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Sunday, February 21st 2021, 4:46am

Author: ref

RGBpx set up question

Hello, I am confused about the way to set up RGBpx for my system. I can build the water cooling system fine, but this is what is giving me the most trouble I have the following items: Ulititube 250 D5 NEXT, Strix 3090 Waterblock, Octo. What would be the easiest way and how to connect these? There is the D5 next LEDs, RGBpx ring for the Ulitutube and RGBpx on the waterblock. I am just confused by the IN/OUT connections. My idea what to connect the waterblock directly to the Octo OUT if possible. ...

Thursday, December 10th 2020, 4:45am

Author: ref

D5 NEXT & Corsair PSU + Questions

Quoted from "k2viper" Well, you can buy low-wattage psu with molex from aliexpress or DIY electronics store and use it for leak testing then. Like this: https://aliexpress.ru/item/33049183289.h…_id=67393798774 Yeah, I have a separate low-wattage PSU I use for leak testing anyways, just strange that such a bold claim is only on one site. It makes me doubt it. Anyways, not a big deal - just wondered if I was missing it anywhere on this site/anywhere else about this disclaimer.

Wednesday, December 9th 2020, 2:50pm

Author: ref

Update: Roadmap für Nvidia RTX30xx Kühler / Ausblick AMD / UPDATE 11.12.

Danke für die Aktualisierung. Gibt es Neuigkeiten, wann die ersten Strix-Blöcke verschickt werden? (Verwenden von Google Translate)

Tuesday, December 8th 2020, 4:27am

Author: ref

D5 NEXT & Corsair PSU + Questions

I'm curious about this as well, if you go to Dazmode (Canadian watercooling retailer) it explicitly states on the page regarding the D5 Next and Corsair PSUs: ATTENTION: There is a known issue with Corsair high-wattage PSU that can damage this pump electronics when used for bleeding or under a very small load. PSU overvolts under a small load and blows electronics. We recommend you do not use Corsair PSU with this product and do not use any high-wattage PSU for leak testing or testing purposes. ...

Saturday, November 14th 2020, 8:18am

Author: ref

Is there a 3090 compatibility list available?

I believe they said they will be releasing a full compatibility list next week, so I'd stay tuned to the German forum as they are much more active there.

Thursday, October 8th 2020, 4:32am

Author: ref

Kühlblock für die 3090 von NV? Preview Seite 11, Aktueller Stand Seite 18 / Preview Strix 21

Ich hoffe wir hören bald neuigkeiten über die Founder Edition. Stephan sagte im englischen forum (Roadmap for Nvidia 30 Series waterblocks?) dass sie sie machen werden. Ich verstehe dass es keine priorität ist, aber eine bestätigung dass sie noch kommen wäre willkommen. Entschuldigung für das schlechte Deutsch, ich benutze Google Übersetzer

Friday, October 2nd 2020, 5:45am

Author: ref

Roadmap for Nvidia 30 Series waterblocks?

Any updates on a waterblock for Founder's Edition 3090? Aquacomputer still planning on making one? Managed to snag one in the drop today so I'm eagerly waiting for an aquacomputer block

Friday, September 11th 2020, 5:52am

Author: ref

Roadmap for Nvidia 30 Series waterblocks?

Here's hoping we get some more information closer to launch. I'd love to know what cards specifically Aquacomputer plans to support with waterblocks and the expected release time for each.I'll gladly wait a few months for a quality Aquacomputer block.