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Suchergebnisse 1-9 von insgesamt 9.

Sonntag, 24. Dezember 2017, 17:32

Forenbeitrag von: »88Gamer88-NLD«

High Flow meter - No flow signal - activation ?

I don't know if i have version 2 of the D5 pump. (bought it 2 months ago) Maybe will there a sticker under the pump but thats a lot of work for checking. Have connected to the Fan 4 header. Or can i conned it to the aquabus header when it is a version 2 ? Diva mod is this ? : http://www.overclock.net/t/1474470/ocn-a…0#post_22946282

Sonntag, 24. Dezember 2017, 16:11

Forenbeitrag von: »88Gamer88-NLD«

High Flow meter - No flow signal - activation ?

Cheer Nice , It works now . this is Solved Thnx Almost finish the setup Only the PWM pump controller doesn't work. Have a D5 pump and can't control it in Aquqauite. And running all the time 100% (Stands on PWM Controlled - Fan header 4) When i controll it to 99% it will stop pumping.

Sonntag, 24. Dezember 2017, 15:37

Forenbeitrag von: »88Gamer88-NLD«

High Flow meter - No flow signal - activation ?

Yes, The sensor shows up when i conneced by USB. And give a "good" signal +/- 95 L/Hour Have set is to 53129 Sensor - Bus stands op 12 (Was stock 12) Have updated the firmware. Have bought the 4 pins cable. Have check the cable and all pins make contact.

Sonntag, 24. Dezember 2017, 10:35

Forenbeitrag von: »88Gamer88-NLD«

High Flow meter - No flow signal - activation ?

I'm using 2017-3.2, Have flash by both new firmware and is updated to the last one. By MPS have select "Device type" - 53129 this is correct and by aquabus address number "12"

Samstag, 23. Dezember 2017, 22:44

Forenbeitrag von: »88Gamer88-NLD«

High Flow meter - No flow signal - activation ?

Hmmm i have done that.. I have disconnect the USB cable from the MPS and contented the 4 pins to the aduabus header and to the aquabus high port on the aquaero. But the software given't a signal at sensors -> Flow sensors. And also not with "aquabus" optie left in the list. Currently connected aquabus deceives is empty.

Samstag, 23. Dezember 2017, 21:33

Forenbeitrag von: »88Gamer88-NLD«

High Flow meter - No flow signal - activation ?

I have a other question to you . Do you know i can connect it with the 4 pins cable ? Is it plug and play ? or need i change setting somewhere ?

Samstag, 23. Dezember 2017, 21:18

Forenbeitrag von: »88Gamer88-NLD«

High Flow meter - No flow signal - activation ?

Thank you. I will take a look at it Your last link where i can buy the cable doens't work btw It works Have remove the S-GND Pin from the 5 pins header an connect it on the 4 pins from the 9 pins USB 2.0 Header Thanks

Samstag, 23. Dezember 2017, 21:00

Forenbeitrag von: »88Gamer88-NLD«

High Flow meter - No flow signal - activation ?

Is there no other way ? without a adapter ? i'm using only usb 3.0 or 3.1. Or am i obligated to a buy a adapter only for activation ? (Motherboard is a ASUS Mark Tuf 1 X299 chipset) EDIT: After the activation i can connect the flowmeter to the Aquaero with the 4 pins cable ?

Samstag, 23. Dezember 2017, 20:22

Forenbeitrag von: »88Gamer88-NLD«

High Flow meter - No flow signal - activation ?

Hello, I have installed yesterday the Aquaero 6 LT, and today the high flow meter 53129 in me case. Have disconnet the USB cable from the Aquaero and connect it with the USB cable from the high flow meter (Have only one USB 2.0 header) and the software found the MPS device but no signal in the software. Now i see i need to activate the flow meter, how can i do that ? Have on my motherboard one USB 2.0 header. I think there need 2 devices connect with a USB cable for linking the activation ? When...