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Junior Member

Having issues getting my splitty 9 working as an aquabus hub ontop of my aquaero6 aquabus x4 hub?

Sonntag, 18. April 2021, 01:07

So I have an aquaero6 6lt with a aquabus x4 hub ontop of it . My aquaero is water cooled so it's a pita to mess around with. None the less I can't seem to get the splitty 9 working. I run an aquabus cable from one of the aquabus x4 hub to the splitty 9 input. Switch the jumper to the aquabus position. And plug it all in and my aquasuite just doesn't see it. It sees the other hub but not the splitty 9? Is it I'm only allowed to use one aquabus hub per aquaero? Thankyou in advance for an answer.


Senior Member

Sonntag, 18. April 2021, 01:11

You will not see the Splitty9 in the aquasuite, but you should see all devices that are connected to Splitty9.


Junior Member

Sonntag, 18. April 2021, 03:07

Seems a bit redundant to use both. You can simply use the splitty 9 for Aquabus devices that are too far away from the Aquaero and the x4 if they’re close by.


Senior Member

Sonntag, 18. April 2021, 14:36

If you want to use more than one Calitemp you need the x4 hub.


Junior Member

Sonntag, 18. April 2021, 20:09

I'm using 8 calitemp sensors so yeah I do need the splitty9 ontop of the x4 and I have 5x farbwerk360s as well that can be connected via aquabus as well so yeah not sure what you mean how is that redundant? I'm gonna try to disconnect the x4 and see if the splitty 9 works then. And I'm well aware that you won't see the splitty 9 but you should see all the calitemp sensors that are plugged into it. I see nothing but one single aquabus hub and no calitemp sensors at all? I'll take some pictures of the setup so maybe someone sees something I don't. I don't need the rpm cable If it's going to be an aquabus hub Im assuming ?

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »pneuma« (18. April 2021, 20:13)

Sonntag, 18. April 2021, 21:11

I'm using 8 calitemp sensors so yeah I do need the splitty9 ontop of the x4 and I have 5x farbwerk360s as well that can be connected via aquabus as well so yeah not sure what you mean how is that redundant? I'm gonna try to disconnect the x4 and see if the splitty 9 works then. And I'm well aware that you won't see the splitty 9 but you should see all the calitemp sensors that are plugged into it. I see nothing but one single aquabus hub and no calitemp sensors at all? I'll take some pictures of the setup so maybe someone sees something I don't. I don't need the rpm cable If it's going to be an aquabus hub Im assuming ?

If you read the information on the aquabus X4 product page, you will see the following:


- If used with multiple Calitemp sensors, each Calitemp sensor must be connected to an individual connector of the aquabus X4 board - do not connect two Calitemp sensors to the same connector using splitter cables!
This means you may have a MAXIMUM of four (4) Calitemp sensors on an aquaero... if you need 8 Calitemp sensors, you will need a minimum of 2 aquaeros.

Edit: I do not know if you can stack aquabus X4s?

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »InfoSeeker« (18. April 2021, 21:16)


Junior Member

Sonntag, 18. April 2021, 23:16

Well i also have 3 power adjust ultra 3's so it has 2 aquabus connections as well ? Only 1 of them is installed currently so I'll plug more of the power adjusts in if that'll work for the calitemp sensors.
So I can't connect that many calitemp sensors to a splitty 9 I've gotten it to see 4 of them through testing but that's it I think. I'll just buy another aquaero if I need to, but I just thought I could connect 9 aquabus devices to a splitty 9 let's say I don't use the x4 and I just use the splitty9? I'll still only be able to connect 4 calitemp sensors ? But I'd I plug the other two power adjusts in I can use their aquabus interfaces I'm assuming ?

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »pneuma« (18. April 2021, 23:18)

Sonntag, 18. April 2021, 23:20

Edit: I do not know if you can stack aquabus X4s?
You cant.

The Farbwerk360 does not work on Aquabus. The Farbwerk360 must be connected with USB to work.

Three of the Calitemp sensors must be connected directly on the Aquabus X4. You can only connect one Calitemp Sensor on the Splitty9.
The Aquaero can only control 4 Calitemp Sensors. Connecting 8 Calitemps on a Aquaero does not work.

Sonntag, 18. April 2021, 23:44

Well i also have 3 power adjust ultra 3's so it has 2 aquabus connections as well ? Only 1 of them is installed currently so I'll plug more of the power adjusts in if that'll work for the calitemp sensors.
So I can't connect that many calitemp sensors to a splitty 9 I've gotten it to see 4 of them through testing but that's it I think. I'll just buy another aquaero if I need to, but I just thought I could connect 9 aquabus devices to a splitty 9 let's say I don't use the x4 and I just use the splitty9? I'll still only be able to connect 4 calitemp sensors ? But I'd I plug the other two power adjusts in I can use their aquabus interfaces I'm assuming ?
So much wrong in these lines...

If you look in the Aquero Manual on Page 39-40, you see a list of the maximum Devices that can be controlled with Aquabus.
It is not possible to expand this in any way (only with a second Aquaero, that is connected with USB and controlled independently of the first Aquaero.)

The limits are set by the Aquaero Firmware, and the capabilities of the Aquabus Connection.

The Aquabus uses an I2C connection to control other devices.
You can use Y-Cables on the Aquabus because each device has its own address for communication. The Splitty9 is basically a Y-Cable with 9 Outputs.
You can connect up to 9 Aquabus Cables to the Splitty9. But this does not expand the Limits of the Aquabus devices listed in the Aquaero Manual linked above.
The two Aquabus Connectors on the Poweradjust work as an Y-Cable, too. You cannot use it as an Aquabus expansion.

The Calitemp Sensors work a bit different, because it is not possible to give the Calitemps different Aquabus addresses.
You need the Aquabus X4 so the Aquaero can access each Calitemp by giving them a sub-address.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Hufeisen« (18. April 2021, 23:50)

Montag, 19. April 2021, 00:02

Well i also have 3 power adjust ultra 3's so it has 2 aquabus connections as well ? Only 1 of them is installed currently so I'll plug more of the power adjusts in if that'll work for the calitemp sensors.
So I can't connect that many calitemp sensors to a splitty 9 I've gotten it to see 4 of them through testing but that's it I think. I'll just buy another aquaero if I need to, but I just thought I could connect 9 aquabus devices to a splitty 9 let's say I don't use the x4 and I just use the splitty9? I'll still only be able to connect 4 calitemp sensors ? But I'd I plug the other two power adjusts in I can use their aquabus interfaces I'm assuming ?

Don't think of calitemps as aquabus devices, they work differently.
If you do not have an aquabus X4, you can use ONE calitemp only.
If you have an aquabus X4, you can use up to four (4) calitemps, MAX.
Each calitemp must be on a separate port of the aquabus X4.
You can hang four (4) splitty9s on a aquabus X4, but then each calitemp needs to be on a separate splitty9, you may NOT place two (2) or more calitemps on a splitty9.


Junior Member

Montag, 19. April 2021, 01:30

Ok now I get it. Well that's a pain do the aquabus ports on the power adjust work the same? They are 3 pin ? So just wondering if I could use them ? If not I'll order another aquaero6lt.

Montag, 19. April 2021, 03:07

4 calitemps MAX on one aquaero, no more, no matter what you do.
  • 1 to 4 calitemps = 1 aquaero
  • 5 to 8 calitemps = 2 aquaero
  • 9 to 12 calitemps = 3 aquaeros
  • etc.


Junior Member

Montag, 19. April 2021, 03:34

Yeah I've managed to get this working on one x4 hub but that's all it'll take. I'm gonna get an aquaero5 maybe much cheaper and gives me 4 more aquabus connections with another x4 which I have. I tried stacking the x4s also and it didn't work either. Basically had to choose between adding the other things or using all my aquabus sensors for the calitemp sensors specifically. So like I said think I'm just gonna go the aquaero5 route as it's cheaper and still would work I assume?


Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von »pneuma« (19. April 2021, 03:37)

Montag, 19. April 2021, 04:30

I see only 3 calitemps there... I assume you have the high flow next on one of the X4 ports?

What I believe you can do, is add the splitty9 to the X4 port where the high flow next is currently connected, and move the high flow next to the splitty9.
Then you can also add the 4th calitemp to the splitty9.
Plus you can add any other aquabus devices to the splitty9.

Edit: one thing you may want to do is determine which calitemp is 1 and which is 2, 3, etc, prior to installation. They are not defined anywhere.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »InfoSeeker« (19. April 2021, 04:34)


Junior Member

Montag, 19. April 2021, 05:52

Ok gonna take it apart and try to mess around with getting stuff to connect to it. I'm gonna get an aquaero5 I think that'll solve the problem for the ones that I cant connect.


Junior Member

Donnerstag, 22. April 2021, 02:30

Got the aquaero5 in so should just plug in and work right? Should I make the 5 a slave to the 6? Just wondering how to go about adding the 5 properly to the mix. I'd like the 6 to have control of it that would be nice?

Donnerstag, 22. April 2021, 03:33

Got the aquaero5 in so should just plug in and work right? Should I make the 5 a slave to the 6? Just wondering how to go about adding the 5 properly to the mix. I'd like the 6 to have control of it that would be nice?

Depends on what you need, therer are limitations introduced when you slave an aquaero.
If you do not slave it, the 2nd aquaero will have it's own tab in the aquasuite.

From the MANUAL:


24.5. aquaero 5/6 LT expansion device firmware
As a special feature, aquaero 5/6 LT devices can be programmed with an expansion device firmware to be controlled as an aquabus expansion board by anotheraquaero 5 or aquaero 6 device. Programming the expansion device firmware will completely replace the original firmware and the device can not be used individually any more, all controlling and monitoring functions must be managed by the aquabus master device. The USB interface will be completely disabled and the de-vice will not be recognized by the aquasuite after programming the expansion de-vice firmware. Only the following connectors will be operational as an expansiondevice:
  • Fan output 1-4
  • Temperature sensor input 1-4
  • Flow sensor input 1
Two aquabus addresses (26/27) are available for aquaero controllers pro-grammed with the expansion firmware. The second address can be selected by placing a jumper onto temperature sensor input 8. Devices programmed as an expansion device can be reset to the full aquaero 5/6LT functionality by performing the procedure described in chapter 28.1. only.


Junior Member

Donnerstag, 22. April 2021, 20:09

Ok So I shouldn't slave it then is what I'm understanding? granted it doesn't allow me to control all of it from 1 aquaero but not really that big of a deal its just another tab is what I'm understanding? Seems like that says I can reset it to be a full device though if I didn't like the slave option? Also looks like I need to unplug all aquabus devices from both master and slave before I slave the 5lt, if I was going to do that?

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 3 mal editiert, zuletzt von »pneuma« (22. April 2021, 20:12)

Donnerstag, 22. April 2021, 21:36

It is a personal preference... I run the aquasuite which handles communications between the various devices without the aquabus' limitations.
But the aquabus is very useful for systems which do not/can not run the aquasuite (i.e. Linux OS), as then the aquabus is the only path available for communication between devices.