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Airplex GIGANT 3360 inlet and outlet port

lundi 18 janvier 2021, 06:04

Does anyone know which port on the bottom backside of the radiator is the inlet and outlet or does it not matter?

lundi 18 janvier 2021, 12:13

Hope THIS helps

lundi 18 janvier 2021, 19:06

Thank you InfoSeeker. That is what I needed. I had the inlet and outlet backwards, but I was only rinsing the radiator at most for several cycles that lasted only a few seconds. That thread will also help with mounting the pump and reservoir inside the radiator, which was going to be my next question.

Ce message a été modifié 1 fois. Dernière modification effectuée par "Syndra" (18 janvier 2021, 19:07)

lundi 18 janvier 2021, 19:54

I went the route I did in order to have dual pumps.
If you only use a single pump in the gigant, it may be best to use the aquacomputer solution.
With their solution you should be able to mount a few fans inside the bottom half/.

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