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Suchergebnisse 1-50 von insgesamt 211.

Donnerstag, 28. Januar 2016, 23:03

Forenbeitrag von: »Namron«

aquasuite 2016-4

Yup!!!!.... Update went all well for me so far with no issues to report yet ..... Also am quite liking the new look e.t.c.... Nice One ..... Nam......

Sonntag, 11. Oktober 2015, 19:38

Forenbeitrag von: »Namron«

Manual? Tutorial? WTF?

There are also guides out there if you google it...... My own guides even showed up HERE My guides are mostly for the AQ 5 But much of the actual setting up of the Aquaero are the same pretty much... The guides have pictures explaining how to set up basic control curves e.t.c..... So... Calm down..... Take a Chill Pill & prepare yourself for a fairly steep learning curve & one that is going to require a certain amount of patience also....... Once you get your head around it you'll soon get the h...

Mittwoch, 23. September 2015, 17:46

Forenbeitrag von: »Namron«

Help with wiring diagrams

Hiya Major C.... Although your getting some great help from Frank & Jak that should see you right... I have done a couple of guides for setting up the Aquaero & various other items that you attach to Aquaero... My guides are HERE if you want to have a deco at them & hope they don't confuse you anymore & maybe just help to see how & what connects where with what a little ...... Anyway night be worth a look for you... Good luck.. It's an awesome bit of kit & once you do start to get your head arou...

Sonntag, 5. Juli 2015, 20:53

Forenbeitrag von: »Namron«

aquasuite 2015 version 3

Hi Razor ...... HaHa... really glad the guides are still being used & are still helping peoples out... Really good news ........ Also... Very glad It saves all that hand holding hey... HeHe... Hopefully they know of this issue & I'm sure they'll be a fix come up soon...... Fingers crossed e.t.c... Ohhhh & Thanks for still passing on my guide things.... Really appreciate it Razor Cheers dude ..... Nam....

Sonntag, 5. Juli 2015, 10:29

Forenbeitrag von: »Namron«

aquasuite 2015 version 3

Zitat von »razortime« Done a fresh install and even setup as new and still I cannot select which screens I wish to display? The page is just blank???? Yup!!... Got excactly the same with me I'm afraid!!.... Lucky I've only updated this one PC of my 3 PC's that run Aquasuite... Have also tried the re-fresh to Factory Defaults & done a complete re-install of Aquasuite ... No imorts of old saved files & not installed using any previous settings e.t.c, A Pretty much total new clean install & still ...

Montag, 27. April 2015, 20:34

Forenbeitrag von: »Namron«

Aquaero 6 - 2 PWM pumps and 6 fans

Zitat von »MP7« Yeah I will be ordering a lot of stuff from percormance pc's soon so 1 or 2 more cables won't be a problem, I will go bankrupt anyway with my new build Thx Nam HaHa... Yup sure is an expensive hobby when you get into it & want to do it properly .... It never hurts to have a few cables spare I've always found. Look forward to seeing your build wherever you happen to post it up ... If you should need more info or a few guides on the Aquaero I have done a couple of guides e.t.c tha...

Montag, 27. April 2015, 16:01

Forenbeitrag von: »Namron«

Aquaero 6 - 2 PWM pumps and 6 fans

Zitat von »MP7« You're right, it's the high flow port on the aquaero I found this on overclock.net, someone wrote : I thought you must have had the USB/Aquabus version of the flow meter by your description of the cables you said you had come with it ... & Yes you need to get thee 4 pin Aquabus cable if you want the full function of most Aquabus add ons, Although I think you will be ok just using the 3 pin Aquabus cable that came with the flow meter if you like ... Nam...

Montag, 27. April 2015, 15:35

Forenbeitrag von: »Namron«

Aquaero 6 - 2 PWM pumps and 6 fans

Zitat von »MP7« Hey Namron, thx for replying. Yes, I have the one that came with the cables already. So yeah I don't have to connect him with the mobo, since that 5pin connector will be already taken by the one form the Aquaero, I mean the flow meter only has to send the signal reading to the Aquaero and that's it I think. Like I said, you connect the usb connection only if you don't have an aquaero I guess. Or I got it wrong? Pretty much all the Aquaero add on's can be connected both via the A...

Montag, 27. April 2015, 15:17

Forenbeitrag von: »Namron«

Aquaero 6 - 2 PWM pumps and 6 fans

Sorry to butt in here chaps but thought I would mention something before you connect things up and destroy something (highly likely as the Aquaero & it's relative items that connect to it are prone to something going pop if connected wrongly ).... @ MP7, The AQ flow meter you linked to doesn't come with any leads as you need to buy the 3 pin flow cable for it separately (at least this was the case the last time I purchased one of these regular AQ flow meters, A good while ago now I admit, so may...

Freitag, 20. Februar 2015, 20:35

Forenbeitrag von: »Namron«

Sad news for the USA water cooling community (update)

Zitat von »bcikota« Good to hear that your guides will be preserved Namron. They are an indispensable resource when one is starting with aquaero gear. All the best with your health issues. I can't believe Specialtech is gone too. It seems there are fewer and fewer places where you can get all or most of the needed gear at once. Sad. Kind regards, Boris. Hiya Boris .... Thanks & great that you have found the guides helpful in the past. As I said to InfoSeeker My own site is live but needs me to ...

Freitag, 20. Februar 2015, 14:59

Forenbeitrag von: »Namron«

Sad news for the USA water cooling community (update)

Zitat von »InfoSeeker« Hey Nam. Wow, some serious challenges you are dealing with... looking forward to your updates and new posts after your recuperation & conquering of the cancer. May the FORCE be with you Cheers InfoSeeker, Yeh I definitely got one or two issues going on with me it's true lol. But I will certainly be fighting the Cancer with all the force I can muster for sure .. But... Yeh could also certainly use the Force also to help me out some ... Once again Thanks InfoSeeker I apprec...

Freitag, 20. Februar 2015, 00:34

Forenbeitrag von: »Namron«

Sad news for the USA water cooling community (update)

Zitat von »InfoSeeker« A similar result for customers of both companies, but i believe very different reasons for the cause. And yes, I read many of your excellent, detailed reviews on their website. Unfortunately the links I had on my desktop are now fail as they appear to have removed all posts on the forum. Hi InfoSeeker, Glad you found my guides useful, I will be reposting them (as I have them saved to my home server) on my own Web Site I have set up. It is going to take me a little while t...

Donnerstag, 19. Februar 2015, 21:21

Forenbeitrag von: »Namron«

kryographics GTX 980 Backplate

Going to be wanting at least one of these along with a glass fronted nickel plated full water blocks when they hit the shop.. Nam...

Donnerstag, 19. Februar 2015, 21:15

Forenbeitrag von: »Namron«

Sad news for the USA water cooling community (update)

In the same very Sad vain the UK's best PC Cooling online shop That was Specialtech.co.uk has also closed down yesterday ..... I used to write the reviews & guides there on the forums in the "Man on the Streets Reviews". I have only just got home after being in hospital for the past three weeks & the site seemed to be doing well before I went into hospital & so was a complete shock to find it all closed down when I got home yesterday . Very very sad to see these companies going to the wall like ...

Donnerstag, 19. Februar 2015, 21:03

Forenbeitrag von: »Namron«

small build log of my external rad

Very Nicely done InfoSeeker .. & great that you have shared this as was said it's not often you see these GIGANT builds Nam...

Sonntag, 3. August 2014, 21:20

Forenbeitrag von: »Namron«

RE: Help! Newly purchased Aquaero 6 Pro not connecting to windows via USB or remembering the date set.

Zitat von »charlescreed« Hello! First time posting here so not sure if there is any etiquette. The tittle says it all really. I purchased this device to control my water loops fans and it works very well at doing that. However I can not get it to connect to my computer. I have triple checked the USB polarity tried different USB motherboards headers and verified they worked with other gadgets. I have also noticed it does not remember the date that I have now set multiple times. which is leading ...

Mittwoch, 16. Juli 2014, 23:59

Forenbeitrag von: »Namron«

Jeak RGB Amp

Once again Jeak you came up trumps & provided excellent service & full rate product for me again. Got latest ones from you today with all the extra RGB's I asked for & everything just as I ordered... Fantastic stuff & many thanks .. Norman.. (Namron)

Montag, 7. Juli 2014, 08:33

Forenbeitrag von: »Namron«

Problem with Aquaero 5 LT after flashing firmware - seems to be dead

Download English Manual from HERE (it'll open to Adobe Acrobat reader, I'd advise printing it out for future reference ) & go to page 46 where it explains how to do a hard re-set (recovery mode). N.

Mittwoch, 25. Juni 2014, 08:53

Forenbeitrag von: »Namron«

D5 pump tach lead

Using one of these Cables should do the trick ... Some use the motherboard CPU fan header (using the AQ 5) & then set the bios for a shut on low rpm's, But now the AQ 6 has much better power outage this I guess would be the easiest route to use now... N.

Mittwoch, 18. Juni 2014, 23:59

Forenbeitrag von: »Namron«

Aquasuite 2014-2

Great Sebastian nice one & appreciate it ... Nam..

Mittwoch, 18. Juni 2014, 17:08

Forenbeitrag von: »Namron«

Aquasuite 2014-2

Zitat von »mandrix« Please number the release file names, this is getting hard to keep up. Agree.... This shouldn't be so hard to do surely & would make life so much easier for some of us knowing which version set or whatever were on now e.t.c.. . PRETTY PLEASE???? N.

Sonntag, 15. Juni 2014, 08:39

Forenbeitrag von: »Namron«

Need help

Zitat von »centralnui« A few days left since I requested for the help. Is this an official forum? If it is, then why no ones respond? This is the English language side of the forum not the main German Aquacomputer Forum!!! Zitat von »Rostiger« Hi, better read a " Beginners Guide for Watercooling " with your browser, here you can find a lot of answers for your question´s.. ^ ^ This..... It seems to me you really need to research more for your own good to be honest!!.. Sorry if that sounds a bit ...

Samstag, 7. Juni 2014, 00:26

Forenbeitrag von: »Namron«

Help on temperature monitoring

It's all down to personal tatse & needs really as to how many temp sensors are used & whether to go the Delta route or not to go the delta route .. Some go the Delta some don't, Personally i've always found just using two temp sensors per loop works just fine for me. I put one temp probe on the outlet of each of the blocks I want to monitor (hotest the fluid will be) & a second probe on the Cold outlet of a the last Rad (coldest the fluid will be) & make a curve control just from those.. It's wo...

Samstag, 7. Juni 2014, 00:08

Forenbeitrag von: »Namron«

I need advice about of filter from aquacomputer

Personally I've never ever seen a need for or used a filter in a PC cooling loop!!... It's Just something to cause a restriction in my opinion that has never been needed .. That's just my opinion you understand, I have been using the Aquaero's since they came out & water cooled all my PC's including my PC'c I use for all my reviewing e.t.c.. N.

Montag, 2. Juni 2014, 07:58

Forenbeitrag von: »Namron«

Multiswitch random output on

I'm guessing... No one that comes on here (Apart from the odd visit from someone from AC now & then) uses that old Multiswitch unit???.. It's just a guess on my part you understand, I've never used it before or if I could help I would... It maybe a case you need to go onto another forum as well as this one to try & pry & answer from someone from AC or the Aq community (they only tend to pop in here now & then it seems)... I myself have done a lot as regards to using various units of the Aquaero ...

Samstag, 3. Mai 2014, 10:19

Forenbeitrag von: »Namron«

Help Please Configuration FRor AquaComputer Extreme Liquid Cooling

Zitat von »Larry L« Hi Namron no sir you did not miss understand I got confused with this. my bad mistake. Not sure why or how you would connect fans to a USB Expansion Board?? (that you linked to?)...... Fans don't run off a USB??? Will be using Y Cabels to connect the fans to the pro 6. Planning on using the Aquacomputer Dual DDC http://shop.aquacomputer.de/product_info…roducts_id=2359 to run the D-5 Pumps in Series (Single Loop) 1. Does the DDC come with mounting brackets? 2. Mounting bracke...

Donnerstag, 1. Mai 2014, 17:51

Forenbeitrag von: »Namron«

Help Please Configuration FRor AquaComputer Extreme Liquid Cooling

The AQ 6 will control the speed of the pump if the PWM connector is wired up the same as this DDC PWM PUMP I'm using at present to test e.t.c.... IE: If you notice, this DDC Pump has two wires going to the PWM connector 1 x RPM Speed the other is for PWM Speed Control.... Not sure why or how you would connect fans to a USB Expansion Board?? (that you linked to?)...... Fans don't run off a USB??? Also that NZXT USB Expansion Board (you linked to) is supposed to be powered Via the PSU & not the AQ...

Mittwoch, 23. April 2014, 17:02

Forenbeitrag von: »Namron«

RE: unable to control EK-DDC 3.2 PWM on AE5 Pro

Zitat von »zoomee« hi, I've recently upgraded to an EK-DDC 3.2 PWM pump from one of the older DDC 10w ones. Unfortunately it's quite noisy so needs throttling. My older pump worked fine reporting RPM's to my AE5, and I purchased this new 3.2 PWM pump under the impression I could use my AE5 Pro to throttle it if needed. Unfortunately it doesn't work - neither does it report any RPM rating nor does it allow control via any of the fan controller ports on my AE5. To rule out any issues with the PWM...

Dienstag, 8. April 2014, 10:57

Forenbeitrag von: »Namron«

Aquaero 6 XT PWM Fan Control Expansion

Zitat von »Zestz« Hi, Thank you! Unfortunately, I've no Aquadrops to give you for your time nor do I even know what they are... Haha Your not alone on the Aquadrops thing, I've been here for quite some time & I have no idea what their for either or how to use em ... N.

Montag, 7. April 2014, 23:01

Forenbeitrag von: »Namron«

Aquaero 6 XT PWM Fan Control Expansion

Yup.. Only the AQ 6 has the all 4 fan headers that can be used as PWM & Voltage control, The AQ LT if left as Standard would give you a 1 x PWM or Volt + 3 Volt controlled fans, But both units would need to be used as separate devices (NOT Connected to a Main Aquaero unit via the Aquabus). If you use the AQ LT as slave device then you just get 4 x extra Volt controlled fan headers (the LT device looses it's 4th fan PWM function when it is flashed to be used as a slave device) and can be connecte...

Montag, 7. April 2014, 20:01

Forenbeitrag von: »Namron«

RE: MPS 200, calibration? help

Zitat von »liberato87« hi guys, as I said in the title I need some help to calibrate the mps 200 flow sensor. the preset can read just to 199 L/H. how can I calibrate it to read more not loosing accuracy? I also own a highflow flowsensor. Did you read the Specs of the MPS flow meters from the AC Shop before you ordered it?? "At the moment, three versions of the mps flow sensor are available that differ in range. Please select the sensor best fitting your system: mps flow 100: Range approximatel...

Freitag, 4. April 2014, 08:37

Forenbeitrag von: »Namron«

New to Fan Controllers - purchased Aquaero 6 XT ... not sure what to do from here

As was said by mandrix earlier you can tape the "blade Temp Sensors" that come with the Aquaero to the outside of your water loop fittings (they'll get a better & more accurate heat reading of the water temps from the metal of the fittings. Not the tube as this acts a little like insulation & to a degree will give maybe an incorrect actual temp of the water inside... Metal transfers heat better than plastic tube ). Generally people put a Temp sensor on the water outlet of your CPU or GPU block (...

Freitag, 4. April 2014, 00:50

Forenbeitrag von: »Namron«

New to Fan Controllers - purchased Aquaero 6 XT ... not sure what to do from here

I'll try & explain this as simply as I can...... If you have a say a 360 RAD & you use 6 x 120 fans in push/pull, You'll want to control those fans as if they were one fan (all the same lets say) Now if your using PWM fans then there will be 4 wires going to the connector, One of those wires in each of those fans is relaying an RPM message back to the Aquaero... OK?........ So now multiply that by 6 (that's the full 6 fans) & you got 6 x RPM readings being sent along each of their RPM wires, If ...

Donnerstag, 3. April 2014, 21:47

Forenbeitrag von: »Namron«

New to Fan Controllers - purchased Aquaero 6 XT ... not sure what to do from here

Zitat von »kshafe777« um... wow.. simple this is not. ok.. first thing.. what's with the pwm plugs???? you cant plug pwm fans into those directly... so, just use splitters and use fan plugs 1-4? I do have Noctua NF-A14 PWM fans for all fans, total of 13... 6 on top 420 rad, 4 on bottom 280 rad, 2 on front 280 rad, and 1 rear exhaust. and i think i will be able to figure out the software monitoring via Aida64... however, this is not a simple fan controller.. i think i may be in way over my head....

Donnerstag, 3. April 2014, 20:53

Forenbeitrag von: »Namron«

New to Fan Controllers - purchased Aquaero 6 XT ... not sure what to do from here

Zitat von »kshafe777« ah... ok.. see, i didn't know any of this. this is my first time thank you for the explanation, and that makes more sense. What i think you are telling me is, if i want to monitor the air temp in the case, that's really what the sensors are for, not for monitoring the cpu socket / core temps. And as far as monitoring the water temp, i'm assuming you are saying to tape them to the outside of the water tubing.. not inside, as i can't see how they wouldn't leak then.. lol i k...

Mittwoch, 2. April 2014, 14:24

Forenbeitrag von: »Namron«

connection reminder for a fool

Zitat von »knacker« thanks for the reply but I think I have the pumps connected to the AE6 via Aquabus and the AE6 connected to Mobo by USB Any ideas why my pumps- 2x D5s in Koolance bay reservoir are so blinking noisy since a rebuild- don't think there is air in the loop but boy are they loud- I have them set to approx. 60% max in Aquero suite as well- they seem to get louder then fall quiet then louder I have even not overclocked my new 4770K as a result of this Hi Knacker You say you have th...

Dienstag, 1. April 2014, 13:13

Forenbeitrag von: »Namron«

connection reminder for a fool

No.. You don't HAVE to have the units connected via both the USB & Aquabus at the same time... First have the unit connected Via the USB (so it has it's own Menu to set it up from) then Set the unit Aquabus to the correct # ID Address & set the "Control Method" to "Aquabus".... Turn everything off (& disconnect from the main supply), Disconnect the USB connection & connect the Aquabus cable to the "High Speed" Aquabus header on Aquaero (not required if the unit is already connected Via the Aquab...

Dienstag, 1. April 2014, 12:58

Forenbeitrag von: »Namron«

Laing DDC pump

In short..... Yes!! ... Run it of the PA and you should see it as Fan #5 & control it just like you would a fan.... N.

Samstag, 8. März 2014, 19:34

Forenbeitrag von: »Namron«

Aquastream XT ultra , some Help

Thanks, Glad you liked it ........ Yep, Either of the two I've highlighted here by the look of it from your pic I've also included this piccy so you can see what the pin layout is on those motherboard USB headers Hope this makes it clear for you .. Good luck & enjoy ... N.

Samstag, 8. März 2014, 15:29

Forenbeitrag von: »Namron«

Aquastream XT ultra , some Help

I've done a little review & basic guide for this pump HEREGive it read & it should answer most of your queries & help out a wee bit hopefully.... But in short the USB connect to one of the USB headers that are usually located at the bottom of most Motherboards (look in the motherboard manual & that will show you which are the on board USB headers for your board) & the 3 pin cable is the Aquabus cable... The pump can be controlled using just the USB connection also ... Hope this helps.. N.

Mittwoch, 26. Februar 2014, 15:54

Forenbeitrag von: »Namron«

Help with AquaComputer Connections in my new RIG

The two pumps you got pictured are powered Via the 12v Molex (not powered by the PA's)..... They are then controlled through the Aquasuite software either by the devices own Menu Tab (if connected & controlled Via the USB) or through the Aquaero Menu Tab > Pumps menu (If connected & controlled Via the Aquabus)... The pumps can be connected both via the USB & Aquabus at the same time but remember that they can only be controlled by one method at a time Ie: by the USB (having it's own menu) or by ...

Montag, 24. Februar 2014, 10:33

Forenbeitrag von: »Namron«

RE: RE: RE: flow meters

Zitat von »stevebit56« Zitat von »Namron« Zitat von »stevebit56« I looked up the flow rates for the flow 200 and the flow 400 they are as follows mps flow 200: Range approximately 40 - 200 liters per hour / 11 - 53 US liquid gallons per hour (Art. 53131) mps flow 400: Range approximately 80 - 400 liters per hour / 21 - 106 US liquid gallons per hour (Art. 53132) So if your saying that the D5's are going to produce around 200 L/Hour then if the flow goes above 200 L/Hour then the flow 200 wouldn...

Samstag, 22. Februar 2014, 10:55

Forenbeitrag von: »Namron«

RE: flow meters

Zitat von »stevebit56« I looked up the flow rates for the flow 200 and the flow 400 they are as follows mps flow 200: Range approximately 40 - 200 liters per hour / 11 - 53 US liquid gallons per hour (Art. 53131) mps flow 400: Range approximately 80 - 400 liters per hour / 21 - 106 US liquid gallons per hour (Art. 53132) So if your saying that the D5's are going to produce around 200 L/Hour then if the flow goes above 200 L/Hour then the flow 200 wouldn't read the flow? I'm using 2 D5 usb's on ...

Donnerstag, 20. Februar 2014, 15:46

Forenbeitrag von: »Namron«

Aquaero 6 Pro Connection ...Help me!

The two black wires of a USB are always the ground & are/have always been that the two black wires go to the side of the motherboard header that has the missing pin (usually the lower line of pins has the 4 pins & the top row have 5 pins) your perfectly OK to connect any Aquaero USB to either or both of these M/B USB headers.... As shown below (& I believe all usb headers are set this way) the Red wire of the USB is always opposite the stepped 4th & 5th pin end (which are always black)... So fro...

Mittwoch, 19. Februar 2014, 21:34

Forenbeitrag von: »Namron«

Aquaero 6 Pro Connection ...Help me!

Hi Steve Yep to both questions .... The integrated sensor will show up in the Aquasuite software when connect via the USB...... N.

Sonntag, 16. Februar 2014, 21:40

Forenbeitrag von: »Namron«

RE: Software WOs

Zitat von »stevebit56« Zitat von »sebastian« We Support Hwinfo, Open Hardware Monitor and Aida. Other 3rd Party Software is not supported. Sebastin I'm a Newbie to the Aquaero 6 so can I ask a couple of questions if it's not too much to ask. I just bought the Aquaero 6 XT and I have a Asus Maximus VI extreme motherboard do I have to use a software temperature monitoring program like Open Hardware monitor to get the motherboard temps or can I just use the Aquasuite 2014 software to do the job? o...

Sonntag, 16. Februar 2014, 10:16

Forenbeitrag von: »Namron«

New user with Aquaero 5 PRO and have 2 questions in Aquasuite

Zitat von »Warrior1986« Zitat von »bcikota« While working with profiles is one way of doing what you need, that is to regulate the water temperature, why not use the in-built controller features? Basically, you can use the water temperature, or the air/water delta temperature to control the speed of your fans and keep the water below a certain temperature. Thank you, Boris! This is exactly what I'm looking for. Where/what is the in-built controller feature you're talking about? Have a look HERE...

Mittwoch, 12. Februar 2014, 23:29

Forenbeitrag von: »Namron«

Aquaero 6 Pro Connection ...Help me!

As I Said... ANY (that means All) MPS devices can be connected with both methods at same time.. The USB D5 Pumps are classed as MPS devices (they have MPS sensors included).. If you connect everything Via the USB, then "as I also said above" the devices will have their own Menu Tab in the Aquasuite (the software) Just like the Aquaero has it's own Menu Tab.... Again as I said above.... If you want to control the devices through the Aquaero (display in the Aquaero Menu Tab) then you connect & set...

Mittwoch, 12. Februar 2014, 19:46

Forenbeitrag von: »Namron«

Aquaero 6 Pro Connection ...Help me!

Any MPS device that has a USB connection as well as the Aquabus connection, can both be connected at same time...... But you can only control them using one of these methods (Which you choose when connected Via the USB when first connected & give the pumps their Aquabus address numbers) either you control them Via USB (in which case they will have their own Menu Tab much as the Aquaero Menu Tab), or you can control them Via the Aquabus (which then goes through the Aquaero Menu Tab & will be list...

Sonntag, 2. Februar 2014, 21:09

Forenbeitrag von: »Namron«

Aquacomputer Water Block for Aquaero 5, G1/4

You need the new AQ 6 Heatsink HERE which has mounting points then for the AQ5 waterblock...... Your going to need a lot (& I mean alot) of fan's/pumps connected to the AQ6 to warrant putting on a waterblock, I suspect most won't even require the New Heatsink IMO