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Aquaero Setup Question

samedi 1 novembre 2014, 15:09


I currently have two water cooling loops each with 3 x 120.4 radiators push pull each with a Aquastream + Aquainlets, total of 48 fans. All these fans are 3 wire powered from molex distributions.

I would like to move the fans to a controller, Aquaero 6 / PowerAdjust, as I want them to more smartly / dynamically be powered with regards to sensors and general loop health. This would mean removing the molex power and having them powered by the Aquaero / PowerAdjust. It's not clear however how this is done. While the Aquaero video shows it being done on two channels (and the two pumps) its not clear what the custom pcbs are exactly. I would be fine with 12 fans in each Aquaero channel, but would hate to damage my fans or anything else.

All my fans are speced:
  • Rated Voltage: 12~13.2V
  • Starting Voltage: 5.5V
  • Operating Voltage: 5.5~13.5V
  • Input Power: 1.56W
  • Input Current: 0.13~0.19A
  • Connector: 4-Pin Molex, 3-Pin Molex Tacho
I would also like to figure out how to get the Aquaero setup to: 1) I turn on my computer vi normal switch (the psu is turned on), 2) this this turns on the aquaero, 3) my loop is powered and activated, 4) finally aquaero turns on my motherboard. Do I need a 'Aquacomputer Aquaero Power Connect - 24 pin ATX Standby Power / ATX Break' or can this be accomplished with moving the case power switch from the motherboard to the Aquaero and the Aquareo to the motherboard? I dont think that would work. It's not clear from the product how that works. To be clear I am not trying to use two power supplies, merely the power on (and off) controller feature. I see where this is in the manual, but its not clear how this is accomplished technically.

Thank you

lundi 3 novembre 2014, 09:10

The splitter in the video is a simple perfboard that we just made to be able to run all fans (20) from one channel. If you look a bit around you will find splitter for 8 fans for example. You could also combine them with a y-adapter to get 16 fans and so on... Be aware that most splitters also forward the rpm signal of all the fans which is pretty idiotic. To get a regular rpm value of at least one fan you maybe have to modify the splitter yourself.

If we take the naked numbers you should be able to use 19 fans with one channel but keep in mind that the fans will draw much more power for a short moment when they spin up. I guess the mentioned 0.19A (2.28W) is the peak when they spin up. The aquaero can handle short peaks but everything has its limit ;)

Your idea that the aquaero starts up first, then starts the fans etc. and as last step the mainboard is not possible.