• 14.06.2024, 23:04
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Junior Member

Temp sensors: Calitemp vs g1/4 high speed

dimanche 17 mars 2024, 00:41

I was trying to compare the Calitemp digital sensor and the Temperature sensor G1/4 high speed . This is what I came up with:
  • Plumbing: Calitemp is placed in-line; High Speed needs a vacant, dedicated G1/4 socket.
  • Signal: Calitemp must be connected to an aquaero via aquabus; High Speed can use any standard 2-pin temperature sensor connection.
  • Product release: Calitemp is from 2018; High Speed is from 2023.
Unfortunately, none of those points is particularly important to me; I can accommodate all of those variations (and the date the product was available isn't important at all - i just listed it because I had it).Can anyone add the following information?:
  • Accuracy: Calitemp is +/- .2C between [-5C, 50C]; High Speed is ???????
  • Aquasuite control/monitoring: Is one preferred over the other?
  • Aquaero control/monitoring: Is one preferred over the other?

Thank you for any information you'd care to add.

Ce message a été modifié 1 fois. Dernière modification effectuée par "Mike817" (17 mars 2024, 01:02)