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Suchergebnisse 1-10 von insgesamt 10.

Freitag, 22. November 2013, 08:42

Forenbeitrag von: »oyvjohns«

Aquasuite 2013 - 3 start up issue

Hi again. After trying the new 2013 - 4 for some days without getting the USB issue im pretty shure that its fixed here now. Wery happy and thanksful for your help in here. This morning i see that another update has arrived and i have just installed 2013 - 5. The first reboot went ok so hopefully it will stay that way. I have also used quite some time getting to know Aquasuite a little better and i finally got the Software Temperature Sensor to work using Open Hardware Monitor. Now im using that...

Dienstag, 19. November 2013, 08:32

Forenbeitrag von: »oyvjohns«

Aquasuite 2013 - 3 start up issue

Ok so im not the only one experience this issue. I have just upgraded to version 2013 - 4 and Firmware 1034 and havent got this issue back yet. Gonna try it a few days now and report back how its running. Seanimus: Good too hear that you can just ignore the USB error, self i can not. Im normally running my i7 2600K at 5 GHz but after this trouble i have dropped it down to 4.6 together with lower cpu voltage just to be on the safe side. My system has been rock stabil for about a year now but when...

Sonntag, 17. November 2013, 11:15

Forenbeitrag von: »oyvjohns«

Aquasuite 2013 - 3 start up issue

Sorry to say that its still the same error when starting up the machine. I also got another issue when trying to import my settings again while the red cross is present. When i push the aquaero button and then Settings the whole program goes into Fatal Error with this message: Description Faulting Application Path: C:\Program Files\aquasuite\aquasuite.exe Problem signature Problem Event Name: CLR20r3 Problem Signature 01: aquasuite.exe Problem Signature 02: Problem Signature 03: 527b5c7...

Samstag, 16. November 2013, 14:51

Forenbeitrag von: »oyvjohns«

Aquasuite 2013 - 3 start up issue

Then i made a clean reinstall og Aquasuite and imported both the page and the settings. All works great here so far, made a handful of reboots without any issues, so im hopeful right now. I suspect that this issue maybe followed the settings when i diddent make a clean install? At least that what im hoping anyway. Im gonna try it like this for a while and let you know how it goes. Thank you for your help so far.

Samstag, 16. November 2013, 13:50

Forenbeitrag von: »oyvjohns«

Aquasuite 2013 - 3 start up issue

Hi again. Looked into Windows log, no errors regarding Aquasuite. Now after several reboots during the day, the Aquasuite still running flawless. Just like it did yesterday. But the wierd thing is that after the computer has been down for some hours, the error appears when starting up. The only thing i can think of is that after upgrading to 2013 -3 something has gone wrong creating this issue during start up. As i wrote, when this happens the only thing i can do to get it back to normal is to r...

Samstag, 16. November 2013, 08:57

Forenbeitrag von: »oyvjohns«

Aquasuite 2013 - 3 start up issue

Ok this is what happend this morning. Yesterday when i shut down my computer everything worked just fine, this morning when starting up i get this red X and nothing works again. Stopped the pc and unplugged, then i unplugged the USB cable in both ends taking a good look at it and everything looks great. Boot up again with the same result. Then i uninstalled Aquasuite, reboot and install it again, new reboot and everything is 10 out of 10. This is exactly how its happend before too, i have to rei...

Freitag, 15. November 2013, 12:52

Forenbeitrag von: »oyvjohns«

Aquasuite 2013 - 3 start up issue

Hi Mandrix. No i havent changed anything, just upgraded to 2013 -3. This issue has not appeared on any of the other versions i have runned so i dont understand why its suddenly like this. Do you have any theories?

Freitag, 15. November 2013, 09:52

Forenbeitrag von: »oyvjohns«

Aquasuite 2013 - 3 start up issue

Hi. After upgrading to 2013 - 3 version i got some trouble with my startup of the program. This has never happend with the later versions so im posting here to try and get some help with it. Whats happening. Normally when i start up my computer the page i created to my needs is showing like this: But after 2013 - 3 this often happens: The problem when this is showing is that my Øyvind`s Page is dead, no data is showing on the "intruments" and its all greyed out. When i try to delete the default ...

Donnerstag, 15. November 2012, 11:29

Forenbeitrag von: »oyvjohns«

Aquasuite upgrade?

Thanks for the info. New version installed and after alot of pain and bad words, everything is working properly. To me it seems like this new version is a bit slover when trying to change a setting or opening a new page? Cant belive that its so because of my computer, running CPU at 5 GHz so maybe its because of the Aquacomputer? Can you confirm this? Regards.. Ø

Donnerstag, 15. November 2012, 08:53

Forenbeitrag von: »oyvjohns«

Aquasuite upgrade?

Hello all. I have a litle trouble finding out which upgrade is the newest. Im still running Beta 10 and have done so for about 1 year now without any issues, but now im interested in trying a newer version. But i have some questions about this: What is the latest version and where do i get it? Is it possible to save my setup on Beta 10 version and import it to a newer version. What is the changed from Beta 10, is it worth it to change to a newer one when the one i got works perfect? Best regards...