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aquaero and tubemeter problem

Donnerstag, 31. August 2006, 01:58

First of all, I just want to thank Shoggy for helping me out. Secondly, I have been watercooling for the past 3 years and have switched from 1/2 inch ID tubing then to 3/8 inch tubing and must say the AC gear is my favourite. The push fit system is the best I have used.

Anyways, I have tried to connect power to both aquastream and aquaero as per Shoggy and still problems. However, when I don't connect tubemeter, the aquaero works beautifully, no problems whatsoever. When I connect tubemeter, the aquaero lags(30 seconds) in between parameters and aquastream shows not connected. The aquaero also shows aquastream as too old and na available. When I connect tubemeter with the nc to #1 on tubemeter, it shows multiswitch connected. I don't have a multiswitch. If I connect the red wire to #1 on tubemeter, the led stays red on tubemeter.

My problem lies with the tubemeter when I connect it, aquasuite goes haywire and everything else. Otherwise, my aquaero works great without tubemeter. I am very frustrated with this tubemeter so I hope you don't take this the wrong way because I love my AC watercooling setup just wish I could use tubemeter.

Re: aquaero and tubemeter problem

Donnerstag, 31. August 2006, 03:11

Welcome :) Long time no see ::)

Have you already tried to use the tubemeter alone via direct USB connection (aquaero not connected to USB)?

If it won't work that way it might be possible that it is defective.

If it works, check the firmware version within aquasuite. The latest version is 1.06 and can be downloaded here if necessary.

And always remember: if the tubemeter isn't connected to the aquaero you should also disconnect the power plug from your aquastream controller.

Re: aquaero and tubemeter problem

Donnerstag, 31. August 2006, 08:58

Just tried the tubemeter via direct usb connection without aquaero usb and it doesn't even show up in aquasuite. Nothing shows up in aquasuite even if I click find usb device. I probably have a defective unit but this is getting to be a hassle. I don't mean to take this out on anybody because Sharka Computers has tried to help me out. But they screwed up my first order by sending me the alpha cool block instead of the x1800/x1900 aquagrati block. So this all took 2 weeks to switch around since I live in Canada. Then to be nice I ordered more stuff for them and they forgot the led that I ordered. They also, charged me for a dual aquastream/aquaero ribbon cable even though they sent me a single one. I didn't even call them on the ribbon because I spent more on long distance calls sorting out this order ( They don't have a toll 1-800 number). And finally, I am probably gonna have to rma this tubemeter to germany. Its gonna cost me more to probably ship it then the 50.00 US I spent.

Anyways, Shoggy, thanks a lot for your help and you were right. It was the tubemeter that gave me all the aquaero problems and I guess the positive side of things is that I have an amazing watercooling system. Btw, my aquaero works flawlessly with only one power connection to the aquaero.

Shoggy once

Re: aquaero and tubemeter problem

Samstag, 30. September 2006, 20:04

I had exactly the same problem as you. To make matters worse I had even dammaged the USB connector on my MB cos I was being lazy.

However for a while I though it was ok as when I was testing the Tubemeter it would still flash when connected to this damaged MB USB. However it was not registered in my Aquasuite software and came up as unknown item in the USB section of devices.

If possible try it in another USB connection but read your manual carefully cos it is very easy to make mistakes with the USB parts.

I had exectly the same symptoms as you and it is probably because you have connected the 5-pin aquabus connector to your Tubemeter incorrectly. Make sure you connect your tubemeter like this:

I am sure this is your problem. Please also note despite the wrong connections to my Tubemeter I have made, it so far seems to have survived, so don't dispare yet.


Re: aquaero and tubemeter problem

Donnerstag, 5. Oktober 2006, 09:16

Zitat von »SNIFFER«

I had exactly the same problem as you. To make matters worse I had even dammaged the USB connector on my MB cos I was being lazy.

However for a while I though it was ok as when I was testing the Tubemeter it would still flash when connected to this damaged MB USB. However it was not registered in my Aquasuite software and came up as unknown item in the USB section of devices.

If possible try it in another USB connection but read your manual carefully cos it is very easy to make mistakes with the USB parts.

I had exectly the same symptoms as you and it is probably because you have connected the 5-pin aquabus connector to your Tubemeter incorrectly. Make sure you connect your tubemeter like this:

I am sure this is your problem. Please also note despite the wrong connections to my Tubemeter I have made, it so far seems to have survived, so don't dispare yet.


Thanks for trying to help me out. But I think Shoggy is right, I think my tubemeter is defective. Its quite funny your red led flashes but my red led on the tubemeter just stays on when connecting only to motherboard but tubemeter will not showup in aquasuite. The only time my red led on tubemeter flashes is when I connect to aquaero but then I get message firmware too old and pump is not connected. Tubemeter shows in aquaero but it shows 0% but not greyed out. Plus aquaero goes whacky when I connect tubemeter. There is a guy on wiz-d forums in the aqua computer section that has the same exact problem I had. It's kind of coincidence.

Anyways, aquaero works fine, flow meter works fine, aquastream works fine, Led light works fine just the tubemeter that is faulty.

Thanks for trying

Re: aquaero and tubemeter problem

Donnerstag, 5. Oktober 2006, 12:35

Is there any chance you can take a picture of your connections to the motherboard of your USB for your aquaero, tubemeter and how your tubemeter is connected. Also give the name of your Motherboard.

I would be interested to see it, and is the power still connected to your aquastream?

Have you tried connecting to a totally different USB output on your motherboard, cos you usually have 4, and 2 are combined on the same blue set of 9 pins. Have you tried a completely new set yet? I need to know your MB USB'd are still working correctly.

Can you also confirm that the tubemeter has been connected so that the No5 pin (See pic above) of the tubemeter is connected to red wire with using both the straight through connector to your MB and the 5-pin aquabus cable. The No2 pin should be a black one in both cases.

If this is the case then I guess it is damaged, but why does it have a solid red light with one connection and a blinking one with the other, I still therefore think there could be a incorrect connection somewhere.

Re: aquaero and tubemeter problem

Donnerstag, 5. Oktober 2006, 14:46

Zitat von »SNIFFER«

Is there any chance you can take a picture of your connections to the motherboard of your USB for your aquaero, tubemeter and how your tubemeter is connected. Also give the name of your Motherboard.

I would be interested to see it, and is the power still connected to your aquastream?

Have you tried connecting to a totally different USB output on your motherboard, cos you usually have 4, and 2 are combined on the same blue set of 9 pins. Have you tried a completely new set yet? I need to know your MB USB'd are still working correctly.

Can you also confirm that the tubemeter has been connected so that the No5 pin (See pic above) of the tubemeter is connected to red wire with using both the straight through connector to your MB and the 5-pin aquabus cable. The No2 pin should be a black one in both cases.

If this is the case then I guess it is damaged, but why does it have a solid red light with one connection and a blinking one with the other, I still therefore think there could be a incorrect connection somewhere.

Power is only connected to Aquaero as per manual. Aquastream is powered via Aquaero.

I even tried my wife's computer on her motherboard. Does not show up in Aquasuite or gets recognised by windows like the aquaero does. I have even tried uninstalling all usb in device manager and everything gets re-recognised upon reboot except for tubemeter. Tried it alone without aquaero.

Yes I connected it exactly like you have. Even if the aquabus is connected incorrectly. When connecting via motherboard it doesn't get recognised on either my computer or my wife's.

Motherboard is a Gigabyte GA-K8ne nforce 4. I have even unplugged the aquaero from mainboard and instead connected tubemeter in its place but aquasuite will not detect it.

Even uninstalled net framework and used german 1.1 net framework from the CD that came with Aquaero. BTW, I think the german version is not compatible with english Windows. Because automatic update says I require net framework 1.1 everytime I reboot with the german one installed. I had to use the net framework from windows update. Very weird, anyone also experience this?

Re: aquaero and tubemeter problem

Donnerstag, 5. Oktober 2006, 16:35

Humm, I'm at a loss then. Can't even remember what .net i have installed but i dont get any of your error messages.

My OS is a English UK version is yours USA?

Are you planning on getting another one?


Junior Member

Re: aquaero and tubemeter problem

Dienstag, 24. Oktober 2006, 05:25

Zitat von »SNIFFER«

Humm, I'm at a loss then. Can't even remember what .net i have installed but i dont get any of your error messages.

My OS is a English UK version is yours USA?

Are you planning on getting another one?

I am having a similar issue, except it's just that my Aquaero goes nuts when I connect my tubemeter through the Aquabus. It will show weird characters on the display, or other times it will just go blank, and the tubemeter display ranges from not beeing connected, to a 255% water level, and it thinks I have two aquastreams that randomly go into deaeration mode.

Fortunally the aquastream seems to work fine, but the display is odd and disturbing...

If I unplug it everything works fine, and I can see that I have it hooked up correctly too.

If I plug it in via USB, the tubemeter seems to work fine, just not if I hook it up via aquabus. It has the latest 1.06 firmware on it, with the Aquaero flashed to 4.10a, 2.03OS and Aquasuite v4.39

Re: aquaero and tubemeter problem

Dienstag, 24. Oktober 2006, 12:05

Are you using this cable to connect it? - Clicky


Junior Member

Re: aquaero and tubemeter problem

Dienstag, 24. Oktober 2006, 16:51

Yes I have an actual aquabus cable like that. It's only connected from my tubemeter to the Aquaero. the 4pin molex isin't hooked up to the PSU.

I have a P5B-Deluxe mobo, but I only have the aquaero hooked up to the mobo. I don't have enough USB connectors to run the tubemeter seperatley

Zitat von »Infiltraitor«

Are you using this cable to connect it? - Clicky

Re: aquaero and tubemeter problem

Dienstag, 24. Oktober 2006, 18:52

The molex has to be powered too, that is how the tubemeter gets its electrial power. The USB has a 5volt output on it when you connect it to the USB on the motherboard. Without that you need the 5volts from the molex to power the Tubemeter as it dose not come from the Aquaero like the connection between the Aquastream does.

Also, and I mean, make absolutely sure you have connected the 5pin cable to the tubemeter as shown in the picture above. I got the same errors you have with that incorrectly connected. You should be able to see a raised pin with a number one on it, the black wire should goto the side of that pin. (see the pic above) Also make sure your aquastream in not powered if it is connected to the aquaero.

Let us know if that solves it, all your software and firmware looks uptodate.



Junior Member

Re: aquaero and tubemeter problem

Dienstag, 24. Oktober 2006, 19:46

Zitat von »SNIFFER«

The molex has to be powered too, that is how the tubemeter gets its electrial power. The USB has a 5volt output on it when you connect it to the USB on the motherboard. Without that you need the 5volts from the molex to power the Tubemeter as it dose not come from the Aquaero like the connection between the Aquastream does.

Also, and I mean, make absolutely sure you have connected the 5pin cable to the tubemeter as shown in the picture above. I got the same errors you have with that incorrectly connected. You should be able to see a raised pin with a number one on it, the black wire should goto the side of that pin. (see the pic above) Also make sure your aquastream in not powered if it is connected to the aquaero.

Let us know if that solves it, all your software and firmware looks uptodate.


Connecting the power to the Tubemeter fixed some things, the Tubemeter now works perfectly, and I don't get the weird character display and some of the odd Aquaero behavior.
BUT, it still goes absolutley nuts with the Aquastream. Heres a pic:

my Aquastream jumps from OK Status, to De-Aeration mode with a very big number in terms of wattage usage (enough to set my PSU on fire) at 102volts...But everything else works on so far.

Also, if I go into the aquaero menu from the LCD, and go into the perhiperals, whenever I click on the "aquastream1" option, it says "Too old or n avail".

When my tubemeter was not conneted to my aquaero, the pump stats showed up fine and normal in the aquaero.

Re: aquaero and tubemeter problem

Dienstag, 24. Oktober 2006, 19:50

And what about the connection of the tubemeter to the five pin plug is that correct can you show me a pic of your connection

Re: aquaero and tubemeter problem

Dienstag, 24. Oktober 2006, 19:53

Can you also confirm that the aquastream is not powered by the molex power supply as well as the aquastream cable.


Junior Member

Re: aquaero and tubemeter problem

Dienstag, 24. Oktober 2006, 21:12

Aquastream does not have a molex connected, and mine is like in the pic, I double checked. I can't show a picture tho because I would have to take out my aquatube from the aquabay and that would be a PIA.

Zitat von »SNIFFER«

Can you also confirm that the aquastream is not powered by the molex power supply as well as the aquastream cable.

Re: aquaero and tubemeter problem

Mittwoch, 25. Oktober 2006, 00:38

What happens if you try another molex connector into your tubemeter maybe off the same powerline thats connected to your aquaero?

As far as I can tell it should work, one further question is your tubemeter blinking at all now. Within the aquasuite software can you switch that off and on. can you adjust any of its settings now.

Also even though the pump shows its changing mode does it seam to do the same thing all the time.

Can you report back


Junior Member

Re: aquaero and tubemeter problem

Mittwoch, 25. Oktober 2006, 00:52

Zitat von »SNIFFER«

What happens if you try another molex connector into your tubemeter maybe off the same powerline thats connected to your aquaero?

As far as I can tell it should work, one further question is your tubemeter blinking at all now. Within the aquasuite software can you switch that off and on. can you adjust any of its settings now.

Also even though the pump shows its changing mode does it seam to do the same thing all the time.

Can you report back

Tubemetmer is not blinking, it works perfectly. There is nothing wrong with the power, it's a brand new 750w Thermaltake PSU. Nothing happens with a new molex attached to the aquaero.

Like I said, when I remove the aquabus cable from the aquaero, everything works as it should. But if I hook it up with the aquastream attached, then the aquaero keeps doing weird stuff with the pump, but I think it's more of a software issue, because as far as I can tell, the pump dosen't really seem to be affected.

But this also means I cannot control the pump or monitor it from Aquaero, which is the whole point of having an Aquastream. I have it running at the default settings, so maybe the 4.40 aquasuite fixes the issues.

I just don't get why don't the tubemeter and aquastream get along when connected thru my aquaero.

Re: aquaero and tubemeter problem

Mittwoch, 25. Oktober 2006, 01:51

Right, now would you believe me if I had exactly the same issues that you describe. You have not though cleared up if you can get the tubemeter to blink within the software yet, if you can't you have definately connected the tubemeter incorrectly from my experience.

I had exactly the same symptoms when I was trying to get mine to work, had funny characters showing, the aquaero reported the pump not to be connected when the tubemeter was even though it actuarly was still running. The tubemeter did not blink and I could not get it blink in the software either. However it looked like it had some level in it, which made me think it was working.

I was also convinced for ages I had connected the tubemeter up correctly. It was not untill I got a spare one and connected that up that it worked first time. I then realised that I was connecting the tubemeter up incorrectly cos i could not see what I was doing inside the pc.

Sorry to be a pain, but have another look and try and find that raised pin.

Otherwise I can't help you anymore as it's outside my own expereince.



Junior Member

Re: aquaero and tubemeter problem

Mittwoch, 25. Oktober 2006, 02:09

I am not sure how to get the Tubemeter to blink within the software?

It always showed 100% water level, and 50mm something. I can set it to alarm at 100%, but it woulden't blink at that.

From what I can remember, the GND pins go from left to right starting at the #1 pin on the tubemeter, with the 5v beeing on the far right. But once I connected the power to the tubemeter with the molex connector, the funny characters and odd display behavior stopped.

The only issue is that when the aquabus is connected, the aquastream stats just go nuts and range from no pump connected, to deaeration mode. Also, for some reason it won't save the settings to the aquaero, so like renaming fans and other items, it will just show in the default settings like Lufter 1, Lufter 2, etc.

I just unplugged the tubemeter, and everything is working fine, so it's def the root of the problem. I will try to re-connect the pins and see if it helps, but I think I had it right.

Zitat von »SNIFFER«

Right, now would you believe me if I had exactly the same issues that you describe. You have not though cleared up if you can get the tubemeter to blink within the software yet, if you can't you have definately connected the tubemeter incorrectly from my experience.

I had exactly the same symptoms when I was trying to get mine to work, had funny characters showing, the aquaero reported the pump not to be connected when the tubemeter was even though it actuarly was still running. The tubemeter did not blink and I could not get it blink in the software either. However it looked like it had some level in it, which made me think it was working.

I was also convinced for ages I had connected the tubemeter up correctly. It was not untill I got a spare one and connected that up that it worked first time. I then realised that I was connecting the tubemeter up incorrectly cos i could not see what I was doing inside the pc.

Sorry to be a pain, but have another look and try and find that raised pin.

Otherwise I can't help you anymore as it's outside my own expereince.