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Suchergebnisse 1-8 von insgesamt 8.

Mittwoch, 29. März 2023, 07:57

Forenbeitrag von: »ManniX«

Issues with new Aqua D5 pumps

"This is normal. Aquacomputer uses different electronics than EKWB for the Pump, with different PWM Settings. If you set the PWM to 0%, the Aquacomputer D5 pump will run at around 2000 rpm, while the EK D5 pumps runs a lot slower with 0% PWM." All the D5s are from Aqua. Only the Revo is EK, it's just a mount. Looks more like it's wrongly calibrated, unless Aqua itself changed something in their firmware in the last 3 years.

Dienstag, 28. März 2023, 14:55

Forenbeitrag von: »ManniX«

Issues with new Aqua D5 pumps

I just bought 2 new Aqua D5 pumps last week and I have problems with both. Had already 2 of them bought 3 years ago on a EK Revo Dual Serial, working perfectly fine. I've added these other 2 on another EK Revo Dual Serial. They are all connected to the 4 Fan inputs of the Aquaero 6 and configured as PWM. These 2 new pumps are working, I have a flow meter and tested them one by one. The issue with the 3rd is that the PWM range is different from the first 2. To have it running at about 3300 rpm li...

Montag, 25. Mai 2020, 21:05

Forenbeitrag von: »ManniX«

Bug in OCTO firmware 1008?

Indeed with a higher minimum rpm it doesn't happen, thanks. According to the fan specs the min is 400 rpm, thought it was 200 rpm. Not a big deal, I'm just surprised it works better with a Y splitter than without. I'm not going to need to run them so low in the final setup anyway. And they are inaudible either at 400 rpm.

Montag, 25. Mai 2020, 18:51

Forenbeitrag von: »ManniX«

Bug in OCTO firmware 1008?

There's a single ML120 fan per channel; indeed I have the others with a fan Y splitter on the Aquaero. I'd need these fans to run at very low rpm. I'm checking if I can use the start boost to mitigate.

Freitag, 22. Mai 2020, 19:19

Forenbeitrag von: »ManniX«

Bug in OCTO firmware 1008?

I have upgraded to X19 insider version the other day. The OCTO firmware was then upgraded to version 1008. I have 2 Corsair ML120 one each channel on the OCTO. They randomly spin every now and then to full or almost full speed for no reason. They are connected to the same setpoint controller where there other fans, ML120 too, connected to the Aquaero and they don't spin up randomly. Only these 2 connected to the OCTO are acting. It's a pretty new setup so I'm not 100% sure but I don't think it w...

Dienstag, 7. April 2020, 14:47

Forenbeitrag von: »ManniX«

New: aquasuite X

X.17 as version in the first post is a typo right?

Montag, 6. April 2020, 15:45

Forenbeitrag von: »ManniX«

New: aquasuite X

I've just updated to X.15 and it went smooth. No CPU hogging issue like last X.14 upgrade.

Donnerstag, 2. April 2020, 10:21

Forenbeitrag von: »ManniX«

New: aquasuite X

I found the aquasuite service hogging the CPU, one core, at 100%. When I opened the aquasuite program the UI was crawling slow. Then it asked me to update from X13 to X14. I guess the update service needs some fixing; X13 was a fresh and first time install. Once updated everything went back to normal.