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Aquasuite is no longer free?

vendredi 25 novembre 2016, 19:52

What happened?

vendredi 25 novembre 2016, 20:10

I think it's still free as for the software usage with AQ but the web function for the new Vision you might need to pay.

Ce message a été modifié 3 fois. Dernière modification effectuée par "Dundys" (25 novembre 2016, 20:20)

vendredi 25 novembre 2016, 20:25

For the most users it is free.
In the next week follows the translation in english.

vendredi 25 novembre 2016, 22:17

I installed it and it said all my devices were unlicensed so I couldn't see anything :(

vendredi 25 novembre 2016, 22:50

What devices do you have?

vendredi 25 novembre 2016, 23:12

As Sebastian said details will follow. So far I made a rough overview with the most important stuff to know:

I installed it and it said all my devices were unlicensed so I couldn't see anything :(
The setup should have already told you that you will require a license in addition. As Fieldrider already asked: which devices do you own and how old are they?

vendredi 25 novembre 2016, 23:42

I have 106 days on my 6 pro. 2 d5 pumps one of which is less than a year the other along with a high flow usb bought at the same time as the 6 pro. fabrwerk lights about 6 months, Is there a particular reason you have started charging for aquasuite now?

vendredi 25 novembre 2016, 23:56


I have 106 days on my 6 pro. 2 d5 pumps one of which is less than a year the other along with a high flow usb bought at the same time as the 6 pro. fabrwerk lights about 6 months, Is there a particular reason you have started charging for aquasuite now?
I think to many people were complimenting on the software so....Aquacomputer figure, why not charge them :D X( :D

I will be curious to see the manual and the full benefits of this new idea, it has to be something beneficial and I don't mean beneficial to AQC but for us :P

Ce message a été modifié 5 fois. Dernière modification effectuée par "Dundys" (26 novembre 2016, 00:01)

samedi 26 novembre 2016, 00:14

I have 106 days on my 6 pro. 2 d5 pumps one of which is less than a year the other along with a high flow usb bought at the same time as the 6 pro. fabrwerk lights about 6 months,

106 days, this is bad luck, my AE5lt has 922.
But the 2016 version is good and stable so what.
If there is something in version 2017 you need necessarily you can pay for it or buy some gimmick like the VISION.
Is there a particular reason you have started charging for aquasuite now?

The reason given is so that is is justifiable to keep support for the old products in the new versions.

Ce message a été modifié 3 fois. Dernière modification effectuée par "EnigmaG" (26 novembre 2016, 00:18)

samedi 26 novembre 2016, 00:22

@JasonMorris: I recommend to send an e-mail with the invoice of your aquaero to the support. For such borderline cases we will check if we grant a license as good will.


The problem with the free software so far is that many of the older customers receive free updates and support since almost six years now without purchasing anything new - and it would have been several more years for many of them if we would have not made that cut. The development costs a lot of time and money. With more and more features also more and more questions arrive at the support. We can not keep that "everything for free" thing alive for an eternity ;)

I want to remind everyone complaining about the licensing model that there have been some other devices like the aquaero in the past and almost all of them failed since their software support was close to non-existent... There have been devices that never saw a single update even though there were bugs in the software right from the start. So I think paying about 62 Cent per month in the 2-year license model will not really hurt when you can be assured that your Aqua Computer device will still work correctly in the far away future and will likely have many new additional features too that were not available when you purchased the device. There is also no need to continuously extend your license. You could also pause for a while and buy a new license later when there are new features available that your currently licensed version does not support.

I can list tons of expensive devices in our company made by multi-million dollar companies that did not even provide drivers from one Windows version to the next one. Or let's take Android smart phones. Some of them cost a few hundred bucks and their support often ends after just a few months. Even if I would want to pay for further support I could not get it. Strangely nobody complains about stuff like that :D

samedi 26 novembre 2016, 01:01


I want to remind everyone complaining about the licensing model that there have been some other devices like the aquaero in the past and almost all of them failed since their software support was close to non-existent... There have been devices that never saw a single update even though there were bugs in the software right from the start. So I think paying about 62 Cent per month in the 2-year license model will not really hurt when you can be assured that your Aqua Computer device will still work correctly in the far away future and will likely have many new additional features too that were not available when you purchased the device. There is also no need to continuously extend your license. You could also pause for a while and buy a new license later when there are new features available that your currently licensed version does not support.

I can list tons of expensive devices in our company made by multi-million dollar companies that did not even provide drivers from one Windows version to the next one. Strangely nobody complains about stuff like that

I think It sounds fair enough, we all enjoying new features and that definitely costs $^^

Ce message a été modifié 2 fois. Dernière modification effectuée par "Dundys" (26 novembre 2016, 01:04)

samedi 26 novembre 2016, 01:15

Missing 2 temp sensors (only available through external software). I don't know if they have any use anymore, but WRM and PCH used to be a couple of tricky things. They could easily get to warm if you used the wrong OC settings. This is only things I've read about and the temps I notice when running benchmarks is that they stay low, but then again, I haven't been able to get CPU package above 75-80 yet. :P

samedi 26 novembre 2016, 01:51

A question about a small improvement. This wasn't in Aquasuite 16-4 either.

Item, single value. It would be great to turn it. As of now it's only horisontal, which doesn't work well for a vertical bargraph. I would also like to see axis values and labels on this one.

samedi 26 novembre 2016, 02:09

As Sebastian said details will follow. So far I made a rough overview with the most important stuff to know:

I installed it and it said all my devices were unlicensed so I couldn't see anything :(
The setup should have already told you that you will require a license in addition. As Fieldrider already asked: which devices do you own and how old are they?

I have no problem with a licensing scheme for aquasuite, but is there not a a few days to examine the updated versions before buying, to see if the upgrades/changes are of interest?

I checked a few days ago but saw no version 2016-5, was that a typo or did I miss it

So much changing and updating at aquacomputer, this is exciting!
With all these other changes, now is the time to update that old one charge shipping cost scheme, and implement something that better reflects the actual shipment.
I believe your direct sales would definitely go up.

samedi 26 novembre 2016, 02:11

A question about a small improvement. This wasn't in Aquasuite 16-4 either.

Item, single value. It would be great to turn it. As of now it's only horisontal, which doesn't work well for a vertical bargraph. I would also like to see axis values and labels on this one.
Please keep all your build questions on one thread. You've spammed this thread up and down the last few days. Lets keep this thread on topic.

I'm a bit disappointed that we'll have to buy the software. While I will have time to get 2017, I won't know for sure if I will get 2018 or 2019. I've been through hell and back to get this hardware to work and the last thing I need is AC asking for more funds when I've dumped a butt load for a controller and its accessories. It's the last thing I wanted to see.

Just my 2 cents.

Ce message a été modifié 1 fois. Dernière modification effectuée par "GTXJackBauer" (26 novembre 2016, 02:12)

samedi 26 novembre 2016, 03:52

I dont mind the new model, 62cents/month is less than a starbucks coffee, if this will help all my stuff and beleive me, I have a lot, all working for the years to come, it's all good.. and that new networking feature, I'm very excited to see this come.

This may sound a bit like fanboy talk, but AC is one of those companies that has the best support, they have always helped me get things going, be it a simple question regarding kyroconnect, coolant usage or help setting up a Aquaero 5XT and 6 PA2 (that was fun), in all my years being a computer enthusiast, expensive advertisement, fancy bells and whistles and sexy bling is not what makes a product good, AC makes a product and they stand behind it, if something is wrong, they go out of their way to fix it. In my opinion, AC is like the small mom & pops diner that everyone in the neighborhood loves.. They have always gone above and beyond as far as support goes, I feel confident using their stuff which is more then I can say for some other companies which I wont name.

Keep up the Good Work..

samedi 26 novembre 2016, 04:39


I dont mind the new model, 62cents/month is less than a starbucks coffee, if this will help all my stuff and beleive me, I have a lot, alworking for the years to come, it's all good.. and that new networking feature, I'm very excited to see this come.

This may sound a bit like fanboy talk, but AC is one of those companies that has the best support, they have always helped me get things going, be it a simple question regarding kyroconnect, coolant usage or help setting up a Aquaero 5XT and 6 PA2 (that was fun), in all my years being a computer enthusiast, expensive advertisement, fancy bells and whistles and sexy bling is not what makes a product good, AC makes a product and they stand behind it, if something is wrong, they go out of their way to fix it. In my opinion, AC is like the small mom & pops diner that everyone in the neighborhood loves..
They have always gone above and beyond as far as support goes, I feel confident using their stuff which is more then I can say for some other companies which I wont name.

Keep up the Good Work..
I agree, they have exceptional customer service, which is in my opinion foundation of any good business.
Again, new innovation costs and I don't mind supporting company like AC because of their superior products and paying small amount for longevity of old devices and new features its win win.

samedi 26 novembre 2016, 08:46

AC asking for more funds when I've dumped a butt load for a controller and its accessories. It's the last thing I wanted to see.
You dont have a running Software since years? When you buy an TV or a phone how many updates you have received over the years? - for the most brands you have to buy the new device with the new features.
We give our customers feature upgrades for their old products.
When you have a newer device that has no license (automatic) send a short mail to the support with a copy of your invoices.

samedi 26 novembre 2016, 11:10

I do understand the need to charge and intend to continue to support AC and their great products.

samedi 26 novembre 2016, 13:55

AC asking for more funds when I've dumped a butt load for a controller and its accessories. It's the last thing I wanted to see.
You dont have a running Software since years? When you buy an TV or a phone how many updates you have received over the years? - for the most brands you have to buy the new device with the new features.
We give our customers feature upgrades for their old products.
When you have a newer device that has no license (automatic) send a short mail to the support with a copy of your invoices.

I have stated my acceptance of a licensed aquasuite product above, but using your analogy, as long as I keep the old television I will be able to change channels with the remote.
I hope there will also be a basic aquasuite version available. for those who are not interested in the latest bling, and just want to be able to continue to control their existing hardware.
Otherwise aquacomputer is licensing their hardware, and I do not support that.