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Search results 1-50 of 810.

Thursday, August 29th 2024, 3:33am

Author: Speedy-VI

quadro rgbpx blinking when rgbpx led strips + 3rd party argb products

I am not sure what you mean by "connected to the lower order" but your connection diagram shows that whichever thing is at the end of the daisy-chain blinks. Is that correct? When you say Blinks do you mean a steady blink at some rate or erratic flickering?

Thursday, August 29th 2024, 3:25am

Author: Speedy-VI

AquaSuite stopped reading HWiNFO

I am running Aquasuite X.79 and HWINFO v8.11-5526 beta (released today), and Shared Memory data is showing up in Aquasuite. I have not had any problems with the last few versions of HWINFO. There was a -5525 beta released earlier today with a bug that affected WHEA and Custom sensors. I did not install -5525 beta so I don't know if Shared Memory Support was also affected. Version 5526 beta was released about 13 hours later with the bug fixed. If you are running HWINFO v8.11-5525 beta that might ...

Wednesday, August 21st 2024, 2:58am

Author: Speedy-VI

Help with connections between aquacomputer components

Glad to hear it worked out. Regarding updating the D5 Next, an Aquacomputer rep (Shoggy) told me that the D5 Next has very limited memory and they are already struggling to fit the firmware into it. Maybe at some point they will decide to update the controller board in the D5 Next and include a higher capacity flash chip. Unless and until they do that. I don't think there is any way around this limitation.

Monday, August 19th 2024, 10:05pm

Author: Speedy-VI

LEAKSHIELD wie automatische Füllstandserkennung deaktivieren?

Quoted from "Taubenhaucher" Ich vermute mal es liegt daran, dass sich das Ablassventil festgesetzt hat, da es nicht genutzt wurde, war bei mir auch so das System war dicht und mein LEAKSHIELD pumpte nur einmal die Woche nach. Als ich dann etwas am System ändern wollte war das Ventil fest, es hat gut eine Stunde gedauert bis es wieder funktioniert hat. Durch die regelmässige Füllstandskontrolle kann sich das Ventil nicht mehr festsetzen. Den Haken zum Abschalten der Funktion wird es also wohl ni...

Monday, August 19th 2024, 4:07am

Author: Speedy-VI

LEAKSHIELD wie automatische Füllstandserkennung deaktivieren?

Mir war nicht aufgefallen, dass diese Option entfernt wurde. Darf ich fragen, warum und wann es entfernt wurde? Übersetzt von Google

Sunday, August 18th 2024, 7:59pm

Author: Speedy-VI

Aquasuite Dashboards, Multiple Monitors and Changing Resolutions

In THIS THREAD Aquacomputer said they have some ideas to improve how Overview pages work. If and when these enhancements will be implemented is unknown.

Friday, August 16th 2024, 5:18am

Author: Speedy-VI

Leakshield: manually open the venting valves to help with draining the loop?

I am not aware of any way to do that, and I don't know if there is any reason that valve could not be left in the open position. When I want to drain my loop I just unscrew the Leakshield from the Ultitube then open my drain valve.

Friday, August 16th 2024, 5:13am

Author: Speedy-VI

Leakshield: would the water cause any damage to the membrane if it submerged?

I think its OK if coolant touches the membrane but the Leakshield will not function properly until the membrane is dry. This is what Aquacomputer rep Shoggy said in a thread on their Reddit support site. A membrane protects the device from coolant but when this membrane becomes wet, LEAKSHIELD can not operate correctly until it is dry again. LINK TO POST

Sunday, August 11th 2024, 1:17am

Author: Speedy-VI

Import custom data source

Quoted from "Numerlor" This is also something I thought would be available when buying into the ecosystem, having to rely on other paid software for hardware sensors that aren't exposed by the service is... frustrating Aquacomputer allows Aquasuite to export data but not import data, other than from HWINFO or AIDA64. Their reasons why are stated in this post in the German forum. LINK. Basically, they don't want to have the forum flooded with posts from people having MQTT problems and asking for...

Tuesday, August 6th 2024, 3:44am

Author: Speedy-VI

Help with connections between aquacomputer components

Glad to hear you got it working. My understanding is that the display on the D5 Next (D5N) is intended to display information about the D5 Next, not other devices. There is a way to get the High Flow Next (HFN) flow rate data on the D5N display, but it requires a special cable and has to be set up in a specific way. You can get cable #53294 and connect the High Flow Next (HFN) Signal header to the D5N Fan/Flow header. The D5N has a "virtual flow sensor" that reports a flow rate that is a calcula...

Sunday, August 4th 2024, 10:13pm

Author: Speedy-VI

Help with connections between aquacomputer components

You're welcome. Were you able to get the fans controlled by coolant temp? I would get that working before attempting to set up Delta-T. Making a virtual software sensor that is coolant temp minus ambient temp (Delta-T), then assigning that virtual sensor to one of the Quadro’s soft sensors, and then using that soft sensor to control fan speeds is a good way to start learning about the Aquasuite Playground and the concept of a virtual software sensor. These features provide a completely customiza...

Sunday, August 4th 2024, 12:58am

Author: Speedy-VI

Help with connections between aquacomputer components

Refer to the Quadro User & Installation Manual Section 9 (page 14). You need to assign 1 of the Quadro's 8 soft sensors to the High Flow Next or D5 Next temp sensor. In the Quadro Sensors tab there are 4 local temp sensors and a flow sensor that correspond to the 4 temp headers and 1 flow header on the Quadro. Then there are 8 soft sensors. In the Quadro Sensor tab, click on 1 of the 8 soft sensors (your choice), then in the next section down assign a data source to that soft sensor. You can sel...

Tuesday, July 30th 2024, 1:23am

Author: Speedy-VI


Sie könnten Filter und Mittelwertbildung verwenden, um die Temperatur des CPU-Pakets weniger schwankend zu machen, aber vielleicht sollten Sie darüber nachdenken, die Temperatur des CPU-Pakets oder eine andere CPU-Temperatur nicht als Steuerquelle für Ihre Lüfter zu verwenden. Die CPU-Temperaturen ändern sich sehr schnell und es macht keinen Sinn, ihnen hinterherzulaufen. Wenn Ihr System wassergekühlt ist, verwenden Sie die Kühlmitteltemperatur als Steuerquelle für die Lüfter. Noch besser: Bauen...

Saturday, July 27th 2024, 6:56pm

Author: Speedy-VI

Cable connections for ULTITUBE D5 150 PRO RGB Pump / Reservoir Combo

Sounds like you have everything connected properly. All of the connections on the D5 Next are detailed in the User and Installation Manual. DOWNLOAD LINK The D5 Next is SATA powered so you MUST connect a SATA power cable. The 4-pin Fan header between the RGBpx/Aquabus header and USB header can function as a PWM fan port (25W max power) or a Flow Sensor input. Which cable you need to connect a flow sensor to this header depends on which flow sensor you have. Connecting a PWM fan or a flow sensor ...

Tuesday, July 23rd 2024, 3:09am

Author: Speedy-VI

Aquasuite - Overview improvements

Quoted from "Stephan" We have some ideas for the overview pages including grouping, grids and more. Also we would like to make them based on physical monitors, making it possible to add dedicated displays for the overview pages. This is great news! OP makes some good points. I have 2 dedicated status displays in my rig - one is 1920x480 in portrait orientation and the other one is 1024x600 in landscape orientation. I made several Overview pages that populate both displays. I had to figure out t...

Saturday, July 20th 2024, 8:02pm

Author: Speedy-VI

Is my RGBpx LED ring for Aqualis reservoirs broken beyond repair?

It looks like the LED strip has a break in the power, ground, or data line between LEDs 4 and 5. You may be able to get it working by putting some solder on the 3 pads, making sure the solder crosses the break line in the center of the pad. Its strange that the strip would fail without being flexed back and forth. I think the Aquacomputer LEDs are just WS2812B or maybe SK6812. These LEDs have a single serial data line and if there is a break, no LEDs past that point will work. The next-gen equiv...

Thursday, July 18th 2024, 4:34pm

Author: Speedy-VI

LEAKSHIELD randomly disconnecting and reconnecting USB

Quoted from "Ch1pst3r" I just switched the jumper to SATA. Hopefully switching the power jumper to SATA (jumper on pins 2 and 3) will resolve the issue, but the fact that it worked fine for 2 months may indicate that something else is going on. Have you changed anything else in the loop?

Thursday, July 18th 2024, 3:18am

Author: Speedy-VI

LEAKSHIELD randomly disconnecting and reconnecting USB

Maybe its a power problem. Is your Hubb7 powered by SATA or USB? The Leakshield gets its power from the USB connection. Specs say it can draw up to 500ma which is the limit of a typical USB2.0 port. The Hubby, if powered by SATA can deliver 1000ma max to all ports combined. Ports 1 through 3 share 500ma and ports 4 through 7 share 500ma. You may want to consider which port the Leakshield is plugged into and what other devices are in that port group. It may be better to plug the Leakshield USB di...

Saturday, July 13th 2024, 6:49pm

Author: Speedy-VI

new octo DOA ?

Quoted from "johna" Bingo Yeah! Glad you got it working.

Saturday, July 13th 2024, 2:39am

Author: Speedy-VI

RE: RE: new octo DOA ?

Quoted from "InfoSeeker" OCTO MANUAL Your link does not work, I think because it is to "file:///D:/Downloads/OCTO_english.pdf']OCTO MANUAL" Here is a LINKto the manual for OP.

Saturday, July 13th 2024, 12:33am

Author: Speedy-VI

new octo DOA ?

The Octo needs 12VDC and 5VDC to function. Did you check the 5VDC?

Monday, July 8th 2024, 3:25am

Author: Speedy-VI

Leakshield fill level incorrect (visual appearance)

Quoted from "softlion" > You do need to pay attention to what special cables you need Well no, you are the seller, you should provide us with packs for different test cases. A loop builder UI for ex would be perfect. A loop builder UI is a great idea, sort of like what CableMod has done with their products. Aquacomputer is a small company with limited resources. They have stated that they do a lot of work for clients they can’t disclose that has nothing to do with computer custom liquid cooling...

Saturday, July 6th 2024, 7:03pm

Author: Speedy-VI

Leakshield fill level incorrect (visual appearance)

You do need to pay attention to what special cables you need for Aquacomputer products and it can be confusing. The product manuals list the required cables and the Scope of Delivery in the Product Description lists all included cables and other accessories that are included with the product. Other cables specific to your needs are up to you to identify. The Alarm cable that attaches to your mobo power switch header is an option that is sold separately so it's up to the customer to decide if the...

Saturday, July 6th 2024, 6:45pm

Author: Speedy-VI

D5 NEXT Pump and USB Header Questions

Quoted from "AlfaDrottning" I currently have all four of my devices plugged into my motherboard, and the D5 NEXT has its SATA port connected to the PSU. I don't think the Leakshield draws power from that SATA port, right? If that's the case, then I should just need to adjust the BIOS settings like Speedy-VI mentioned. The Leakshield (LKS) is powered by its USB port. It has nothing to do with the SATA power connection to the D5 Next. If you decide to get a Hubby7, I would power it with SATA but ...

Friday, July 5th 2024, 3:29am

Author: Speedy-VI

D5 NEXT Pump and USB Header Questions

Good that you got everything connected. You still may want to consider getting a Hubby7. Its a very well designed, reliable USB2.0 internal hub. The Hubby7 can be powered by SATA or USB which is a nice feature. You can plug some or all of the Aquacomputer devices into the Hubby7 so 3 of the Mobo USB2.0 ports are available for other devices. Also, the Leakshield is powered by USB. If you want to maintain negative pressure for leak protection even when the computer is off, you need to plug its USB...

Friday, June 21st 2024, 12:59am

Author: Speedy-VI

Leakshield alerts when gaming

Sorry you did not get any response. I don't know because I do not have a dual pump system. Aquacomputer responding on this forum is hit or miss. I tend to have better luck posting on the Aquacomputer official support sub-reddit under r/Watercooling. Good Luck! https://www.reddit.com/r/watercooling/co…ral_discussion/

Thursday, June 13th 2024, 1:30am

Author: Speedy-VI

Ein Sensoreingang Temperatur zu wenig

Ich denke, das ist eine sehr clevere Lösung, und ich habe zufällig ein paar Arduino Uno R3- und Nano-MCUs herumliegen, also probiere ich vielleicht Ihren Code aus, um zu sehen, wie er funktioniert. Vielen Dank für die Veröffentlichung. Übersetzt von Google

Monday, May 20th 2024, 12:48am

Author: Speedy-VI

Aquaero 7 - Verbesserungspotential

Quoted from "Mr. Krabs" 5: Welches Gehäuse? Es gibt kein Gehäuse. Und die Maße vom 5 1/4 Zoll Schacht ist im AT(X) Standard geregelt. . Noch eine Stimme für ein Farb-Touch-Display beim Aquaero 7. Ich halte den 5,25-Zoll-Laufwerksschacht-Formfaktor für veraltet, da heutzutage nur noch wenige Gehäuse über einen 5,25-Zoll-Laufwerksschacht verfügen. Ich sehe viele Builds mit 8,8-Zoll-internen Displays mit 1920 x 480 Pixeln. Ich denke, ein Aquaero auf Basis dieses Formfaktors wäre eine gute Wahl. Al...

Monday, May 20th 2024, 12:28am

Author: Speedy-VI

AquaSuite Sensor API

I'm not sure if you want to export data from AQS or import data to AQS. The OP of this thread said he wanted to import temperature data from his RAID Controller. I don't think you can do that. Perhaps it was possible in the past but not anymore. I recall Aquacomputer posting (I think in the German forum) that while they would allow data from Aquasuite to be exported, they will not allow data to be imported. Their explanation was that they did not want to have to support a tidal wave of questions...

Saturday, May 18th 2024, 12:13am

Author: Speedy-VI

High Flow Next showing 0 flow

Quoted from "justrol" Haha, I actually have no pink in my system. Not sure why the lighting did that when I snapped the pic. Wow. What a difference. When I saw that pic and you said you had painted the High Flow Next, I was thinking OK, that is probably the only pink High Flow Next on the planet (at least hopefully).Weird how the pic turned out. Beautiful build, and glad to hear your flow sensor started working. I have 3 of them and never had any problems, although one of them does report about...

Wednesday, May 15th 2024, 10:24pm

Author: Speedy-VI

High Flow Next showing 0 flow

Wow. That is a whole lot of PINK!

Wednesday, May 8th 2024, 1:13am

Author: Speedy-VI

New: aquasuite X

Quoted from "Dundys" unless you backup your system so you can revert you cant downgrade to earlier aquasuite. If the AQS update includes firmware updates, you can't go back, even if you back everything up. I don't know about the Aquaero 6 (XT?) but Vision firmware was updated to ver1018 with AQS X.78. Aquaero 5 firmware was updated with AQS X.74. AQS X.78 and later require Microsoft .NET 8.0. Once your device firmware updates, there is no going back.

Thursday, May 2nd 2024, 5:41am

Author: Speedy-VI

New: aquasuite X

Quoted from "Dundys" I could be wrong, but there should be drop down menu with which device you want to register Thanks but I got it working. The High Flow Next with the not-expired update service was not connected when I started AQS. When I realized this I closed AQS, connected the High Flow Next, then restarted AQS. I still got the message that I need to extend the Update service. I thought maybe the Aquasuite Service also needed to be restarted so it would poll the devices again. I decided t...

Wednesday, May 1st 2024, 4:07am

Author: Speedy-VI

AQS X.79 Says Extension of Update Service Required but High Flow Next Update Service Expires July 31, 2024

I was about to update Aquasuite to X.79 but it says I need an extension of the Update Service. I have a High Flow Next with an Update Service expiration date of July 31, 2024. Why does Aquasuite say I need an extension of the Update Service? [attach]10831[/attach]

Friday, April 26th 2024, 11:08pm

Author: Speedy-VI

Petition to developers

+1 for your Petition. Hopefully they will consider doing this.

Saturday, April 20th 2024, 6:55pm

Author: Speedy-VI

Difference between Memory X=sh(A) and Persistent Stoarage X=mem(A) Logic Functions

Thank you for testing this. I was planning to set up a test this weekend and you have saved me the trouble, although I will probably test it myself anyway.

Saturday, April 20th 2024, 2:34am

Author: Speedy-VI

Difference between Memory X=sh(A) and Persistent Stoarage X=mem(A) Logic Functions

Quoted from "InfoSeeker" If memory serves, 'persistent' survives a system shutdown Perhaps the reply is a bit too succinct... what I meant is I believe the 'persistent' variable is stored to permanent memory (i.e. disk drive), and will be available after a system shutdown/restart, while the variable stored to volatile memory will not. That may be correct and I am thinking about a way to test it. That would explain why these 2 logic blocks behave exactly the same in the test I set up. I wish Aqu...

Saturday, April 20th 2024, 2:27am

Author: Speedy-VI

4-Pin Molex 90° Adapter

I figured out that PNG files will appear in a post but JPG files will not. My last post HERE has a bunch of pictures in the post. They are all PNG files.

Thursday, April 18th 2024, 1:30am

Author: Speedy-VI

Difference between Memory X=sh(A) and Persistent Stoarage X=mem(A) Logic Functions

In the Playground Logic Blocks there is a Memory X=sh(A) and a Persistent Storage X=mem(A). The descriptions of what these blocks do are identical." If S > 0, then A is saved and forwarded to X". The difference is one is called Memory and one is called Persistent Storage. OK, what does this mean? [attach]10817[/attach] Since the descriptions of the logic blocks are identical, I made this Logic Test to see what the difference is between these 2 logic blocks. [attach]10824[/attach] The Constant is...

Monday, April 15th 2024, 4:33am

Author: Speedy-VI

How do i define the Aquasuite app window location on boot?

Wow. Your primary monitor is a monster! Is it an Odyssey D95NC? I assume the mobo HDMI output is from an iGPU in the CPU. I wonder if that has something to do with it. Have you tried running the stats display from a main GPU output? Other than that, I don't know what to tell you. For me Aquasuite opens on the last monitor I put it on which it has done consistently since I moved my stats displays in the Windows raster. You can also try posting about this problem on the Aquacomputer Official Suppo...

Saturday, April 13th 2024, 1:07am

Author: Speedy-VI

How do i define the Aquasuite app window location on boot?

That is something that an Aquacomputer rep will have to comment on. I recall that some people have also had issues with Overview pages on systems that have displays with different resolutions. Is the big curved display in your picture the Main display in Windows and what resolution is it? Do you have other displays connected besides that one and the stats display? The stats display looks like its 1920 x480. Is that correct? Are you driving the stats display with an output of your GPU? When I ins...

Thursday, April 11th 2024, 1:40am

Author: Speedy-VI

How do i define the Aquasuite app window location on boot?

I had problems with Aquasuite opening on a small stats display in the past. After I moved the stats display to a different location in the Windows raster, it stopped doing that and has been fine ever since. Now I have Aquasuite installed on 2 Windows 10 machines. On Computer A, Aquasuite always opens on the main display. This is the computer that I had the problem with Aquasuite opening on a stats display. On computer B I put Aquasuite on a different display and it always opens there but the Aqu...

Sunday, April 7th 2024, 4:27am

Author: Speedy-VI

Aquaero troubleshooting: connect all devices to same cable

Quoted from "Methodical" These motherboards have so many USB connections these days and for me the hubby was not needed. Thanks to current chipsets, motherboards do tend to have a lot of USB ports these days, but mostly some combination of USB3.0, 3.2 Gen-1, Gen-2, Gen 2x2, USB-C, maybe USB4, and a few USB2.0 Type A ports. Most boards I know of have at most 2 USB2.0 headers (4 ports). That runs out fast with a lot of Aquacomputer devices. Are they putting more than 2 USB2.0 headers on these day...

Saturday, March 30th 2024, 5:45pm

Author: Speedy-VI

New Build Help

If you are going to control the LEDs in the Phanteks D30s with Aquasuite, be aware that the LEDs are arranged in 15 groups of 2 so they are not individually addressable. If you tell Aquasuite there is 1 LED, 2 LEDs will light up. If you tell Aquasuite there are 15 LEDs, all 30 LEDs will light up. I don't know why Phanteks did this. The LED pairing reduces control granularity by 50% and RGB effects that sequentially light LEDs will look strange on a D30 fan. IIf you are using a Farbwerk360 RGBpx ...

Sunday, March 24th 2024, 9:37pm

Author: Speedy-VI

D5 Next Schwankungen ampere/ Watt

Entschuldigung, es war keine Beleidigung. Ich verlasse mich auf Google Translate, um im deutschen Forum zu posten. Es macht nicht immer einen perfekten Job. Wenn ich etwas poste, wandelt mein Browser den deutschen Text wieder in den englischen Text um und manchmal sehe ich, dass dort nicht das steht, was ich gemeint habe.

Sunday, March 24th 2024, 9:01pm

Author: Speedy-VI

New D5 Next Pump noisy over 4400RPM

I suggest you dump the Mystic Fog, flush the loop with distilled water, dump it and flush again until it stays clear, then see if the pump noise stops. You may have to disassemble the loop and clean any gunk out of the CPU and GPU blocks. Regarding the pump, it may be gunked up or it may actually be a defective pump. You could disassemble the pump and see what’s going on in there but if I were you, I would do as Sebastian from Aquacomputer suggested and contact support first. You don’t want to v...

Saturday, March 23rd 2024, 5:30pm

Author: Speedy-VI

D5 Next Schwankungen ampere/ Watt

OP – Sie haben erwähnt, dass Sie einen Ultimate angeschlossen und ihn ohne Wasser laufen lassen. Haben Sie diese 4 Pumpen ohne Wasser betrieben? Der Aquastream und der D5 sollten niemals trocken laufen. Dadurch werden sie schnell beschädigt. Es hört sich so an, als gäbe es eine Blockade in Ihrem Kreislauf, die den Durchfluss verhindert. Ich stimme Pigeon Breath zu – Richten Sie einen minimalen Kreislauf außerhalb des Computers ein – nichts als Pumpe und Reservoir (und Wasser!). Testen Sie sie in...

Saturday, March 23rd 2024, 1:25am

Author: Speedy-VI

Showing off my dashboard

Quoted from "aquaman2030" If you decrease the "Duration" value, the fan blades will spin faster and increasing its value will have the opposite effect. When I was doing protein folding (BOINC projects), I'd like to squeeze every ounce of performance out of my systems too. These days just light gaming and listening to musics. Hence, my obsession with RGBpx functions/features. @Speedy-VI was right, I checked Task Manager again, these animations takes an additional ~12% GPU utilization. Well I was...

Friday, March 22nd 2024, 2:37am

Author: Speedy-VI

Showing off my dashboard

Quoted from "aquaman2030" What tool are you using to monitor resource utilization? I suspect that PvF is referring to GPU load. I have observed that a complex overview page can put significant load on the GPU. When I messed around with animated fan blades it was worse.