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Need help with Aquasuite 2017 settings

mercredi 22 février 2017, 00:35

I have installed Aquasuite 2017 on a new computer, which has:
Aquaero 6XT
(2) Aquacomputer D5 Pumps

I'm trying to set up the Farbwerk to control a RGB Strip based on Aquaero Sensor #1 (CPU temp in my setup).

In Aquasuite 2016-4 (which I have on another computer) when I select Aquaero>Outputs I see a section for "This device" and below that a section "farbwerk 1, output1"

In Aquasuite 2017-1.3 I do not have the "farbwerk 1, output 1" section.

What have I not enabled or set up properly?


mercredi 22 février 2017, 01:17

I think I solved my problem.
The Aquabus Cable going to the Farbwerk was unplugged.
I plugged it in, and now have the Farbwerk settings.


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