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Remote Control Of Aquaero XT.

mardi 8 mai 2018, 23:02


I'd like to be able to remotely control my Aquaero 6 XT.

By this I meant the following.

Have the ability to remotely view the fan speeds and temps of the system,
Have the ability to remotely control the fan speeds

Ideally I'd like to do this via API, or via a web browser.

Does anyone have any thoughts on is this is possible or not?



mercredi 9 mai 2018, 12:49

A remote monitoring is already possible through the aquasuite web function but there is no remote control. There is also no API etc. that allows an external control.

jeudi 10 mai 2018, 01:00

A remote monitoring is already possible through the aquasuite web function but there is no remote control. There is also no API etc. that allows an external control.

HI, how about through the IR port? would it be possible to have IR codes that allow an implementation of "fan channel 1 at 5, 10, 15, 20% etc"


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