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Suchergebnisse 1-26 von insgesamt 26.

Samstag, 17. Juni 2017, 23:22

Forenbeitrag von: »hrmes«

No readouts from HWiNFO after firmware update

I tried your solution on my Windows 7 system and it seems to be working! Well done!

Montag, 13. Februar 2017, 21:07

Forenbeitrag von: »hrmes«

No readouts from HWiNFO after firmware update

The internal HW monitor is working but it doesn't matter what data source you select, it always behaves the same way as I described above. The Aquasuite version is 2017-1.3 and I'm using Windows 7 64bit.

Montag, 13. Februar 2017, 12:31

Forenbeitrag von: »hrmes«

No readouts from HWiNFO after firmware update

Actually... it didn't. Doing a clean Aquasuite installation was a temporary fix. Everything seemed to work OK after installation and HWiNFO sensors were read by Aquasuite and displayed by Aqauero, but after reboot Aquaero failed again to read HWiNFO sensors. In Aquasuite HWiNFO now shows up in data sources and all sensors display correct data, but when I try to configure a software temperature sensor to use HWiNFO as a data source it doesn't work. Only the fallback temperature value is displayed...

Sonntag, 12. Februar 2017, 23:09

Forenbeitrag von: »hrmes«

No readouts from HWiNFO after firmware update

That did the trick, thanks!

Sonntag, 12. Februar 2017, 14:46

Forenbeitrag von: »hrmes«

No readouts from HWiNFO after firmware update

The problem is with the current version of Aquasuite software/Aquaero 5 firmware not with HWiNFO as it has been suggested by some. My Aquaero device stopped reading the HWiNFO sensors after a Aquasuite/firmware upgrade, not after a HWiNFO upgrade.

Mittwoch, 25. Januar 2017, 14:59

Forenbeitrag von: »hrmes«

No readouts from HWiNFO after firmware update

Yes, Aquasuite reports that the service is installed and running, and this is also confirmed in Windows Services. In HWiNFO Sensor Status window I can see the Aquastream sensors, and aboult half of the Aquaero sensors.

Mittwoch, 25. Januar 2017, 13:54

Forenbeitrag von: »hrmes«

No readouts from HWiNFO after firmware update

Hi, I updated yesterday my AquaSuite software to the latest version from the 2016 version and also the firmware of my Aquaero 5 XT to ver. 2009 from 2007. After the update I noticed that Aquaero lost the CPU, MB and GPU temperatures that were read using HWiNFO. I updated HWiNFO to the latest version but that didn't help. When I try to configure in Aquasuite 2017 the software temperature sensors I can't find any HWiNFO sensors in the data sources. Does anyone else have this problem ?

Dienstag, 26. März 2013, 18:19

Forenbeitrag von: »hrmes«

1029 FW makes AE5 lose aquabus connection

Pretty severe bug: Just flashed Aquaero 5 XT to firmware 1029 and it lost the connection with the Aquastream pump via aquabus. The water tempereature sensor as would be expected disappeared and I had to turn off the alarm manually. Maybe a little more testing before release would be in order ?

Freitag, 22. März 2013, 15:43

Forenbeitrag von: »hrmes«

Firmware 1028 cause flashing LEDs

I just updated my AE 5 XT to the latest firmware and aquasuite and now I can see that the red LEDs of the 3 buttons on the right sometimes flash briefly and randomly to 100% brightness. The flashes stop if I set the inactive brightness to 0. Then when the inactivity period passes the LEDs go out and the flashing stops, until I press a button again and the LEDs switch on. Something to fix in the next version...

Montag, 3. Dezember 2012, 12:17

Forenbeitrag von: »hrmes«

Incorrect RGB LED color with latest firmwares

It seems that the current interpolation method is spline-like. There could be an option in the firmware to use ordinary linear interpolation that would produce a more predictable set of values.

Samstag, 1. Dezember 2012, 21:27

Forenbeitrag von: »hrmes«

Aquearo 5 XT Touchscreen not working

You can try to increase the sensitivity of these keys with the Aquasuite software and see if this helps. Just go to 'User Interface' -> 'Key Settings' and scroll to the bottom where 'Key sensitivities' is and enter higher values for those buttons.

Freitag, 30. November 2012, 17:35

Forenbeitrag von: »hrmes«

Incorrect RGB LED color with latest firmwares

After updating the firmware of AQ5 XT to 1026 and then to 1027 I noticed that the colors of a RGB LED that I have installed in a case fan looked a bit different than before. After looking at the settings of the LED controller I realized that the current RGB LED values at a given temperature seem to be incorrect. For example in the attached screenshot at a temperature of 32 C the blue LED value should be less than 20%, yet it is at 31%. The green LED value should also be less than 80%, but it is ...

Mittwoch, 25. Juli 2012, 17:00

Forenbeitrag von: »hrmes«

aquasuite 2012 BETA 15

The occasional connection loss between Aquaero 5 and Aquastream XT seems to have stopped with the latest software.

Dienstag, 17. Juli 2012, 21:41

Forenbeitrag von: »hrmes«

Aquaero 5 XT periodic connection loss

One problem that I'm having with AQ5 is that it loses connection with the Aquastream XT pump via Aquabus 2 or 3 times every day. The connection loss can last from 1 to about 30 seconds each time and this triggers an alarm as I have programmed it to do. During this connection loss the Aquastream XT pump is still accessible with the old Aquasuite software normally. The Aquastream firmware is 1017 and Aquaero 5 XT firmware is 1024, and it's hardware version is 5600. Does this look like a firmware i...

Donnerstag, 12. Juli 2012, 10:44

Forenbeitrag von: »hrmes«

Program to set time in Aquaero 5

That worked great! Thanks very much!

Donnerstag, 12. Juli 2012, 10:14

Forenbeitrag von: »hrmes«

Program to set time in Aquaero 5

In order for Aquaero 5 to display the correct time and date I have to run the Aquasuite at least once a day. I could also run Aquasuite at startup with Windows but I don't want to have it running just to set the time. A better solution would be a small program that could be run at startup that would do just that, read the time and date from Windows and send it to Aquaero 5 and then exit. Do you think your team could do that ?

Mittwoch, 28. Dezember 2011, 22:12

Forenbeitrag von: »hrmes«

PWM Fans Won't Turn Off

There is another thing you can do to stop PWM fans. You can modify the cable of the PWM fan to get the 12V power from another (analog) Aquaero fan channel and configure that fan channel to give 12V constantly except for the temperature range that you want the fan to stop. I must say though that I haven't tried that method before, it's just theory. This also has the disadvantage that you "waste" a fan channel that could control one or more fans on it's own. The best solution must be the firmware ...

Freitag, 23. Dezember 2011, 23:43

Forenbeitrag von: »hrmes«

Aquaero 5 XT new button design

Well, quite frankly this button design looks ugly to me... enough to make me buy the LT or PRO version.

Freitag, 23. Dezember 2011, 10:30

Forenbeitrag von: »hrmes«

Asus Matrix GTX580 - PWM Fans Won't Turn Off

As far as I know PWM fans work constantly at 12V. Their speed is regulated only by the PWM signal that is sent through the 4th pin of a 4-pin fan header (not a molex power connector). I don't know of any PWM fans that actually stop spinning, they may reduce speed to 400-500 RPM but they don't stop. The only way to stop them is to turn off the 12V power to them. Maybe this could be implemented to Aquaero 5 with a firmware update: If fan channel 4 is in PWM mode and is given a fan speed value of 0...

Samstag, 17. Dezember 2011, 19:00

Forenbeitrag von: »hrmes«

Aquaero 5 XT new button design

Look in this thread: Aquero 5 XT - Replacement Touchscreen Control Buttons & Faulty Fan Amp 3? The touchscreen buttons seem to be black there.

Samstag, 17. Dezember 2011, 17:35

Forenbeitrag von: »hrmes«

Aquaero 5 XT new button design

I see that the design of the capacitive buttons of Aquaero 5 XT has changed, yet there aren't any photos in this site of Aquaero 5 XT with the new design. Will I get the new design version if I make an order from a shop like Aquatuning or is it possible that they will still be selling the old version ?

Freitag, 16. Dezember 2011, 18:40

Forenbeitrag von: »hrmes«

Aquaero 5 PRO question

I am trying to decide which Aquaero to get, the XT or PRO version. I would like to ask if the PRO version has the same heatsink that the XT version has. P.S. And please, build Aquaero 5 with black faceplates as default. Virtually every computer today has a black front and we shouldn't have to spend extra money so that AE5 wouldn't look ugly when installed.

Mittwoch, 8. Juni 2011, 15:17

Forenbeitrag von: »hrmes«

Dual AE5 Bugs

This sounds like a serious limitation! So in order not to lose saved settings the device has to be powered all the time - via USB presumably. But what if you have configured your BIOS like me, not to power USB devices while the computer is off ? Then Aquaero 5 will lose it's settings every time you shutdown your computer! I don't like this at all. It may be a dealbreaker for me.

Mittwoch, 1. Juni 2011, 17:54

Forenbeitrag von: »hrmes«

Aquaero 5 PWM fan signal

No official reply... Can any Aquaero 5 owner test a PWM fan and see if 50% fan channel power means 50% fan RPM ?

Mittwoch, 25. Mai 2011, 08:58

Forenbeitrag von: »hrmes«

Aquasuite 2012 BETA 2 Not working

Same problem here with Win 7 x64. Aquasuite 2012 beta 2 won't start at all. Haven't tried beta 1.

Freitag, 13. Mai 2011, 15:07

Forenbeitrag von: »hrmes«

Aquaero 5 PWM fan signal

Hi everyone, this is my first post. I want to replace my T-Balancer with an Aquaero 5 but first I want to know a few details so that I can decide what fans to use with it. What I want to know is, when you are using channel 4 in PWM mode, if the PWM signal is in any way calibrated to reflect the real percentage of maximum fan RPM, or if the PWM signal is simply a raw PWM signal. I'm asking this because I have tested a Noiseblocker 120mm PWM fan with a speed of 1000 to 2000 RPM with the SpeedFan u...