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Profile switching not working in X78

mercredi 17 avril 2024, 11:33

I upgraded from X47 to X78 and now profile switching only works within Aquasuite on the Aquaero -> System page. It no longer switches profiles in the upper right corner of Aquasuite or in the system tray.
I then reinstalled X78 as a new installation by deleting all data and restored a backup of my profiles but the problem persists.
The Aquaero 5 XT has the latest firmware.
Is this a known problem with X78?

mercredi 17 avril 2024, 11:37

You have to assign the profile switch as a command to the global profile. The icon in the menu bar and the tray icon only selects a global profile.

mercredi 17 avril 2024, 12:32

Thanks. It works now.
I don't remember having to do this in X47. Is this a feature that's been added since then? I'm not sure I understand its purpose.

mercredi 17 avril 2024, 12:55

Not sure, but I think it was always like that.

The purpose is that you can process different actions at once with a profile switch.

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