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LEAKSHIELD STANDALONE: Need Help dialing in pump/pressure parameters

dimanche 13 novembre 2022, 00:29

Hello Everyone, I just finished installing my leak shield (Hooray) and as someone who's already paranoid about leaks - I'm even more paranoid about putting in the wrong settings as I want this to function properly and do the job if the worst were to happen!

That said, I'm a little confused/unsure about what my particular pump's max pressure rating is/what I should set these parameter to.

I am using the Corsair (Yeah, yeah I know) XD5 Pump/res combo, specifically This one, I have attached a photo of the specs as well to save ya'll a click.

Per my understanding, it looks like the rated pressure listed under flow rate is 2.1 m pressure head... which I believe roughly converts to the 206 minimum mbar I have set under pump parameters. The wizard calculated and adjusted the other parameters under pressure accordingly (see attached screenshots).... Does this sound/look correct are the pressure parameters too high? I almost feel like this is too low? Maybe I am overthinking it though.

if it means anything I'm using dual Corsair XR5 360mm radiators... can't find any pressure ratings for those, the general consensus I have seen online is the corsair water-cooling hardware is designed for "low-pressure" systems, whatever that means..

Anyways, if someone could sanity check me I would appreciate it!

Please and thank you in advance!

Ce message a été modifié 1 fois. Dernière modification effectuée par "Navysealsnake" (13 novembre 2022, 00:30)

dimanche 13 novembre 2022, 07:11

Corsair uses a D5 pump, so you can select the first item in the settings for your pump.

For the D5 the settings are too low, it can generate 365 mbar under full load.

If your pump is not working at full load you can calculate the pressure with this formula:

NEU: LEAKSHIELD - das sicherste Flüssigkeits-Kühlsystem der Welt
In addition, I would use a custom print profile and turn off adaptive matching.
I have set the minimum pressure in my system to 310 mbar, my pump is at 254 mbar, so I am sure if something should happen, the set point depends on the tightness of your system and how often your LEAKSHIELD should pump. I am at 420 mbar, but in a tight system it can be lower.
Es gibt keinen Ausweg, den ein Mensch nicht beschreitet, um die tatsächliche Arbeit des Denkens zu vermeiden.
Thomas Alva Edison (1847-1931), amerik. Erfinder

dimanche 13 novembre 2022, 14:43

Thanks for your response! This really helps - I'm less confused now.

I saw the D5 profile but I wasn't sure whether or not it applied to my particular pump so thank you for the clarification there!

One more thing out of sheer curiosity, what is the recommend delta for the minimum pressure based off the minimum pressure your pumps putting out? So in your particular case I noticed for your minimum you're at least +50 mbar or so higher.

I imagine the higher the better and it certainly needs to be higher than whatever pressure your pumps putting out... But what if any is an ideal minimum?

Ce message a été modifié 1 fois. Dernière modification effectuée par "Navysealsnake" (13 novembre 2022, 14:53)