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Junior Member

Aqualis holder only in black acrylic?

Dienstag, 30. Oktober 2012, 00:37

Dear Aqua Computer

I am going to purchase the Aqualis reservoir aswell as an AC D5 and pump adapter for the pump to be used with the Aqualis reservoir.

I will also purchase the yellow decouplers to eliminate vibrations coming from the pump, but I have heard that mounting the entire setup only using the yellow decouplers will cause the setup to tilt away from the surface is it mounted on - because of the weight.

I know you're making the reservoir holder:

Any chance of EVER getting a version made from clear acrylics instead of black?

Or will I have to make my own?

Dienstag, 30. Oktober 2012, 09:56

Very unlikely that this part will be available in another color.