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Change design/colours on Aquasuite 13 desktop ?

lundi 1 avril 2013, 00:20

Hi !

Is there any way to modify or replace the "desktop/wallpaper" in Aquasuite ?
I'm building a Theme PCa company/Brand and would like to adjust colour and bakground.
How to ?




lundi 1 avril 2013, 16:51

Of course, You can change the desktop to any image or colour you like.

I just knocked this up really quickly.

To do it you just right click on your new page and and select add new item, Custom control, Image, and choose a file.

Ce message a été modifié 1 fois. Dernière modification effectuée par "Jakusonfire" (1 avril 2013, 16:54)


mardi 2 avril 2013, 07:58

Hi !

Thanx for a quick answer !



mardi 2 avril 2013, 09:18

You can also either change the default grey rectangles from the stock pages by going somewhere you can choose a colour, like a coloured graph, choose a colour and copying its colour code ( something that looks like #FF000000 )

Then if you right click on the grey rectangles, choose settings, display and copy the code into the (Fill="#FFB0B0B0") section.

Or just create a new item, custom control, display, choose rectangle in the drop down box, click load defaults, and change the code. Resize the rectangle to fill as much background as you want.

mardi 2 avril 2013, 23:08

Thank you for all hints !
This will be great !


