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splitty 9 active instruction questions

jeudi 4 avril 2024, 08:19

so where is the aquabus jumper? i dont see any jumpers or switches only a pot. and what is the pot used for or is it preset and shouldn't be touched?

jeudi 4 avril 2024, 08:24


This is a fan/PWM splitter, no aquabus splitter.

jeudi 4 avril 2024, 09:59

ok cool so no jumper because in the instructions it said to make sure the jumper was on aquabus but i couldnt see a jumper ... but what is the blue pot for? the little adjustable knob with an arrow on it it says level?


Senior Member

jeudi 4 avril 2024, 10:03

the splitty 9 (without active) is also an Aquabus splitter. The active is a pure PWM splitter.

for the pot: see here..

SPLITTY9 ACTIVE - active splitter for up to 9 PWM fans (aquacomputer.de)

jeudi 4 avril 2024, 10:10

oh awesome would be nice if they included that blurb in the instructions and would be great if they indicated which way is a higher power off point vs a lower one.

thank you im now going to install it


Senior Member

jeudi 4 avril 2024, 10:24

but the pot is also described in the manual, to which the answer from Sebastian is pointing

jeudi 4 avril 2024, 10:35

ok that is not the instructions i got in my box i got splitty9 instructions not the active instructions thats why i was confused. thank you! and yep i briefly looked at the pdf thought it was the same as i had since its 130am here and then didnt go any farther. im going to install it in the morning thank you!

mercredi 10 avril 2024, 11:02

Hey hi, It's located near the aquabus connector. It's used to configure settings. The potentiometer adjusts settings and is usually preset.

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