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Suchergebnisse 1-8 von insgesamt 8.

Dienstag, 17. Juni 2003, 14:55

Forenbeitrag von: »Reiko«

Re: Some questions

I'm going to kick this topic up. I've been waiting since saturday to get a reaction on my mail to Aqua Computer. They still haven't answered. I'm doubting that they are alive? Are there people in here that can explain what the new aquabay has more to offer than the previous one? Can you also tell me what you get when you order the aquabay. Is the front for the aquatube also included ? Can someone confirm or a shielded Eheim 1046 fits on the new aquabay or not? I'm tired waiting for AC to answer ...

Sonntag, 15. Juni 2003, 16:14

Forenbeitrag von: »Reiko«

Re: aquabay at wurde da was verändert

Zitat von »Reiko« Are there pictures of the new version of the Aquabay? (ps: I understand german but I can't talk/typ it) *up*

Sonntag, 15. Juni 2003, 12:58

Forenbeitrag von: »Reiko«

Re: Some questions

Zitat von »azrael-vdt« i would send an email to support@aqua-computer.de. greetz azrael I have sended an Email yesterday but I still haven't received an answer.

Samstag, 14. Juni 2003, 19:17

Forenbeitrag von: »Reiko«

Re: aquabay at wurde da was verändert

Are there pictures of the new version of the Aquabay? (ps: I understand german but I can't talk/typ it)

Samstag, 14. Juni 2003, 11:44

Forenbeitrag von: »Reiko«

Re: Some questions

Is it possible to see this in topview. I want to know how AC has connected everything. And the connections at the Eheim pump are "gewinkelt". Now I saw that the connections set for the Eheim pump is straight. So what connections do I have to buy?

Freitag, 13. Juni 2003, 19:26

Forenbeitrag von: »Reiko«

Re: Some questions

Thanks for the reactions so far. I think I'm going to try it without the L-connections since you guys confirm it is pretty much for show. @ Paddock: I don't have place to put a Airplex Evo 240. And I'm certain about affording an Aquatube and an Aquabay. @ ThaDog: Bedankt voor in het Nederlands te antwoorden. But I will continue in English so the others can understand. With being obligated to buy a small radiator, I thought it was better to afford a better waterblock for my CPU. I have found more...

Freitag, 13. Juni 2003, 18:46

Forenbeitrag von: »Reiko«

Re: Some questions

I mean these connections and indeed it are L-connections. Not T-connections as I mentioned before.

Freitag, 13. Juni 2003, 18:10

Forenbeitrag von: »Reiko«

Some questions

I hope enough people in here can understand english because next to dutch, it is the only language that I can speak well. I do have some questions before I order my watercooling setup at aquacomputer. First what I had in mind: - Cuplex Evo 1.1 or Cuplex 1.2 -> still doubting - Twinplex 1.2 Chipset - Airplex Evo 120 (I have a Chieftec midi) - Aquatube - Aquabay - Eheim 1046 1) Is the Airplex Evo 120 good enough to cool down the water coming from the Cpu(2500+@?) and the northbridge(nForce2)? If t...