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Is there a way to remove quality control markings or rotate the pump casing?

mercredi 27 mars 2024, 19:46

My D5 Next with Ultitube arrived with a prominent quality control stamp on the front of the pump. Can this be removed, or can the casing around the pump be rotated to hide it? I don't want to rotate the whole pump because that would rotate the control unit, just the casing. So far I've been unsuccessful.

JonnyK a envoyé le fichier suivant :

mercredi 27 mars 2024, 20:04

Try isopropanol. Maybe it works. Never use Aceton or other aggressive chemicals. In some cases a normal rubber works fine.


Junior Member

mercredi 27 mars 2024, 20:09

Hi JonnyK

Did you buy the pump new or second-hand?

If the pump is new, I would write to Aquacomputer. They will certainly be able to help you.

mercredi 27 mars 2024, 20:34

This is brand new right out of the box, Ultitube Pro with D5 Next. I splurged.

jeudi 28 mars 2024, 15:28

Vinyl Wrap?

lundi 1 avril 2024, 12:31

Hey hi, you may need to contact the manufacturer for specific instructions on removing the quality control stamp or rotating the casing around the pump without affecting the control unit.

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