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Full Member

CoolCurrent > 450 Watt?

Montag, 31. Mai 2004, 19:20

Will a CoolCurrent with more than 450 Waat be available in the future?

Re: CoolCurrent > 450 Watt?

Montag, 31. Mai 2004, 19:36

I don't think that there will be a CoolCurrent with more then 450Watt. There is no need for it. Every normal System cant run with less thenm 450Watt.

Zitat von »454-bigblock«

Treffender hätte man es nicht schreiben können!
Du bist halt doch der King. Ich kröne Dich hiermit für den Post des Tages.


Full Member

Re: CoolCurrent > 450 Watt?

Montag, 31. Mai 2004, 19:37

The new videocards require more power.

Re: CoolCurrent > 450 Watt?

Montag, 31. Mai 2004, 19:46

who says that ??????

i think that the mostly needed power was 350 W
Es gab eine Zeit vor der Zeit, als es noch keine Zeit gab .... *muharharharhar*

Re: CoolCurrent > 450 Watt?

Montag, 31. Mai 2004, 20:01

450W = overkill ::)

i´m running a AMD64-3200+ system with an ATI 9800pro, 2 optical drives, harddisk, waterpump etc with an old 350W enermax and there is still power to spare ;)

even 400W-PSUs are way over the top... and the new GF-6800 cards may have two power connectors, but the power intake is not that high
they only need the double feed to have a stable voltage :)

i´d reckon even a 300W-PSU would suffice for up-to-date systems as long as it´s good quality!
8) there is no gravity - the world sucks 8)


Full Member

Re: CoolCurrent > 450 Watt?

Montag, 31. Mai 2004, 20:04

I red somewhere that for the new cards 350 Watt is a minimal but 420 is recommended. I also think that it is good to be prepared for the future (especially with such an expensive psu).

Re: CoolCurrent > 450 Watt?

Montag, 31. Mai 2004, 20:46

Well, 350W is not equal 350W. I think the grapic card need the power from the 12V-Bus. You have to look in the manual of your PSU. Enermax are very powerful on this bus.

Frage: Wieviel Eier passen in eine Hundehütte wenn ein U-Boot bei rot über die Kreuzung fährt?. Antwort: 32, weil Joghurt keine Haare hat.

Re: CoolCurrent > 450 Watt?

Montag, 31. Mai 2004, 20:51

a few month ago I had i defekt PSU. so I ran a AMD 64 3000+, 2 Hard disks,2Optical devices,a radeon 9600 ViVo and some other kards like Soundcard etc. with a high quality psu which had only 230W, because I dind't have enaugh money to buy a new one
it doesn't matter how many W a psu is said to have, but how many W it really has.

Re: CoolCurrent > 450 Watt?

Dienstag, 1. Juni 2004, 18:24

Still, it would be nice to have a >450W PSU since my Xeon board requires at least 450W running 2 2.8 Xeon CPUs. Add a GF6800 or X800 to that and you see the need for it.
This space for rent...

Re: CoolCurrent > 450 Watt?

Dienstag, 1. Juni 2004, 18:51

Well, dual xeon is overkill, isn't it ???

Frage: Wieviel Eier passen in eine Hundehütte wenn ein U-Boot bei rot über die Kreuzung fährt?. Antwort: 32, weil Joghurt keine Haare hat.

Re: CoolCurrent > 450 Watt?

Dienstag, 1. Juni 2004, 21:53

Not for me, MPEG encoding is 90% faster with 2 CPUs compared to 1 CPU.
This space for rent...


Junior Member

Re: CoolCurrent > 450 Watt?

Dienstag, 1. Juni 2004, 22:20

Hm.. do you have an MPEG Factory or what? It takes me about 2h to encode one movie. that's fast enough for me :)

Re: CoolCurrent > 450 Watt?

Dienstag, 1. Juni 2004, 22:25

It is easy: He has to much money ;D ;D ;D
Frage: Wieviel Eier passen in eine Hundehütte wenn ein U-Boot bei rot über die Kreuzung fährt?. Antwort: 32, weil Joghurt keine Haare hat.

Re: CoolCurrent > 450 Watt?

Dienstag, 1. Juni 2004, 22:33

nvidia may recommend a 350 watts psu for their new cards...

...but amd said the same about their processors some years back then. the system said above can even run with a 250 watts psu. the recommendations are referring to noname psus.

the coolcurrent has more power to offer than you will need in conceivable future...
(14:03:23) (Cerbis_Latran) Dude, uhm. Do me a personal favor?
(14:03:51) (Eliza) what is it?
(14:04:04) (Cerbis_Latran) Never kill anyone. You'd enjoy it far too much.


Full Member

Re: CoolCurrent > 450 Watt?

Mittwoch, 2. Juni 2004, 21:38

Still if a 450+ Watt PSU would be available I would buy it directly. Is there any chance this will happen in the future?

Re: CoolCurrent > 450 Watt?

Mittwoch, 2. Juni 2004, 22:09

i don't think so :o

But nobody can see the products and features in 2 years....

"THE HOPE DIES AT LAST" ;D ;D ;D (Ich hoffe das heisst im Englischen so ;D)


Frage: Wieviel Eier passen in eine Hundehütte wenn ein U-Boot bei rot über die Kreuzung fährt?. Antwort: 32, weil Joghurt keine Haare hat.

Re: CoolCurrent > 450 Watt?

Mittwoch, 2. Juni 2004, 22:57

@S.K.U.L.L.! Das heißt "The hope dies at least" ! *kopfschüttel* ;D

Re: CoolCurrent > 450 Watt?

Mittwoch, 2. Juni 2004, 23:15

endlich stirbt die hoffnung??
mindestens die hoffnung stirbt?? ::)

also leute, euer englisch...
das wars, mehr nicht

setzen! ;)
8) there is no gravity - the world sucks 8)


Full Member

Re: CoolCurrent > 450 Watt?

Donnerstag, 3. Juni 2004, 00:33


Re: CoolCurrent > 450 Watt?

Donnerstag, 3. Juni 2004, 11:45

Immer die lustigen 1:1 Übersetzungsversuche... ;)