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Suchergebnisse 1-50 von insgesamt 99.

Samstag, 21. April 2012, 15:59

Forenbeitrag von: »drbo«

New Aquasuite 2012 beta (beta 14) (18.04.2012.)

Finally, got beta14 to work. What I did. Updatet the fw. When Aquaro restarted, i just unplugged the usb, AS and the pc continued to run. AS was shut down The i pressed OK. I then just let the pc and the aquaro contunue, until the aquaero what fully up and go again, and a could see that 1024 was running. I then shut down the PC and reconnected the usb. This is not the most stable AS beta version I have had, but I dont need i running ... drbo

Donnerstag, 19. April 2012, 20:56

Forenbeitrag von: »drbo«

New Aquasuite 2012 beta (beta 14) (18.04.2012.)

Not much info in english ... Tried to upgrade from beta 12. NO success - updates firmware, restarts ... and no, still fw1021. Then tried to upgrade via the laptop, same result. So I'm back to beta 12.

Mittwoch, 7. März 2012, 15:27

Forenbeitrag von: »drbo«

Any plans for Waterblock to PA2?

Hi, I am currently running 3x PA2 in my rig, mounted in a frame ("einbaublende "). But these are getting relatively hot. So ,my question is, is there any plan of making a waterblock for these? I would suggest 1 waterblock that covers 3x PA2 mounted in a frame, preferably made of cupper/delrin. With hope of watercooling my PA2s soon. drbo

Mittwoch, 7. März 2012, 15:21

Forenbeitrag von: »drbo«

New Aquasuite 2012 beta (beta 14) (18.04.2012.)

Only problems with beta 13 and fw1022 for me, and no possibility to go back to older fw. Everything was working before upgrade ... Hope for a new beta soon.

Samstag, 28. Mai 2011, 12:47

Forenbeitrag von: »drbo«

Fully Loaded Aquaero 5 XT Installation!

Absolutely a killer build. I am totally jeallous of your rig, especially the casing Good to see other oldboys enjoying OCing and watercooling. drbo

Samstag, 28. Mai 2011, 08:40

Forenbeitrag von: »drbo«

Aquasuite2012 and PowerAdjust2

Finally, I see all three PA2s. But as fans. Not excatly what I had expected ... I'm not quite sure yet, but It seem like the tubemeter has died in the process. I cannot make it work anymore ... hopefully is is only a firmware to the A5 ... but I fear the worst ... This I find strange, since it worket with A4, it also worked with A5 for a while, and I have not changed or removed the connections in the process. Zitat von »Phatboy69« Make doubly sure you have connected the aquameter up correctly us...

Freitag, 27. Mai 2011, 14:18

Forenbeitrag von: »drbo«

Aquasuite2012 and PowerAdjust2

Zitat von »sebastian« powerjust -> high speed aquabus multiswitch -> low speed aquabus That I know, I have my tubemeter and multiswich (y- cable) on the low speed (1) and my three daisy chained PA2s on the high speed (2)

Freitag, 27. Mai 2011, 13:44

Forenbeitrag von: »drbo«

Aquasuite2012 and PowerAdjust2

I have done so 51, 52 and 53 (firmware 1003) , but a conflich would explain me not seeing any PA2 ... Maybe I should disconnect the multiswitch ...

Freitag, 27. Mai 2011, 13:40

Forenbeitrag von: »drbo«

Aquasuite2012 and PowerAdjust2

I was so p... of not seeing my PA2 that i gave it a fresh start. Uninstalled beta 1, restart os, installed beta 2. In the meantime, I had removed all usb connection to all Ac equipment except a5, and also Windows update had a update for net4. But after hooking all up with aquabus, the a5 restarts every few minutes. But, any screenshots ... drbo

Freitag, 27. Mai 2011, 12:59

Forenbeitrag von: »drbo«

Aquasuite2012 and PowerAdjust2

Still no success for me. I can not see any PA2s in Aquasuite, either in beta 1 or beta 2 (which I actually got working). Any screenshot of what to look for? drbo

Mittwoch, 25. Mai 2011, 23:04

Forenbeitrag von: »drbo«

Aquasuite2012 and PowerAdjust2

Hi, Im not quite sure, wether im supposed to see my three poweradjust 2s (firmware 1003) in AS2012 or not. Tried to make sense out of a thread in the German sector, but it has been to long since school, and my understanding of the German language is "schlecht" ... Anyway, have I understood it correct that for me to see my poweradjusts in AS2012, they: Firmware must be updated to 1003Jumper for Aquabus must be "on" (on the PA2s)Each PA2 must have an unique aquabus address between 50 and 56PA2 mus...

Mittwoch, 25. Mai 2011, 01:10

Forenbeitrag von: »drbo«

Aquasuite 2012 BETA 2 Not working

Same here, only crashes. Back to Beta1 drbo

Mittwoch, 25. Mai 2011, 00:39

Forenbeitrag von: »drbo«

Aquasuite 2012 BETA 1 Bugs

Zitat von »Phatboy69« To upgrade the PA2 you have to do them with only 1 connected at a time and through the USB port only. You cannot leave the aquabus connected during an upgrade. Add items to overview by going into the setting page for overview and enabling the edit checkbox. Thanks Phatboy, this did the trick. All PA2s are now updated. But with beta2, no overview page so far, only crashes ... drbo

Dienstag, 24. Mai 2011, 00:41

Forenbeitrag von: »drbo«

aquaero 5 and rgb led

I have the same problem, that is no light. I did not find any way to swich on the led in AS2012beta, but I am sure it will arrive in a future verion. I have also not bothered to go throug all the seettings direktly on my A5 directly, but I am sure it is there somewhere ... that is I have managed to get a constant red light with preset value1, but that is about it. drbo

Montag, 23. Mai 2011, 23:43

Forenbeitrag von: »drbo«

Aquasuite 2012 BETA 1 Bugs

Found a few bugs: Unable to calibrate the flow meter, looks OK i AS2012, but new value not transferred to Aquaero. Problems with measuring power, sometimes it works, sometimes not. I also wonder how to add items at the overview page ... are looking foreward to the complete manual. Also, in 4.72 I get the option to upgrade the fiirmware on my poweradjusts (to be comptible with Aquaero5), but this fails. Any hints of why? I have three PA2, wheroff two of them has firmware 1001. They are all connec...

Dienstag, 1. Februar 2011, 13:48

Forenbeitrag von: »drbo«

New: aquaero 5

Hope to see the Plexiglasfor the Pro soon then. To bad with the large quantities ...but I can live with it ... drbo

Dienstag, 1. Februar 2011, 03:01

Forenbeitrag von: »drbo«

New: aquaero 5

looks very good, cant wait to get my hands on one (already ordered). I relly like the promises of the new aquasite to hook up multiswitch and poweradjust to it. This will increase the value of these other products considerably! Two small questions though. Since I like the Pro version the most. It seems to me like I have to buy some sort of plexi to get a smooth front with the bezel (like with the old aquaero, see picture below)? [img]http://www.diskusjon.no/index.php?app=core&module=attach&secti...

Mittwoch, 5. Januar 2011, 10:24

Forenbeitrag von: »drbo«

New Aquaero!

WOW! this looks absolutely fabolous Hope that this also will work as an or with an WMC remote. That would be an absolute killer for my next HTPC! drbo

Donnerstag, 17. Juni 2010, 20:52

Forenbeitrag von: »drbo«

Finally available: poweradjust 2

An absolute beauty! I also very much like the bay cover. But will the front plate also be available in black?

Mittwoch, 21. April 2010, 22:45

Forenbeitrag von: »drbo«

Huge difference of cooling between the 2 GPUs of the ATI HD5970

For me it seem that your GPU2 does not have good enough contact with the cooler. I have the same waterblock, with an Sapphire HD5970 OC. I run watertemps of 40/44 idle and 61/61 at full stress. The GPU VRM, runs at 42/43 idle, 72/79 at ful stress Chrech if you can get a better fit for GPU2. drbo [MSIE_newline_end ]

Dienstag, 2. Februar 2010, 21:37

Forenbeitrag von: »drbo«

RE: temps and your setup

Just a quick question to you Byffycor, which way are your fans blowing? That is, how are your radiators mounted, and are you blowing the air into or out of your case (over the rads)? I ask, since I once mounted my fans the wrong way, which was blowing air into my case over my rads, and thus recirculating the heat into my case, leading tho an ever increasing temperature. My aquaro and multiswich is now controlling 6 fans (3+2+1 rads), keeping my rig steady at water temps around ~28C, cpu at 38 id...

Montag, 25. Januar 2010, 20:08

Forenbeitrag von: »drbo«

A strange problem with Ati 5970 and aquagratiX for HD 5970 [solved]

Some hours of google, and it seem that my problems is now solved. Although I must admit that I do not really understand why (as many others)... But is does seem that the 5970 (from all producers), has a coldbug at +35C, or so many suggest (that makes trouble when WC). YES you read the right number. With the stock cooler, this is not a problem, since the card becomes hotter than a toaster in secods ... but on water ... So my solution that works, was a combination of a new driver (found the Cataly...

Sonntag, 24. Januar 2010, 23:23

Forenbeitrag von: »drbo«

A strange problem with Ati 5970 and aquagratiX for HD 5970 [solved]

Hi, after two days of happily water-cooling my Sapphire 5970, problems started after a reboot. NO POST! Absolutely nothing. A few hours on the net, suggested two possible problems, either to hot on some components ... or two cold all together ... Anyway, put back stock cooler, and guess what. No problems ... Tried the water-cooler again, NO POST. So I am clueless. Does anybody else experience similar problems. This is the first time I have trouble when watercooling GPUs, and I have tried some (2...

Donnerstag, 3. Dezember 2009, 13:47

Forenbeitrag von: »drbo«

PRO-MODDERS REQUIRED (for possible project)

As top_Nurse says, browse through the worklogs she linked to at bit-tecgh, the are both pros and skilled amataurs. When you find someone you like, contact them ... drbo

Donnerstag, 30. April 2009, 10:53

Forenbeitrag von: »drbo«

Multiswitch Script Generator NG - *v1.2*

I dont understand the lack of 64bit support ... Anyway, I would like 64 bit support, and I suggests that all that second the wish for 64 bit, says so below in this tread. drbo

Donnerstag, 23. April 2009, 23:09

Forenbeitrag von: »drbo«

What to chose?

Hi, only saw this tread today, since I have been away from the net since early march due to travelling. Many sound adwice in this tread already, but I thought I would share my experiences. I have run several setups on my complete wc workstations, and years of experience has given me this rule of thumb regarding cooling power - in terms of how much radiator is needed (meassured in # of 120mm fans over radiator). This rule has hold nicely so far with both amd and intel cpus, and with the following...

Mittwoch, 11. März 2009, 08:43

Forenbeitrag von: »drbo«

So Badly Need 1 now just been given 1 front plate Aquastream Aluminum black thank you Top_Nurse

I did find them at the link Sven sendt you: http://www.aquatuning.de/product_info.ph…inum-black.html If the link dont work, look in the menu under pumps>aquacomputer Its there, and its in stock

Dienstag, 10. März 2009, 15:23

Forenbeitrag von: »drbo«

Voltreg cooler for MSI Eclipse? (solved)

Actually, I am having second thoughts aboout the i7, and is going for a Phenom II 940BE instead. So now I looking for a voltreg watercooler for ASUS M3A78-T instead Thanks for all help.

Freitag, 6. März 2009, 21:33

Forenbeitrag von: »drbo«

Voltreg cooler for MSI Eclipse? (solved)

Thanks Top_Nurse, I have looked at that file alot, but I did not find anything the looked the right shape. The eclipse har a rather strange layout for the voltreg. But then again it is seperate from nb and sb, so i might just skip the voltreg ...

Freitag, 6. März 2009, 07:41

Forenbeitrag von: »drbo«

Strange Why Aqua Computer do not have poweradjust Black Frontplate or does anybody know where i can get my hands on two

Zitat von »nicky_82« yea just a shame they dont ship to thailand so i will have to ask gary from sidewinder to order it They ship everywhere ... if you cant find your country in the webshop, just email them: info@aquacomputer.de I did this a lot before the new webshop. Good luck

Donnerstag, 5. März 2009, 23:27

Forenbeitrag von: »drbo«

Voltreg cooler for MSI Eclipse? (solved)

I am wondering about purchasing a new mobo, MSI Eclipse ... As far as I can see, the nb and sb should be fine using Twinplex But I cant seem to find any waterblocks for the voltreg ... Any suggestions? Thanks in advance EDIT 10/03/09: I have decided not to purchase this mobo, so the question isnt valid anymore. Thanks for all help drbo

Donnerstag, 5. März 2009, 22:29

Forenbeitrag von: »drbo«

Strange Why Aqua Computer do not have poweradjust Black Frontplate or does anybody know where i can get my hands on two

But they have, they just dont show it http://shop.aquacomputer.de/product_info…roducts_id=1952 this one fits perfectly (but the the black alu is a little bit thicker than the steel, so the screws isnt long enough) ... I have two of theese in my rig ... http://www.diskusjon.no/index.php?act=at…=post&id=271105 As you can see from the pictures the screws look a litle bit strange, otherwise fine Good luck drbo

Dienstag, 23. Dezember 2008, 02:31

Forenbeitrag von: »drbo«

My workstation, complete watercooling

Behind the front, aquaero at the top multiswitch under the auaero. behind these are the aquatube then 2x aquadrive dual then two watercooled poweradjusts, with the flowmeter connecting then (works nice, and eliminates one though bend on the tube). Below the poweradjusts (hidden) is the singlerad. As for dvd, I use and external dvd drive when needed (usb). Glad you liked it .. drbo

Montag, 22. Dezember 2008, 03:24

Forenbeitrag von: »drbo«

My workstation, complete watercooling

Hi, thought I should share my updated workstation with you. It is completely watercooled, and all waterblock and control system from AC. Hardware: Asus RampageExtreme, QX9650@4GHz, 4GB Ocz DDR3 1600, AsusEAH4870X2, 2x WD RAptor 74GB Raid0, 2x WD 320GB 7,2k disks Raid1, Mist100W Rev3. Watercooling: CPU - Cuplex HD NB and SB: Twinplex XT di Mosfef: 2x Cooler for voltage regulators for ASUS, copper ed. RAM: 2x Ramplex HDDs: 2x Aquadrive dual Poweradjusts: 2x Cooler for voltage regulator for ABIT-Ma...

Montag, 22. Dezember 2008, 02:26

Forenbeitrag von: »drbo«

What is Aquadrops, and how do they work?

Sounds great, hope that this live up the forum. But for us that cant use your webshop, but has to order by mail (unless one suddenly can order for Norway directly now ...). Can we get hold of our Aquadrops somehow?

Sonntag, 21. Dezember 2008, 22:54

Forenbeitrag von: »drbo«

What is Aquadrops, and how do they work?

Hi, kudos for the new look of the webpages ... looks great. But I have noticed somthing called Aquadrops in my profil pages, but my german isnt strong enough to figurer out exacly what it is, and how they work ... And to add to the confusion, it seems that i have gotten 250 of these, and then lost them ... Would anyone be so kind to explain this in english? drbo

Sonntag, 21. Dezember 2008, 22:34

Forenbeitrag von: »drbo«

Frontplate for multiswitch in black?

This is a returning question (Black Multiswitch ?), and the answer from AC is still NO. But you can drill holes in a frontplate for aquadrive, (2mm and 3,5 mm holes if I remeber correctly) as I did The only problem with this solution is that the 4 pre drilled fixing holes dos not fit, so after drilling new holes, the old ones might show a little ... drbo

Donnerstag, 6. November 2008, 14:00

Forenbeitrag von: »drbo«

Re: RAM Backplate for GPU coolers?

Thanks for your quick reply Shoggy ... and based on my experience with ACs 3870 coolers, I know you are right. The 4870x2 cooler looks to be equally good (but my GPU is still in the mail) But a back plate looked cool ... I was basically mostly curious (and I dont mind overdoing things ...) drbo :-)

Donnerstag, 6. November 2008, 10:07

Forenbeitrag von: »drbo«

RAM Backplate for GPU coolers?

Hi, on my everlasting explorations on the internet, I have recently stumbled over several WC systems, where also the backside of the high end GPU where cooled by water. like this example http://www.xtremesystems.org/forums/show…07&postcount=81 So, does AC have any plans of making such back-plates as an addition to their existing line of coolers for high end graphics cards? A plexi version would be nice ...  

Donnerstag, 6. November 2008, 00:51

Forenbeitrag von: »drbo«

Re: any way to cool a Asus MB?

Forget the heatpipe. look in the shop ... You need one of these for the mosfet http://www.aqua-computer-systeme.de/shop…4c62b99d30809a1 (please confirm this with AC) and two of these for nb and sb: http://www.aqua-computer-systeme.de/shop…4c62b99d30809a1 and of course nipples ... drbo  

Dienstag, 28. Oktober 2008, 10:47

Forenbeitrag von: »drbo«

Re: Multiswitch Black Faceplate

This is a returning question ... http://forum.aqua-computer.de/index.php?…d&threadID=1122 and I cannot understand why the answer still is NO. But, there is a way around the problem, as I have shown before. But you can drill holes in a frontplate for aquadrive, (2mm and 3,5 mm holes if I remeber correctly) as I did ... [img]http://www.diskusjon.no/index.php?act=attach&type=post&id=211472[/img] The only problem with this solution is that the 4 pre drilled fixing holes dos not fit, so after drillin...

Dienstag, 21. Oktober 2008, 22:51

Forenbeitrag von: »drbo«

Re: Cuplex HD vs. XT di?

Thanks shoggy. This answered all my questions. (And I axctually preferred the german version. I read german quite well, although I dont write). But the conclution is that the HD always will perform better than the Xt di, which leads to another question. Are you planning a HD version of the chipset cooler? Thus the only reason for choosing the more expensive Xt di is the fantastic look!

Dienstag, 21. Oktober 2008, 14:58

Forenbeitrag von: »drbo«

Cuplex HD vs. XT di?

Hi, I have a question. I have both the Cuplex Xt di and the new Cuplex HD (in order). Since I am now rebuilding my two systems, I am wondering which of these blocks that will perform best on an OC qx9650, that runs pretty HOT. OK I know this also depends an the radiators, but I have sufficient radiator power (single+dual+triple) in my rig. So, does AC or others have a flow vs cooling performance graph or something? Or at least an indication at which speed the the HD out performs the XT di. Or wi...

Montag, 20. Oktober 2008, 11:50

Forenbeitrag von: »drbo«

Re: New: cuplex hd

Very interesting, I have already ordered one of these. But my question is, how does this perform compared to the cuplex xt di. Thus I am rebuilding my 2 WC pcs, so that I will have one qx9650@4+GHz (flow approx 85l/h with cupled XT di)) and one with q8200 moderate OC (flow approx 75l/h with cuplex XT di). Since I havent got the new cpu cooler yet, I have two questions. I understand that it has a lower flow resistance, but how is the cooling performance compared to the old one? and which pc would...

Donnerstag, 16. Oktober 2008, 15:53

Forenbeitrag von: »drbo«

Re: Announcement: aquagratix 4870X2

Hi, I have read on this forum that there has been issues with the 4870 block (doesnt fit all 4870s). My question is; does this block fit all 4870x2's? If not, what manufacturer is safe.

Freitag, 12. September 2008, 16:21

Forenbeitrag von: »drbo«

Re: [prob]Aquaero doens't make 2nd Fan rotate

This could be due to your sensor settings for fan2. Need more info to help you. A screen shot of fan2 settings would be nice

Samstag, 30. August 2008, 02:59

Forenbeitrag von: »drbo«

Re: aquasuite 4.62.00

Looks good, but I have some minor issues: 1. AquaSuite now stops working after a couple of hours. This dis not happen with the previous versions. 2. I try to connect both my flowmeter and my Aquastream Ultra through an aquaro splitter, but this doesnt really work. Should I then disconnect my Aquastream mobo usb?

Samstag, 30. August 2008, 02:50

Forenbeitrag von: »drbo«

Re: Template for Airplex XT 240

Is this the one you are looking for? http://www.aqua-computer.de/download/Einbaublenden.pdf

Mittwoch, 27. August 2008, 15:14

Forenbeitrag von: »drbo«

Re: Announcement: Asus Striker II Formula chipsetb

Looks very nice!   Will you make something similar for the upcoming ASUS Rampage Extreme?

Dienstag, 3. Juni 2008, 01:24

Forenbeitrag von: »drbo«

Re: Xconnect - the connection for SLI and Crossfir

Very nice! I would go for one of these (I understood it would apply to my two 3870 in cfx, or does it ... I have the plexi edition?) ... I can not see from the picture well enought how it is fixed to the coolers, and a show of the interior would be nice in order to i.e. suggest design changes ... But what about a plexi version and the possibillity to ad some leds?