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Newbie problems

Dienstag, 17. März 2020, 08:50

Hi Everyone!

I'm really having trouble connecting the aquastream ultimate to my computer. No matter what i try, my win10 rig won't recognize that there is a pump connected to the system. When i check device manager there is no new entries. As a result of this i can't install the software either because it says you need to have an aquastream product connected. I have checked the polarity of the usb cable. the red wire where the arrow is, and i've checked that the pins are correct on the motherboard side...... i'm at my wits end here.... anybody have any suggestions?

Dienstag, 17. März 2020, 09:17

You can try the following. Download the tool USBDeview (Freeware):
http://www.nirsoft.net/utils/usb_devices_view.html (scroll down for the download links)

When you run the program it will show all USB devices that are currently attached and have been attached in the past. There is a column called VendorID. Click on its name to sort the list and look for devices with the ID "0c70". This is the ID for our devices. Delete all entries with this ID by selecting them and clicking on the trash can icon in the upper left corner. Just confirm the request to delete the entry.

When you now unplug the USB connection of the pump and plug it in again a new entry for this device should appear (ID 0c70 again). Currently connected devices are also highlighted with a green background and have a green dot in front of their name.

If the device entry is completely missing I can only assume there is a problem with the pump, the USB cable or your system. If you own a multimeter you can do a continuity check of the cable. If you have a second PC available you can also test the pump there. Running it try for a few seconds is no problem.

Dienstag, 17. März 2020, 10:25

Thanx for the quick answer :-)

There are no entries with the ID 0c70. The internal usb port is not fawlty. I tried to connect something else, and it works fine.

I have three internal USB cables laying around, and i've tried them all.

The only thing I can think of is.... Could there be a setiing in the pump software that blocks a USB signal? It's in german, so i don't understand all that much.....

Either that, or the pump is fawlty.

Dienstag, 17. März 2020, 11:04

You are using an internal USB hub between the pump and the mainboard? If so, please try to connect the pump directly to the mainboard.

Some mainboard chipsets are bugged and can not handle specific USB protocols correctly when they have to access a device through a USB hub.

Dienstag, 17. März 2020, 12:06

My mainboard is a Gigabyte z390 Aorus. I have two internal usb 2.0 ports. it's connected directly to one of those. i've tried to connect it to both, just to be sure

Dienstag, 17. März 2020, 17:28

I got hold of another computer, and it registers the pump..... i'm baffled.......

Any ideas anyone?

Dienstag, 17. März 2020, 20:21

I got hold of another computer, and it registers the pump..... i'm baffled.......

Any ideas anyone?

Contact Gigabyte support?