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Junior Member

Flow sensor "high flow" G1/4 for aquaero, aquastream XT ultra and poweradjust doesn't work

samedi 24 octobre 2015, 13:41

Hi there,
I bought Flow sensor "high flow" G1/4 for aquaero, aquastream XT ultra and poweradjust which doesn't work.
There is no flow reading on aqauero 6xt
I have connected form the sensor to aquaero 6xt via 3 pin cable and it seems to be not working
also I setup that sensor as "Aqua Computer high flow ( 53068 ) on aquasuite

Thanks for any advice how to resolve this problem

Ce message a été modifié 1 fois. Dernière modification effectuée par "ZGIERA" (24 octobre 2015, 13:46)


Junior Member

lundi 26 octobre 2015, 15:04

Is anyone can help me? :)
is this aquaero settings issue or sensor itself?

lundi 26 octobre 2015, 17:05

I am not too familiar with this flow sensor, but let's first confirm you have the 3-pin cable plugged into the correct port on the aquaero 6.


Junior Member

lundi 26 octobre 2015, 17:12

yes, I have connected this sensor to flow port on aquaero 6xt, still there is no readings.

mardi 27 octobre 2015, 01:15

OK, what does your aquasuite > aquaero > Sensors > Flow sensors' page look like?


Junior Member

mardi 27 octobre 2015, 07:21

There is no readings on this page. Every each flow sensor shows me 0.0 L/h
It seems aquaero doesn't see flow sensor

mardi 27 octobre 2015, 10:46

You should contact support.

mardi 27 octobre 2015, 13:16

Yes, it may be time to contact support.

But as a last check, maybe try another 3-pin cable in case the one installed is bad.

mardi 27 octobre 2015, 16:16

Easy enough to check continuity with a cheap DMM instead of buying a new cable.


Junior Member

mardi 27 octobre 2015, 18:41

I have checked the cable, its good.
also I have checked voltage on pins on sensor and there is 0,45V when its working
do you know what voltage is there if it works fine?


Junior Member

mercredi 28 octobre 2015, 10:05

problem resolved can close thread.

Inside the sensor there is small rotor with two magnets points which is shows position to the sensor installed in plastic white cover.
Somehow the distance between those two magnets and sensor which is in white plastic cover was to big and it won't allows to see the position.
I simply upside down the sensor, gently tap the bottom of sensor and it start work properly.

also the power output from the sensor is

300L/h is about 1.00 to 1.134V


mercredi 28 octobre 2015, 12:29

Congratulations and well done! :)

jeudi 29 octobre 2015, 11:42

That's great.
Reason I often tell people to contact support is that they really are there to help you, and can often save you time troubleshooting.


Junior Member

vendredi 30 octobre 2015, 09:05

You right mandrix,
I didn't contact aquacomputer technical support so have no clue what they do with people and issues of their products online.
as far as I know many technical support would share you basic knowledge about troubleshooting.

Exactly what you said

but I thnink it is good way to resolve many problems is little bit of your knowledge and some patience first :)

anyway, thank you for any advise to resolve this problem

I will post some photos which I took of that sensor when was disassembled

Best Regards

vendredi 30 octobre 2015, 10:54

I've actually had a sensor apart before....I had to replace the internal Digmesa sensor because I blew it when I made an extension for the cable and cross-wired it.
But I was able to buy a replacement from Aquacomputer and after reassembling it's worked fine ever since.


Junior Member

vendredi 30 octobre 2015, 15:57

so is aquacomputer selling parts for their devices?

vendredi 30 octobre 2015, 22:53

You can get pretty much everything as spare part.


Junior Member

samedi 31 octobre 2015, 13:02
