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Why? Its supposed to work with two pumps at low speed. I found another bugs: 1) daily pump runtime chart not updating for last 3 days (actually the pumps works at least for 20 seconds yesterday). 2) Required negative pressure value suddenly dropped from 320 to 30 mbar after cold restart. Minimum negative pressure value in settings still displays 320 mbar. 3) Display off settings always setting to on at every restart.
Quoted from "Jacob" The positive pressure created by your two pumps exceeds the full negative pressure created by the leakshield The total pressure of the two pumps should not exceed 450mbar Otherwise, leshield only has monitoring and does not have the function of preventing water-cooling liquid leakage I have two D5 NXET pumps I will control the pressure created by the speed to below 450mbar Please refer to leakshield's FQA Two D5's @3200RPM gives 333mbar which is way lower 450mbar limit, but ...
I'm using two serial D5 at 3200RPM and still got warning "pressure too high to fully protect" in aquasuite. Is it right or aquasuite bug? As far as i understand, the max RPM is 3400 for two D5.
Quoted from "Stephan" Bitte die Diskussion zu Fremdprodukten in anderen Foren weiterführen. Wir arbeiten an dem Block, sind aber aktuell noch gut ausgelastet. Verfügbarkeit im Februar, weitere Detail kommen dann mit Release. We are near mid-march here, any news on block???
Thank you. Looks like my permissions restored and i can post again.
Anybody can post to 3080\3090 FTW3 thread or it was locked? kryographics NEXT RTX 3080 3090 FTW3 / Guten Rutsch!
Why so long waiting? 40хх coming soon and we still don't have WB for 30хх.
Looks like the whole FTW3 waterblock project postponed indefinitely. I found this quote with aqua representative in the internet: unfortunately I can not provide a date for the D5 DUAL top made of brass at the moment. We are currently being flooded with orders and inquires. At the moment we focus on our massive production backlog and will not add any new products to the assortment that would only make the overall situation worse.
The closed one looks great. Can't wait to get one.
Hi there. I can't hit RPMs below 2800 via aquaero 6 voltage regulation for D5 vario pump (one step below and pump shutting down). Manual regulation by potentiometer has 1800RPM minimum. Any reason for that behavior?
BUMP Any news on Aquaero 7?
Quoted from "Shoggy" No, it does not work at all without the detachable part. Even if you could use it, it would not make sense to have a regular D5 pump. So the old one D5 with USB discontinued? As i see it is no present anymore in the shop.
Does this pump works with detached controller? I want to use it with bitspower mod kit such this…product_id=2643 and obviously there is not enough space to hold controller pump unfortunately.