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Suchergebnisse 1-16 von insgesamt 16.

Montag, 13. März 2023, 19:29

Forenbeitrag von: »henson0115«

New: aquasuite X

Zitat von »Remayz« Zitat von »henson0115« what's the possibility of getting more control over rgbpx audio effects? like fade, randomizing colours for sound flash, filtering. the controls are fairly basic right now, are they are plans to improve it? I don't use the audio ones, but new effects, or just anything new on the lighting side would be cool i think for the hardware the software is lacking slightly in the options, specially for audio, more control over the effects would be cool. but yea i...

Samstag, 11. März 2023, 15:47

Forenbeitrag von: »henson0115«

New: aquasuite X

what's the possibility of getting more control over rgbpx audio effects? like fade, randomizing colours for sound flash, filtering. the controls are fairly basic right now, are they are plans to improve it?

Mittwoch, 12. Mai 2021, 12:34

Forenbeitrag von: »henson0115«

New: aquasuite X

the latest x39 version - aqua computer service causes high CPU usage after the reboot, talking 15-20% usage on a 3900x for the service alone, it looks like a bug to me. edit: manually restarting the service caused the high usage to stop and go back to normal, need to test what happens after a reboot now. edit2: seems fine after a reboot now too, seems to be the the first reboot after the install where you get the high usage.

Freitag, 26. März 2021, 16:22

Forenbeitrag von: »henson0115«

New: aquasuite X

Zitat von »sebastian« The aquasuite works with hwinfo 7 any plans to add the other sensors frm the rx 6000 series to aquasuite? such as hotspot, vr socc etc, there is at least 5 missing temps. also what is the polling rate of the cpu temp checks, it seems very slow to me, for example i am used to hwinfo 500ms; is there anyway to change or define this? i cant see it anywhere unless ive missed it.

Freitag, 12. März 2021, 21:11

Forenbeitrag von: »henson0115«

New: aquasuite X

if its not source then you havnt enabled shared memory.

Donnerstag, 14. Januar 2021, 17:13

Forenbeitrag von: »henson0115«

New: aquasuite X

is it me or can playground sensors not be used by curves unless assigned as a software sensor first? seems a bit odd

Freitag, 25. September 2020, 18:28

Forenbeitrag von: »henson0115«

New: aquasuite X

Zitat von »henson0115« Zitat von »InfoSeeker« Zitat von »henson0115« i am also using hwinfo and i think its a clash with this. I, and many, use HWiNFO and I have never had a conflict related to it. Hopefully delaying the startup will improve your user experience. ive changed the delay to 2 seconds and so far so good, if i see any other similar issues i will adjust to 3 and so on. the monitoring conflict has subsequently gone away. very odd but at least its working as intended now! thanks again ...

Dienstag, 15. September 2020, 17:28

Forenbeitrag von: »henson0115«

New: aquasuite X

Zitat von »InfoSeeker« Zitat von »henson0115« i am also using hwinfo and i think its a clash with this. I, and many, use HWiNFO and I have never had a conflict related to it. Hopefully delaying the startup will improve your user experience. ive changed the delay to 2 seconds and so far so good, if i see any other similar issues i will adjust to 3 and so on. the monitoring conflict has subsequently gone away. very odd but at least its working as intended now! thanks again for the assist

Montag, 14. September 2020, 14:32

Forenbeitrag von: »henson0115«

New: aquasuite X

Zitat von »InfoSeeker« Zitat von »henson0115« anyone else notice that the until you restart the service, nothing happens with the fans after x26, if i restart the service it works and its not all the time, appears random. Have you tried increasing the 'Start delay' in the aquasuite settings tab? [attach]7688[/attach] no will try this thanks! actually tried x27 first, this makes it even worse, if i enable any of the hardware monitoring (tick the hardware monitoring boxes), the fans get stuck at ...

Dienstag, 25. August 2020, 11:10

Forenbeitrag von: »henson0115«

New: aquasuite X

anyone else notice that the until you restart the service, nothing happens with the fans after x26, if i restart the service it works and its not all the time, appears random.

Freitag, 24. Juli 2020, 19:29

Forenbeitrag von: »henson0115«

New: aquasuite X

oh interesting im not the only one and i thought it was a bios issue, what board are you using im using a gigabyte x570 Auros Pro edit: in my case removing storemi fixed it, i uninstalled it and the temps came back, BUT beware if you uninstall it and reboot you will likely get inaccessible boot device bsods, make sure you have backups and to fix it, you have to boot from a windows stick and do start up repair about 3 - 4 times. mystery solved in my case

Donnerstag, 23. Juli 2020, 19:43

Forenbeitrag von: »henson0115«

New: aquasuite X

updating from x22 to x23, all of my drive sensors have gone and dissapeared from hwinfo inside of aquasuite, infact every sensors other than cpu/mobo and gpu have all vanished. restarting the machine/software and service has made no change. 2 nvme drives 1 ssd and 1 hdds worth of temps all vanished. edit: this might be a board bios issue, some of us on overclock.net have noticed missing temps on x570 boards after bios f20. i think aquasuite triggered me to notice it. edit2: in my case removing s...

Mittwoch, 27. Mai 2020, 17:51

Forenbeitrag von: »henson0115«

RE: I think my brain has been fixed!

Zitat von »Undermoose« You're all eating up this newb just fine. A simple, that's normal, and you have to set the sensors manually to the "temperature 1, temperature 2, etc" would have been helpful. It's been a very solid "set and forget program for my rig", and so it now occurs to me that I don't monitor hardware with Aquasuite and have disabled it. All I need is my MPS sensor for the fan curves and I'm good glad its working for you again, edit: nevermind found it...

Mittwoch, 27. Mai 2020, 17:25

Forenbeitrag von: »henson0115«

RE: I disabled HW Monitoring, but now have a bunch of stuck sensors...

Zitat von »Undermoose« So I disabled HW Monitoring, but now have a bunch of stuck sensors (50c), and no method to change their data source. It's time to step away and wait for Sebastian to save me! try to reboot a few times and see how you get on.

Mittwoch, 27. Mai 2020, 17:23

Forenbeitrag von: »henson0115«

New: aquasuite X

Zitat von »sebastian« deactivae the aquasuite hardware monitoring in the aquasuite settings. thanks ill see if it makes a difference. either way its starting working now correctly after about 10 restarts. weird Zitat von »sultan.of.swing« Zitat von »henson0115« registered just to say that the x19 version breaks hwinfo64, the only way to get it working again is the kill the aquasuite service, if you re enable the aquasuite service the logging stops in both systems. you can confirm by watching nu...

Dienstag, 26. Mai 2020, 21:57

Forenbeitrag von: »henson0115«

New: aquasuite X

registered just to say that the x19 version breaks hwinfo64, the only way to get it working again is the kill the aquasuite service, if you re enable the aquasuite service the logging stops in both systems. you can confirm by watching numbers in hwinfo64 they do not move, same for aquasuite and fanspeeds