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Search results 1-9 of 9.

Sunday, July 7th 2013, 11:01pm

Author: Earthmonger

Will GTX 680 Acrylic Glass ed fit ref GTX 770?

Since the GTX770 is just a rebadged 680, will a reference 680 block fit a reference 770 card? http://shop.aquacomputer.de/product_info…roducts_id=3012

Thursday, November 3rd 2011, 3:19am

Author: Earthmonger

Neue Radiatoren: airplex modularity system

Ditto. I want the 840 Shoggy! When will it be available?

Thursday, November 3rd 2011, 3:11am

Author: Earthmonger

Neu: cuplex kryos

Silver Kryos HF, nickel plated for me by RRT.

Thursday, September 22nd 2011, 3:59am

Author: Earthmonger

Kryos adapter for socket 2011?

PS Do the copper Airplex Modularity rads have a coating on the fins to prevent tarnishing?

Thursday, September 15th 2011, 12:58pm

Author: Earthmonger

Kryos adapter for socket 2011?

I own one of the expensive silver-based Kryos models. x79 motherboards were just unveiled, and I am concerned that the x58 cooler will not be compatible. This concern was just further emphasized when a Gigabyte spokeman told me that the new x79 socket retention mechanism will mount directly to the cooler. So... is there a mounting adapter in the works for the Kryos, or will I have to mod the socket itself? I have more than $300 invested in this block (body custom plated by RRT) and would hate to...

Thursday, July 22nd 2010, 4:36pm

Author: Earthmonger

GTX460 Block

After reading some reviews, I feel I should apologize for my previous statement. Sorry. The 460 is beating the Hell out of the 470 in a lot of reviews. Seems illogical, but it's true. Perhaps AC should drop the 470 production and pick up the 460. Looks like it's going to be more popular, more powerful, and cheaper than the 470. /edit I'm beginning to feel sorry for those people that already bought 470s.

Sunday, July 18th 2010, 7:57am

Author: Earthmonger

GTX460 Block

Am I the only one that buys video cards depending on what blocks are available for them? Who buys a video card and then looks for a block? That's crazy. Plan your build.

Wednesday, April 28th 2010, 12:27pm

Author: Earthmonger

Temp Sensor Length matter?

Thanks for the quick reply and the useful info.

Wednesday, April 28th 2010, 11:41am

Author: Earthmonger

Temp Sensor Length matter?

Maybe it doesn't matter, but I thought I would ask anyway: Does the length of the wire impair the performance of the temperature sensors? I plan to use about 2.5m of wire between the Aquaero and my PC.