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Search results 1-24 of 24.

Tuesday, February 9th 2021, 7:34am

Author: bojer

Replacement of high flow NEXT / 2 / LT sensors with excessive operating noise

Quoted from "Kuminauha" I just installed a Highflow flow sensor ( 53068 ) ( https://www.aquatuning.fi/vesijaeaehdyty…and-poweradjust). And this too makes a clicking sound. This is problem if you install FLOW SENSOR verticaly. If don't want any nosie from this sensor you must install him horizontaly.

Monday, February 8th 2021, 8:29pm

Author: bojer

Replacement of high flow NEXT / 2 / LT sensors with excessive operating noise

same here. High speed sound https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T0osYYKcLYs Low speed sound https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E7u4pm5FgTM On low speed is still louder like all other stuff in case that click noise is annoying.

Wednesday, November 11th 2020, 8:09pm

Author: bojer

high flow NEXT - The next generation of flow sensors

I not installed yet... I had problems with health

Thursday, October 22nd 2020, 6:55pm

Author: bojer

high flow NEXT - The next generation of flow sensors

and is here I will install tommorow or over weekend...

Thursday, September 24th 2020, 1:17am

Author: bojer

high flow NEXT - The next generation of flow sensors

29/08/2020 Pending 29/08/2020 Order being processed still waiting I have new Barrow white fittings and blue PETG.... so only this new flow missing

Thursday, September 17th 2020, 1:21pm

Author: bojer

D5 Next - Safely Remove Hardware

People have connected to internal USB AiO's without this notice. I have connected CORSAIR PSU too without this notice. Only D5 NEXT showing this message - Safely Remove Hardware. Sebastian do you still think this problem must fix Microsoft? This problem had nVidia too and they fixed it with new drivers. No Microsoft.

Tuesday, September 15th 2020, 8:22pm

Author: bojer

high flow NEXT - The next generation of flow sensors

Quoted from "InfoSeeker" Quoted from "bojer" waiting on shipping Nice, did you order direct from the aquacomputer webshop? yes in first day when be available on store

Thursday, August 27th 2020, 7:05am

Author: bojer

high flow NEXT - The next generation of flow sensors

so high flow NEXT have personal firmware when have USB internal connection so waiting when be available in store

Monday, March 30th 2020, 1:02am

Author: bojer

Flow sensor high flow orientation

I had same problem. When I install perpendicularly this flow meter so you can her some clicking noise but when I install horizontally everything is OK. Just try found position in casefor horizontally position. If isn't possible found any position so ignore that noise

Wednesday, March 4th 2020, 3:16pm

Author: bojer

New: aquasuite X

after update on X.13 my two Calitemp sensors won't be detected over Aquareo but turning off power on 15 seconds all fixed. Both now online

Tuesday, February 25th 2020, 12:03am

Author: bojer

Can Aquasuite control AIO pump speeds?

Yes. Works. I controled over Auqareo + Aquasuite standard DDC Pump no problemos

Monday, January 13th 2020, 11:26pm

Author: bojer

New: aquasuite X

Hi sebastian I'm little confused with D5 Pump control. I have now pump connected only to aquareo 6 with aquabus X4. Which control menu can I use? Directly in D5 PUMP / Pump / Mode or in aquareo / Controllers ? I have configured D5 pump speed with curve in aquareo / Controllers.

Saturday, September 14th 2019, 9:32am

Author: bojer

sensor readout failure occured after 3 or 4 hours of runing.

same here. I using HWiNFO for grabing informations about temps, speeds, sensors etc.. and after 48 hours still no problem.

Friday, August 9th 2019, 9:28pm

Author: bojer

New: aquasuite X

D5 Next showing as some USB device. Can you fix this? Thanks.

Friday, July 19th 2019, 5:22pm

Author: bojer

New: aquasuite X

imin Aquasuite X.4 is bug. Aquasuit notify my about new update X.4 so I install it but after install I saw high CPU usage. WMI Provider Host showing high CPU usage. After turning off or disabling "Aqua Computer Service" this process works again normaly 0,1% - 0,3%. EDIT: I uncheck in HM - Memory, SSD/HDD and Network and CPU usage is again normal. I think HM need more improvements

Wednesday, July 17th 2019, 11:12am

Author: bojer

Adding two D5 Next

I have same problem... so if I want allways access to D5 Next config so must be allways connected over internal USB? Connection only over HIGH port on aquareo providing only informations from availabled sensors on pump?

Saturday, June 29th 2019, 8:34am

Author: bojer

Aquareo 6 PRO to LT

I must unmout display because have DG-87 case and Aquareo is mounted inside box so display isn't needed.

Friday, June 28th 2019, 10:36pm

Author: bojer

Aquareo 6 PRO to LT

I today noticed my Aquareo 6 isn't PRO but LT but I purchased PRO version. Its that serial number PRO version or LT? Thanks PS: I check BOX and its PRO version. https://imgur.com/UrRUtNx

Wednesday, June 26th 2019, 5:55pm

Author: bojer

New: aquasuite X

I thinked is here some automated checking interval but not once per 24 hours. I think manualy button control be good option too

Wednesday, June 26th 2019, 5:28pm

Author: bojer

New: aquasuite X

"The integrated update check" not working. I must use manual installation.

Friday, June 14th 2019, 6:00pm

Author: bojer

NEW: aquasuite 2018

Nice update sebastian