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Suchergebnisse 1-9 von insgesamt 9.

Sonntag, 5. Juni 2016, 19:05

Forenbeitrag von: »correzzana«

Aquacomputer D5 USB strange noise, resonance between 20-25 %

Hi Jason, that sounds very strange to me. My Aquacomputer D5 USB and aquabus, linked through aquabus, changes its power gradually from 0 to 100%, I can hear it, and especially measure it as I also have an AC High Flow sensor hooked up too. Not reporting an incorrect value at all, going from 5% to 20% makes visible and audible changes. Also note that if i set it on "0%" it doesn't turn off, but rather runs at the minimum possible rpm, and I guess that's because it's powered by a molex which alway...

Sonntag, 5. Juni 2016, 17:22

Forenbeitrag von: »correzzana«

PA3 fans start up at 100%, even if start boost is off

Hi JackBauer, your situation is very similar to mine but what's even more strange is that the issue happens in a different context. All my 4 channels on the Aquaero 6XT are doing fine, and I also have a D5 from AC hooked to it (via aquabus though) and it's ok too. I feel something just goes wrong during power on, actually behaving like a start boost would do. In your Aquaero ch1 pumps and on my PA3 ch5 fans. Hope someone can explain this

Donnerstag, 2. Juni 2016, 20:14

Forenbeitrag von: »correzzana«

Aquacomputer D5 USB strange noise, resonance between 20-25 %

Hi everyone, I've been using an Aquacomputer D5 USB since the end of last year, and so far so good, very pleased with its performance. Except from a really strange behavior I've noticed in the last period, but I didn't have time to investigate. I normally run the pump all the time on a couple of fixed values like: 15%, 30%, etc.. depending on the task I'm performing, so I've quite never controlled it with a curve. Actually stays almost all of the time on 15%. Increasing the pump % speed in aquas...

Donnerstag, 2. Juni 2016, 19:03

Forenbeitrag von: »correzzana«

PA3 fans start up at 100%, even if start boost is off

Hi to all watercoolers, as from title. Every time the PC turns on or wakes up from sleep, whatever value the PA3 "fan 5 controller" is set to (turned off at 0% or at 50%), the fans connected to output 5 spin up at 100% for 5-10 seconds. Note that this happens only to fan 5, the channels of fan 1 to 4 of the aquaero 6XT just behave normally, remaining shut down or spinning at the percentage I've set. PA3 is aquabus linked to the aquaero. At this point my only question is: what's the point of havi...

Freitag, 26. Februar 2016, 23:49

Forenbeitrag von: »correzzana«

farbwerk USB, Bluetooth and aquabus version

Actually the first one you mentioned, no. 53207 can run on both aquabus or USB, but just one at the same time or the protocols come into to conflict. The bluetooth portion should normally always work no matter which cabled connection. Just keep in mind that the aquabus connection does have a couple of functions less in the control options, like fading effects and such that can only be changed through USB mode but saved in its memory.

Freitag, 26. Februar 2016, 22:19

Forenbeitrag von: »correzzana«

Farbwerk Rev. 2 issue: not able to handle more than 2 led strips // channels

Hi guys, I finally solved it As I strongly believed it wasn't the farbwerk, and neither a power supply / molex or cables matter. It was actually related to the connection between the strip and the clamp.. Ultimately it was caused by the "IP65" specification, as those strips are thicker and different to regular ones. After playing again with everything and doing troubleshooting as I already did before, and as Railgun suggested too, for a couple of hours I found out the 4 "flat pins" of the stripe...

Freitag, 26. Februar 2016, 14:24

Forenbeitrag von: »correzzana«

Farbwerk Rev. 2 issue: not able to handle more than 2 led strips // channels

Sorry I didn't specified I'm using 2 x 1 meter Aquacomputer IP65 black strips ! So everything's original, I wouldn't have bought other 3rd party LEDs (support which is always nice btw) as those AC strips look high quality and have maximum compatibility. Yeah 4 meters of lenght was just an exaggeration, that's so much. But 2 x 30 cm seems like really a low margin.. Why even bothering to put 4 channels if it can just power way less ? I think it would be very intresting to have other Farbwerk users...

Freitag, 26. Februar 2016, 11:59

Forenbeitrag von: »correzzana«

Farbwerk Rev. 2 issue: not able to handle more than 2 led strips // channels

First, thanks everyone for your answers That was the first thing I thought ! As I have a 4 x molex cable coming from my PSU that was powering an Aquaero 6XT, a D5 USB pump, a Poweradjust 3 and the Farbwerk I thought all the devices were sucking too much on a single rail. So I took another molex straight from PSU dedicated just to the farbwerk... Same thing again. BTW I have just hooked up 2 x 30 cm strips, and it seems quite strange to me I'm maxxing it out.. The specs say: Maximum current per c...

Donnerstag, 25. Februar 2016, 20:26

Forenbeitrag von: »correzzana«

Farbwerk Rev. 2 issue: not able to handle more than 2 led strips // channels

Hi everyone, I'll get straight to the point. I own a Farbwerk rev. 2 with bluetooth, usb and aquabus interface. I've tried to connect it through both USB and Aquabus, and the device is recongnized and everything seems fine. The only problem is that after I added more than 2 separate LED strips out of 4, the 3rd won't be recongnized. As I have 3 meters of IP65 LEDs, and 4 led cables for the 4 channels I've tried every possible combination of cables and leds strips. NO WAY, NO WAY. I've tried to u...