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Junior Member

JaLCDs for Aquaero

vendredi 21 mars 2008, 23:46

Is there anybody out there on this forum with a link to the jaLCDs software? I've used the link on this site, but after install jaLCDs keeps giving errors...

Would love to try this software because I want to display the temperatures of my cpu cores on the display :D


Junior Member

Re: JaLCDs for Aquaero

samedi 22 mars 2008, 21:08

Good luck, I gave up. Ja LCD seems to be dead, their website is down and the newest version is linked from this web site, which just happens to be quite old. MBM is supported out of the box, but it too is dead for all intents and purposes. A long time ago I found a program called speedfantofile which allowed JA LCD to read a log file of Speedfan and it would display temps etc on Aquaero, but it was very, very slow, pretty a much a slideshow for temps.

Re: JaLCDs for Aquaero

lundi 24 mars 2008, 19:12

Which errors are displayed ?

By the way:
We will program an interface to other LCD-Software for aquaero and aquaduct in the next months.


Junior Member

Re: JaLCDs for Aquaero

lundi 24 mars 2008, 22:57

Hi there,

When I start the programm I get the following error:

error in procedure vartimer_timer

error 440 automatiserungsfehler

I use Vista 32 bit, might this be the problem?


Junior Member

Re: JaLCDs for Aquaero

lundi 24 mars 2008, 23:26

Citation de "Stephan"

By the way:
We will program an interface to other LCD-Software for aquaero and aquaduct in the next months.

Awesome, now I hope the guy that wants to buy my Aquaero decides he doesn't want it.. Now I am excited again!



Junior Member

Re: JaLCDs for Aquaero

mardi 1 avril 2008, 01:54

Hi Folks,

Just transformed my pc in a dual boot system with xp and vista.

Jalcds seems to work fine with XP. Still don't know how to show cpu temps on my aquaero though.....