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Junior Member

Adding a punp to airplex modularity system 420 mm

lundi 2 octobre 2017, 04:23

Hello, I'm interested in
A: replacing the D5 Pump on the Airplex Modularity system with the Aquastream Ultimate Pump and Aquacomputer aquainlet XT 150 ml reservoir, ( Can that pump be mounted where the D5 is mounted?) do I need to remove the whole black colored block at the end of the Radiator and replace it with a different block that only has the tube connection holes ?
or chioice B:
B: Add the Aquastream Ultimate pump to the loop somewhere. ( but if I do that, would it have a conflict with the D5 pump?)

basically I'm looking for better cooling, and I was going to add a second or third 420 Radiator to the system without the D5 pumps built in.
I'm not sure what products I would need to connect all of the Radiators and the new pump.
would the 150 ML Res be enough or should I look into a larger one ? any draw backs to the 150 ML? any advantages ?

lundi 2 octobre 2017, 13:09

This pump (and its reservoir) can not be connected directly to the radiator. You will have to remove the pump module and replace it with a regular end piece. You would use the radiator as a normal version and place the pump + reservoir somewhere else in the loop.

The size of the reservoir is not very important. It has no effect on the cooling performance. It is mainly for the looks and a large reservoir requires not much maintenance since it takes much more time before the fill level will come down to a critical level where the pump might start to suck in air.


Junior Member

lundi 2 octobre 2017, 15:24

Thank you very much ! also I can not seem to locate the end piece anywhere online, do you have a model number for that to help me search?

lundi 2 octobre 2017, 15:30

It can be only purchased through mail or phone since it is no regular part.


Junior Member

lundi 2 octobre 2017, 15:44

I live in the US, Can I still buy on the phone or how do I do it threw mail?

Ce message a été modifié 2 fois. Dernière modification effectuée par "tuxmask75" (2 octobre 2017, 16:41)

lundi 2 octobre 2017, 16:37

Sure, both is possible. Easiest way is to write a mail to info at aqa-computer.de

Please note that tomorrow is a national holiday in Germany so do not expect a reply before Wednesday.


Junior Member

lundi 2 octobre 2017, 16:51

ok last questions !

If I want to connect the Radiator by stacking them, do I need 1 or 2 Radiator Couplers the ones with the O rings. ( I think its just 1 coupler right?)

And if stacking them, I noticed in the picture that in and out will be like this...
..|.... |...
Maybe It don't mater that the IN is going to the IN right?

And lastly, if doing them side by side, would that get better cooling than stacking them on top of eachother?
I'll be doing a push and pull fan set up.

Thank you very much ! You've been a great help ! And happy Holidays ! :D And yes I bought a Shoggy Sandwich too !

Ce message a été modifié 6 fois. Dernière modification effectuée par "tuxmask75" (2 octobre 2017, 21:41)