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Suchergebnisse 1-27 von insgesamt 27.

Dienstag, 6. September 2022, 16:19

Forenbeitrag von: »gavogavo«

Dual windows boot, shared settings

Sir!!! THANK YOU!!!!! I had thought about symbolic links at one point but it totally slipped my mind and I wouldn't have even known where to start with windows. Absolutely perfect. Thank you very, VERY much. To anyone finding this thread, follow the above link and the video has all the commands you need. In summary: Stop the AquaSuite service (use admin to open CMD and run the commands) Backup the folder data is NOT going to host the files, by renaming the existing folder (AquaSuite will therefo...

Dienstag, 6. September 2022, 12:33

Forenbeitrag von: »gavogavo«

Dual windows boot, shared settings

Hello, I have a D5 Next, Leakshield, High Flow Next and Octa RGB. The Octa controls the fans, and much of the RGB. I have 2 windows installs on the same machine. My primary, and my secondary. I do not have a signal wire connecting anything to the octa, so I have to use, I guess they are "soft" sensors, utilising the water temperature from pump or flow meter to give me water temperature. So have to manually assign water temperature soft sensors to the Octa sensor suite, within the AquaSuite. I ha...

Donnerstag, 24. März 2022, 06:07

Forenbeitrag von: »gavogavo«

Highflow Next, won't change by on and standby

All good Thank you for the reply The problem is that with those exact settings, the display stays off, even now at this moment when the machine is clearly running. i.e. the HighFlow thinks it is always in Suspend/Idle mode, for some reason. Can also confirm that "USB selective suspend" is indeed enabled in windows...

Donnerstag, 24. März 2022, 01:55

Forenbeitrag von: »gavogavo«

Highflow Next, won't change by on and standby

Sorry you're absolutely correct.. both units (Octo and High Flow) are plugged directly into the motherboard. The issue seems to be, that the highflow cannot detect the difference between idle/standby and running. I have tried all the combinations in the "System" -> "Standby Configuration" screen. Literally no option is letting the HighFlow use the display option from "Brightness" instead of "Brightness when idle". So to be clear... currently NO option is selected in "standby configuration", ther...

Mittwoch, 23. März 2022, 23:51

Forenbeitrag von: »gavogavo«

Highflow Next, won't change by on and standby

I can only tell because of the display only reacting to "Brightness when idle"... I want the LED and Display to be on-low when the machine is on, and when the machine is switched off, to turn off the the display. Currently, the "brightness" setting does nothing, and the screen responds only to "brightness when idle". So I can switch it off, but this turns it off while the machine is running. My system is running through an Octo, so I am sure I am simply missing a setting, but I'm not sure what I...

Samstag, 5. März 2022, 03:49

Forenbeitrag von: »gavogavo«

Flashing red LED (and RGBpx outputs) on Octo

Hey all, Finally got around to installing my Octo and next flow sensor. Did a full rebuild and when I boot up, the Octo has a flashing red LED, and the RGB outputs are flashing red as well. I can't seem to change it. The manual seems to say this is due to fault or voltage error but all the connected fans and devices are plugged in fully and were working before when plugged straight into the motherboard. UPDATE: I found the alarm and powered off the machine fully. On reboot it seems to be working...

Freitag, 25. Februar 2022, 08:20

Forenbeitrag von: »gavogavo«

Should Shield-mode go to the set point temperature?

Have no idea. There's nothing I can see in the manual about it nor anywhere online, nor can I find the membrane itself. I'm just going by the earlier comment in here from Stephan on the 18th February, where he said it can be easily replaced without opening the LeakShield. I'll update when I hear back from customer service, but right now It looks like I am going to have to switch my Leakshield to "release" and use it like a lid until the new membrane arrives.

Donnerstag, 24. Februar 2022, 23:20

Forenbeitrag von: »gavogavo«

Should Shield-mode go to the set point temperature?

Update: My opinion on my problem has changed... cleaning the membrane is giving diminishing results.... It is now not even letting me a Release/Shield cycle as it sometimes triggers an alarm during the test, as it just did. I think a new membrane is required per one of the mods comments earlier in this post.

Donnerstag, 24. Februar 2022, 13:09

Forenbeitrag von: »gavogavo«

Should Shield-mode go to the set point temperature?

I had not seen that. I'll wait for a reply. Thank you for the update.

Donnerstag, 24. Februar 2022, 11:47

Forenbeitrag von: »gavogavo«

Should Shield-mode go to the set point temperature?

I have tried to email twice this week and no response received The problem is now back again with the system pumping only enough pressure to take to minimum, which falls, then alarms go off. I hope I am not expected to clean and dry the leakshield membrane once every 5-6 days.

Donnerstag, 24. Februar 2022, 11:25

Forenbeitrag von: »gavogavo«

Solution aqua computer service not start automatically when turning on the pc, please service support read to investigate please

Perhaps and old thread and unrelated, but my external sensors often stop working, or do not start. Restarting in admin and then restarting the service does not fix the problem. Fallback values also do not seem to work (I have CPU core with fallback of 80degC... currently reporting 0degC). I am on Windows 10, current build. I assume the problem is software conflict.

Mittwoch, 23. Februar 2022, 01:44

Forenbeitrag von: »gavogavo«

Should Shield-mode go to the set point temperature?

Exactly. To confirm, I have been running it since the last post... It holds pressure, but it certainly does not return the pressure back to the set point after release. Just did a release/shield mode and it's behaving exactly as I predicted: on re-pressurisation, it increases above set point and drops instantly to approx 50% between set point and minimum. It will get closer to minimum over time (release/shield cycles will drift further and further from set point). I agree: I hope they can take a...

Dienstag, 22. Februar 2022, 13:00

Forenbeitrag von: »gavogavo«

Should Shield-mode go to the set point temperature?

Update: the machine was operating as expected, with release/shield cycles taking the pressure up to the set point and holding. I powered off the machine for the first since my last cleaning update... It was off for approximately 4 hours. On return I powered the machine on and it did cycle pressure up to maximum... I noticed this and once the software booted up (after a restart with admin and manual start of the service), it ran with lower than expected pressure (under the set point) and triggere...

Sonntag, 20. Februar 2022, 08:17

Forenbeitrag von: »gavogavo«

Should Shield-mode go to the set point temperature?

Update: I am fairly there is something going on with software here. I finally got around to setting up my second operating system: I use one for daily and normal games, and another purely for VR. I got the dual boot of the VR one set up today. I installed the drivers I needed to, and AquaSuite. I imported the Pump and LeakShield settings that I had exported from my main install. The LeakShield now has a constant set point at a high level (over 400 millibar). I changed it to the "Use adaptive pre...

Sonntag, 20. Februar 2022, 03:17

Forenbeitrag von: »gavogavo«

Should Shield-mode go to the set point temperature?

No worries, I'm happy for the input. I have 122mm from the top of the LED ring (positioned at the bottom of the reservoir), to the lid of the reservoir (bottom of the leakshield). The water level is around 98mm. This gives around the right amount of.. I don't think it's overfilled but I might get told I am wrong. Visibly, I would estimate it at around 3/4 or 4/5 filled, keeping in mind this is me saying visually how full it is to my eye. So just now this happened and I found it it interesting (a...

Samstag, 19. Februar 2022, 03:20

Forenbeitrag von: »gavogavo«

Should Shield-mode go to the set point temperature?

The previous comment on this forum I can't find so I might be mistaken, confusing it with the reddit post (or another one). But here is the Reddit link . The quoted text is "Not sure about the setup that you have in mind now, but if you can make sure that LEAKSHIELD will not suck in coolant through this T-connector, then it will work. A membrane protects the device from coolant but when this membrane becomes wet, LEAKSHIELD can not operate correctly until it is dry again."

Samstag, 19. Februar 2022, 00:34

Forenbeitrag von: »gavogavo«

Should Shield-mode go to the set point temperature?

Thanks for the feedback, but I don't feel like I should have to buy a new membrane yet. It certainly cannot have been damaged by plasticizers.. this is a brand new (2 weeks old now) system that was built using ZMT tubing. The system was flushed wish water before. I have since changed the fluid to Corsair Hydro X clear (thank you for the suggestions both @Remayz and @Stephan ) as I cannot cheaply get DP Ultra in my country (quotes are 88Euro for shipping through AquaComputer shop). I don't think ...

Freitag, 18. Februar 2022, 04:47

Forenbeitrag von: »gavogavo«

External (Hue) sensor into AquaSuite via MQTT?

Thanks for your reply on this. I did some testing, and sitting it inside my case (where both radiators to exhaust via pull), there's negligible difference to the air around the PC.. so I've left it in there for now. I then created a virtual sensor that changes the water temp to consider the delta to ambient. Awesome

Freitag, 18. Februar 2022, 04:11

Forenbeitrag von: »gavogavo«

Should Shield-mode go to the set point temperature?

Thanks for your assistance Sebastian. Confirming that this did seem to somewhat fix the problem... it started recording pressure closer to the set-point, but as of today, I noticed it was repeating the behaviour of last time. I opened the LeakShield after switching everything off, and noticed there was a lot of condensation on the bottom of the leakshield and membrane. Not sure if I am doing something wrong to be causing this. The water temp is only set to 35degC but I can't imagine anything can...

Dienstag, 15. Februar 2022, 14:13

Forenbeitrag von: »gavogavo«

Should Shield-mode go to the set point temperature?

Thank you for your reply! I did flush the system: radiators were thoroughly rinsed until water was clear: tubes were rinsed, and a flush of distilled water was made as well. I guess it's possible things still come out, this makes sense. Isopropyl alcohol is safe to use on the membrane? I thought it was very delicate. Is there a procedure I can follow to ensure I do not damage it?

Dienstag, 15. Februar 2022, 13:40

Forenbeitrag von: »gavogavo«

Should Shield-mode go to the set point temperature?

Also, the system has only been built for 10 days... Is it possible the LeakShield is faulty?

Dienstag, 15. Februar 2022, 13:34

Forenbeitrag von: »gavogavo«

Should Shield-mode go to the set point temperature?

oh no Just distilled water at the moment (switching to a coolant soon). No dyes. Tubing is EK ZMT, 16/10. I have been keeping it clean, I can't imagine it would be dirt ... What do you recommend to do?

Dienstag, 15. Februar 2022, 12:02

Forenbeitrag von: »gavogavo«

Should Shield-mode go to the set point temperature?

I have re-ran "measure fill level" multiple times. I get between 72 and 60% (again, the level of liquid in the res does not appear to have to changed from yesterday when it was over 80). Back to back measurements are giving different results, and I feel like there is a dip in pressure when shield mode is turned on and set point pressure is reached (per the screenshot above... shield mode activated.. pressure builds to around set point, then falls to near the "min" level... sits there and slowly ...

Dienstag, 15. Februar 2022, 11:47

Forenbeitrag von: »gavogavo«

Should Shield-mode go to the set point temperature?

Sorry. So it generally looks something like this. Now also, though the water level is not decreasing, I notice the reported fill level is lowering substantially (is now at 66% when was 88% yesterday), but there is no leak... the pressure alarm is going off frequently tonight. This is since I turned the computer back on from a few hours ago. I do think there might be an air leak somewhere, but I don't know why this would change the behaviour of the Shield mode going to just above minimum pressure...

Dienstag, 15. Februar 2022, 06:18

Forenbeitrag von: »gavogavo«

Should Shield-mode go to the set point temperature?

I should add that my D5 pump is running at 50% static speed (not changing). I have Leakshield settings to use default pressure values, and adaptive pressure is ON. Thanks!

Dienstag, 15. Februar 2022, 06:16

Forenbeitrag von: »gavogavo«

Should Shield-mode go to the set point temperature?

Just noticed that my Leakshield is adding just a small amount of pressure more often, to bring the pressure just above the minimum-pressure (197mbar) instead of the set point (around 240mbar). So it hovers around 200mbar, then when it ducks below the minimum, it adds just a little. I thought it should add enough to bring the pressure up to the set-point, rather than the minimum. Is there something I am doing wrong, or am I thinking about this incorrectly? Thanks!

Mittwoch, 9. Februar 2022, 11:41

Forenbeitrag von: »gavogavo«

External (Hue) sensor into AquaSuite via MQTT?

Hi all, I can't find an answer to this and I am surprised... I want to get a true(well, more-true) value of ambient temperature to AquaSuite. I have a sensor that I can get into an Influx Database and can then use an MQTT broker to read that data, but I can't seem to get AquaSuite to let me use that as an input. I can send a message to MQTT but I can't receive... I think something like this would be super valuable because an attached sensor (to the motherboard etc) is giving a reading close to t...