blowing air up from the bottom. Should I put the sensor out the bottom of the case or I was thinking of placing it along the back panel of the case behind the mother board and straight out the back to the left of the I/O plate? I guess I could also change my back fan to...

Freitag, 13. Juli 2012, 05:24

Forenbeitrag von: »Goetz«

Temp sensor placement

Hi I'm new here, I just got my Aquaero 5 Pro in the mail and I have a couple questions about it. I've never used temp sensors before so I'm not sure where to place them and how to attach them. I have a fully water cooled PC with the mother board, ram, cpu and two gpu's water cooled... I ordered 2 of the inline water temp sensors and was thinking of placing them on the inlet and outlet of the radiator. I was thinking of using the 4 temp sensors that came with the aquaero to measure ambient air te...