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Suchergebnisse 1-13 von insgesamt 13.

Samstag, 6. Februar 2021, 18:36

Forenbeitrag von: »Elior77«

Aquasuit guide for best cooling vs noise ratio

I tried what you suggest for a while, the problems are : Fans speed is not limited - can cause noisePID behavior is not as smooth as the curve I use.PID does not start raising the fans speed until the set temp is reached - fans will start too high and too late.Target coolant is not absolute, it is relative to ambient temp. There for you should use my tune in order to get the best cooling vs lowest noise. You must use DelteT, Max DeltaT, pump and fans low and high limits. It is not that complicat...

Freitag, 5. Februar 2021, 18:45

Forenbeitrag von: »Elior77«

Aquasuit guide for best cooling vs noise ratio

Aquasuit guide for best cooling vs noise ratio Target: best possible cooling while maintaining low noise level. Tools: Monitor and control: * Aquaero 5/6 * Quadro * Octo Inputs: * Ambient temperature * Radiator OUT temperature Fans: * PWM Fans - recommended Tuning procedure: Find high limit for the pump (if noisy), max speed while noise level is acceptable. (in my case 60% is fast enough and quite enough). Find the low and high limits of your rad fans. Low limit is when the fan will not spin any...

Freitag, 22. Januar 2021, 02:49

Forenbeitrag von: »Elior77«

New: aquasuite X

I run X.25 on QUADRO and VISION, I can not update VISION fw - I press update and it does nothing... (it just offered an update from 22 to 25 I think... then the problem started. Can you help?

Montag, 3. August 2020, 16:04

Forenbeitrag von: »Elior77«

Can not update - error

When I try yp update to x.24 or x.25 I get "The aquasuite must be closed before updating - never had this problem while updating.

Samstag, 11. Januar 2020, 13:46

Forenbeitrag von: »Elior77«

RGB LED Control Q

Hey, I got the RGB LED connected to my Aquaero 5 LT. I would like to set it up like that: Amb vs Water temp delta 0-8C Blue LED Above 8.1 Red LED I tried to use the "Two point controller" but the logic is different I think. The "Two point controller" allwas to set a Switch on point and a Switch off point... I tried to set on @ 0C, off @ 8.0C and another one, on @ 8.1C, off @99C They both come on together... 100% Any simple way to do that ? Thanks Elior

Samstag, 11. Januar 2020, 13:39

Forenbeitrag von: »Elior77«

Aquabus vs no aquabus

I use Aqaero 5LT and Quadro

Freitag, 10. Januar 2020, 11:38

Forenbeitrag von: »Elior77«

Profiles on 5 LT do not work

Did not work - after restart it does...

Freitag, 10. Januar 2020, 09:17

Forenbeitrag von: »Elior77«

Aquabus vs no aquabus

I have two devices with out aquabus cable between them, and all seems to work fine, what are the benefits of connecting them via aquabus?

Freitag, 10. Januar 2020, 09:14

Forenbeitrag von: »Elior77«

Profiles on 5 LT do not work

Did that, does not work. Would you like a video?

Freitag, 10. Januar 2020, 08:24

Forenbeitrag von: »Elior77«

Profiles on 5 LT do not work

Hey, I got Quadro and Aquearo 5 LT, profiles on Quadro works great but on the LT they do not work... I choose the profile under the system tab (after I saved it to the appropriate profile) and the settings do not change. Can you help ? Thanks Elior

Sonntag, 5. Januar 2020, 11:06

Forenbeitrag von: »Elior77«

Pre made profiles or guide for aquasuite

Hay, I use aquacomputer products for many years and I love them, I know how complicated a profile on Aquasuite can get, I think it would be a great thing to offer pre made profile (like examples) or even a well written guide that will explain the logic, what is the target and what is the best way to achieve it - best practice, may be even a profile suggestions generator, you input all your spec and the output is recommended settings for your set up and target (silent, performance) Thanks ! Elior

Freitag, 3. Januar 2020, 10:01

Forenbeitrag von: »Elior77«

Aquasuise X.11 and X.4 bug report

1. I can use "CPU usage" as data source - and if it was not meant to be, it should - it is a very nice option. SS attached. The only thing left to do is change the labels "Minimum temperature" "Maximum temperature" to "Minimum value" "Maximum value" or just "Minimum" "Maximum". 2. How come I can not downgrade ? If I do not like the bugs on the insider and want to go to the stable release - Normally I could. btw no error massage... 3. SS attached - but nothing much to see - the functions in the w...

Freitag, 3. Januar 2020, 09:35

Forenbeitrag von: »Elior77«

Aquasuise X.11 and X.4 bug report

Hey, If this is not the right place please move it, thank you. X.11 bugs: 1. QUADRO->FANS->FAN SETUP->"i" items does not work. 2. QUADRO->SENSORS when adding something that is not a temp sensor (cpu usage) it will not show up when choosing "Controller source". X.4 bugs: After installing and using X.11 I tried X.4 - It gave a massage about firmware update needed but the button did nothing. Thanks ! Elior