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Suchergebnisse 1-5 von insgesamt 5.

Montag, 1. April 2013, 01:56

Forenbeitrag von: »OzMadao«

AquaSuite-13 Summary

When I updated to version 1030 on my Aquaero 5 I seem to have lost the information and user interface tabs out of the Aquasuite software.... Anyone else have this issue ? All other tabs seem to be there except those 2.

Freitag, 4. Januar 2013, 02:44

Forenbeitrag von: »OzMadao«

Aquacomputer Aqualis ECO reservoir

Try more force if you can. They are built like a brick shit house so you don't have to worry about being too gentle with them. Not sure about boiling it hahaha.

Freitag, 4. Januar 2013, 02:00

Forenbeitrag von: »OzMadao«

Aquacomputer Aqualis ECO reservoir

Try taking out the to fillport nut and then twist. It's stuck because both top and bottom of the res have rubber washers which hold the glass in place nice and tight. The first times always a bitch as they say.

Mittwoch, 2. Januar 2013, 11:59

Forenbeitrag von: »OzMadao«

Aquasuite 2012 Error

Anyone? Ideas? Can anyone tell me where I can get an older version of Aquasuite 2012 the one before the current perhaps? I'll give that a try if I can get it. I'm using 4.72 at the moment but for some reason it doesn't detect my Aquaero 5pro only my pump and PA2's .(found out aq5 doesn't work with 4.72 so that explains that) I reset my Aquaero 5 pro to default factory settings hoping that would do something. Don't do that - e v e r. Now I can't even detect the PA2's over the aquabus to control m...

Montag, 31. Dezember 2012, 02:35

Forenbeitrag von: »OzMadao«

Aquasuite 2012 Error

Hello all, New here, hope everyone had a good Christmas and likewise impending new years. Anyway to the point of my post. I have recent just built a new computer. I decided to water cool and it was my first attempt at water cooling so I decided I wanted to do it right first time. Hence why I am using AquaComputer products. I have in the system at the moment: Aquaero 5 3 x Power Adjust 2 Aquastreme Ultra Aqualis XT res MPS 400 flow meter Now to the problem. I had everything up and running and was...