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Montag, 2. Februar 2009, 23:24

Forenbeitrag von: »Schlosser«

RE: Aquaero controlling complex setup possibilities

Zitat von »> Evil E. <« I also have a question regarding complex watercooling setups (involving multiple separate cooling loops) : Let's suppose that I am planning a complex watercooling setup with more than 1 (separate) cooling loop. Each loop has its own AquaStream pump, reservoir, TubeMeter, flow meter, radiators, and so on... Is it possible to properly control this complex setup with 1 Aquaero ? Can the Aquaero handle this without problems if I would make my own AquaBus Y-splitter cable tha...

Samstag, 31. Januar 2009, 22:29

Forenbeitrag von: »Schlosser«

Connecting Aquastream XT with Aquaero ?

Ah yes, makes perfect sense now! That helped a lot, I wasn't sure whether to get the tubemeter cable or not but now I know. Thank you very much for your help

Samstag, 31. Januar 2009, 18:43

Forenbeitrag von: »Schlosser«

Connecting Aquastream XT with Aquaero ?

Ok so if I also want to connect a tubemeter to the AE I should get the Y-connector. And should the AS be connected to the male plugs of the Y-connector which female plug then will be connected to the aquabus-cable or can it be directly connected to the AE? Like: ASXT <- Y-c <- AE ............../ ........TubeM

Samstag, 31. Januar 2009, 17:45

Forenbeitrag von: »Schlosser«

Connecting Aquastream XT with Aquaero ?

Ah thanks man, so that would be this cable? But the aquabus? Is that build-in in the aquastream or what?

Samstag, 31. Januar 2009, 17:25

Forenbeitrag von: »Schlosser«

Connecting Aquastream XT with Aquaero ?

Hi I'm about to place a huge order at AC because I think that the products are outstanding and very original so I'm almost buying everything except rad and fans from here! Before I press the checkout button though, I would like to know if a connector cable between the XT and the aquaero is in one of the packages? I've seen under the aquaero->accessories that one can buy a aquastream connection cable rev 1.0 and a rev 1.5 but none of these work with the XT version so I'm a bit confused. Also is t...