• 20.09.2024, 03:51
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Sonntag, 28. April 2024, 00:26

Installing X79 had three consecutive errors trying to download/install.
Turned off the VPN and download/installed fine.

AQS X.79 Says Extension of Update Service Required but High Flow Next Update Service Expires July 31, 2024

Mittwoch, 1. Mai 2024, 04:07

I was about to update Aquasuite to X.79 but it says I need an extension of the Update Service. I have a High Flow Next with an Update Service expiration date of July 31, 2024. Why does Aquasuite say I need an extension of the Update Service?

Mittwoch, 1. Mai 2024, 20:42

Sorry I deleted my previous comment. I miss understood your question :rolleyes:

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Dundys« (2. Mai 2024, 05:42)

Donnerstag, 2. Mai 2024, 05:41

I could be wrong, but there should be drop down menu with which device you want to register
Thanks but I got it working. The High Flow Next with the not-expired update service was not connected when I started AQS. When I realized this I closed AQS, connected the High Flow Next, then restarted AQS. I still got the message that I need to extend the Update service. I thought maybe the Aquasuite Service also needed to be restarted so it would poll the devices again. I decided to just reboot, but even after rebooting, I still got the message. I rebooted again and the message finally vanished. I then updated to X.79 with no trouble. Now I understand why the message appeared, but I don't understand why it took 2 reboots for AQS to see that the High Flow Next's update service is still active.

Donnerstag, 2. Mai 2024, 05:43

Thanks for your response. Nice that you got that sorted out :thumbsup:

Sonntag, 5. Mai 2024, 15:41


Im on aquasuite X57 and 2104 firmware for aquaero 6 tx and 1017 firmware for Vision do you guys recomend buy&update to X79 or dont touch it if everything work?


Sonntag, 5. Mai 2024, 17:18

If everything works to your liking and you not planing on adding any other aquacomputer hardware I would just stay with what works. Any new updates most of the times are just to add new hardware monitoring or improve few things here and there, but if all its working for you now I wouldn't bother.
Also, keep in mind that once you update and something is glitching, unless you backup your system so you can revert you cant downgrade to earlier aquasuite.

Mittwoch, 8. Mai 2024, 01:13

unless you backup your system so you can revert you cant downgrade to earlier aquasuite.
If the AQS update includes firmware updates, you can't go back, even if you back everything up. I don't know about the Aquaero 6 (XT?) but Vision firmware was updated to ver1018 with AQS X.78. Aquaero 5 firmware was updated with AQS X.74. AQS X.78 and later require Microsoft .NET 8.0. Once your device firmware updates, there is no going back.

Mittwoch, 8. Mai 2024, 06:07

unless you backup your system so you can revert you cant downgrade to earlier aquasuite.
If the AQS update includes firmware updates, you can't go back, even if you back everything up. I don't know about the Aquaero 6 (XT?) but Vision firmware was updated to ver1018 with AQS X.78. Aquaero 5 firmware was updated with AQS X.74. AQS X.78 and later require Microsoft .NET 8.0. Once your device firmware updates, there is no going back.

You right. Although, I only have Aquaero XT and updated its firmware once or twice in years, but I think I came across in the past that there was an update of aquasuite, but in order to move forward I have to update aquaeros firmware as well and I think at that point you were locked to that aquasuite. This was so long ago , but what you saying sounds familiar.

Montag, 16. September 2024, 18:31

I updated to X.80, but Bitdefender blocks the execution because it detects a trojan. It's the first time in many years, I don't know if it's a false positive.

coreclr would try to run Gen:Variant.MSILHeracles.176069

Montag, 16. September 2024, 18:34


Could someone kindly pass me the installation file for the x.78 version of Aquasuite for Windows, please?

I've upgraded to x.80, but my licences expired on 2 September, and I didn't know they were still available once the licence expired. So everything is blocked in my dashboard and it's asking me to ‘activate’ in update, something I don't really want to do at the moment.
I've only had aquasuite for 2 years, and this is the first time I've come across the end of my licences


Montag, 16. September 2024, 20:38

I don't know if it's a false positive.

Could someone kindly pass me the installation file for the x.78 version of Aquasuite for Windows, please?
just install the aquasuite with the setup: https://aquacomputer.de/software.html

Montag, 16. September 2024, 21:29

Bad news for version X.80...
My antivirus G-Data has detected
Virus: Gen:Variant.MSILHeracles.176069

Moreover, I have lost all my settings, Aquasuite is no longer able to reach its own hardware data. ;(
Is it possible to downgrade ?

Dienstag, 17. September 2024, 07:35

Bad news for version X.80...
My antivirus G-Data has detected
Virus: Gen:Variant.MSILHeracles.176069
If you have problems with your AntiVirus Suite, you must report this to your AV manufacturer.
These are 100% false positive reports.

aquasuite + bitdefender

Service X80:

Aquasuite X80:

Service helper X80:

GDATA has already confirmed it as a false positive and is updating its signatures.

Dienstag, 17. September 2024, 09:54

I just upgraded to X.80 and it seems like the new update doesn't like something with my pages. Aquasuite keeps crashing whenever I try to open it. However if I rename C:\ProgramData\aquasuite-data to aquasuite-data-bak, Aquasuite will open just fine and regenerate the folder with defaults.

Is there anything you can suggest to troubleshoot what's causing the crash exactly? I can't seem to find any logs anywhere, and I'd hate to have to start from scratch and recreate everything.

Dienstag, 17. September 2024, 10:30

send us a zip file from this folder: C:\ProgramData\aquasuite-data
which version did you install before the update?

Mail to:


Junior Member

Dienstag, 17. September 2024, 11:47

Hi there,

It looks like MQTT support is broken under X80? I can no longer see Aquasuite sending any messages to my MQTT server (tested with `mosquitto_sub -h -t "#" -u "$MQTT_USERNAME" -P "$MQTT_PASSWORD" -v`). Even a sending message (aquasuite/test) doesn't seem to work. I've tried removing MQTT server and re-adding them, setting password and all to no avail...

Dienstag, 17. September 2024, 12:51

It looks like MQTT support is broken under X80? I can no longer see Aquasuite sending any messages to my MQTT server

I have tested this with aquasuite and Mosquito (linux).
Both the test message from the account management and the action arrived.
Your firewall may be blocking the traffic.
Tested with MQTT Exporer


Junior Member

Dienstag, 17. September 2024, 14:03

Your firewall may be blocking the traffic.
Tested with MQTT Exporer

I tried capturing the packet with Wireshark on the Windows side and MQTT on the server side, looks like the firewall is fine as the connection went through.

However, on the MQTT (RabbitMQ) side, I noticed a lot of "Unparseable MQTT packet" from Aquasuite:

Source code

2024-09-17 20:54:20.785746+09:00 [error] <0.17085.154> Unparseable MQTT packet received from connection ->
2024-09-17 20:54:36.784055+09:00 [error] <0.17121.154> Unparseable MQTT packet received from connection ->
2024-09-17 20:54:36.784435+09:00 [error] <0.17127.154> Unparseable MQTT packet received from connection ->
2024-09-17 20:54:36.785318+09:00 [error] <0.17119.154> Unparseable MQTT packet received from connection ->
2024-09-17 20:54:44.074874+09:00 [error] <0.17144.154> Unparseable MQTT packet received from connection ->

I don't think there's anything wrong with the MQTT server itself, as it's being used for other things (Home Assistant, Frigate, etc.) which seemed to work fine.
It has also been working well for over a year before upgrading to X80. Is there any way I can downgrade to X79, so I can try to isolate the issue better?
(The installer on the website only let me install X80.)


Dienstag, 17. September 2024, 15:12

send us a zip file from this folder: C:\ProgramData\aquasuite-data
which version did you install before the update?

Mail to:
Email sent with ZIP. Previous version was X.79.

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