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Suchergebnisse 1-6 von insgesamt 6.

Dienstag, 17. September 2019, 23:22

Forenbeitrag von: »watchound«

sensor readout failure occured after 3 or 4 hours of runing.

Chiming in to say I've had the same issue for going on a year here as well. Both my D5 NEXT and QUADRO exhibit this at some random point after a few hours. Any software sensors refuse to load the data- regardless of if they originate from AIDA64, the Aquasuite Hardware Monitor, or over the Aquabus from the Aquaero. Restarting the service, Aquasuite, etc don't do anything. Only thing that brings them back is a reboot. I've scoured the forums and gone through non-English posts using Google Transla...

Mittwoch, 7. August 2019, 21:34

Forenbeitrag von: »watchound«

Thermaltake Fan / RGB Control With QUADRO and RGBpx SPLITTY 4

Congrats on getting the loop going- that's always a big relief. No matter how many times I recheck my lines I'm always paranoid about leaks; I burned up a graphics card years ago from a leak I didn't catch in time, and I suspect its ghost will haunt me forever. I hear you on the Primoflex tubing too. I use it as well along with- if I recall correctly- XSPC fittings and its a pain to get them tamped down all the way. I usually end up resorting to vice-grip / locking pliers and/or an adjustable wr...

Dienstag, 30. Juli 2019, 00:07

Forenbeitrag von: »watchound«

Thermaltake Fan / RGB Control With QUADRO and RGBpx SPLITTY 4

Sorry once again for the delayed response- work has been shipping me to remote places and I've been tied up holding that particular set of disasters at bay. I'm a little hazy on the differences with the Trio vs the generation 3 fans I used in my setup, but I would suspect it should work. From what I can tell, the should both have the same pinout and same RGB LED chip controlling them based on the fact that the "TT Sync" controller is compatible with both Gen3 and Trio fans. However, what makes m...

Freitag, 19. Juli 2019, 02:27

Forenbeitrag von: »watchound«

Thermaltake Fan / RGB Control With QUADRO and RGBpx SPLITTY 4

No problem at all! I'm thrilled to think it helped someone and saved a bit of effort having to reinvent the wheel and reverse-engineer things. Also, in case it matters to anyone- the setup I've documented above has been running very well since I set it up. I had some oddities with my RGB lights flickering and strobing intermittently after I also added an Aquacomputer reservoir RGB light ring (I forget the exact model; they're generally the same beyond LED count anyway), but that has since gone a...

Dienstag, 25. Dezember 2018, 16:09

Forenbeitrag von: »watchound«

Sensor of GPU Core stopping working.

I wanted to chime in to say I'm having the same issue with pushing software sensor values to both my Quadro and my D5 Next. The values will work for a day or two, and then it appears they stop and all I see in Aquasuite are blank values. In my case, restarting the service helps sometimes, but more often than not a full reboot is needed.

Montag, 12. November 2018, 22:36

Forenbeitrag von: »watchound«

Thermaltake Fan / RGB Control With QUADRO and RGBpx SPLITTY 4

Hello to everyone- this is my first post and after lurking for a while I decided I would start off by trying to give something back to the community. I discovered the Aquaero and Aquacomputer for the first time as I went through my recent rebuild, and I have to say I love the products. Anyway, the reason I'm posting is because I have finally finished my efforts to reverse-engineer my Thermaltake fans to get them to work with Aquasuite's RGBpx control. I went with a Pacific W4 Plus waterblock and...