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Junior Member

Aquaero Dead?

mardi 13 janvier 2009, 04:07

Can't do a eeprom reset (holding set button does nothing), LCD does not turn on and unit is not recognized in windows. Also plugging in fans will not provide power to them, but when I try to plug it into different molex connectors, I can see the green LED turns on but nothing happens.

Is my aquaero dead? I bought this back in Sep 2006...


Junior Member

mardi 13 janvier 2009, 13:12

The question might sound stupid, but did it work before, and is the other hardware ist still running?
I'm asking this, becaus i managed to fry my PSU and was desperately looking for an error on
my Aquaero. The green LED went on, but when i checked the wires i ound out that the +12v lead
was dead.
Die letzten Worte eines Pragmatikers: War ja klar.....


Junior Member

mardi 13 janvier 2009, 18:36

PC works fine, and I changed the 12v lead going into the aquaero but still nothing. If I hook up a fan to it, they won't spin, but they work off the PSU.

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