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Gigant 3360 couple of questions

Tuesday, July 9th 2024, 4:17pm

Hi folks,

I'm interested in the Gigant 3360, but there's very little information available on it and precious few reviews. I guess the price is a deterrent for most people.

What I'd like to know before biting the bullet:
  • What is the maximum fan thickness for top and bottom? I remember seeing a post where someone mentioned the fan they bought wouldn't fit, but I can't fit it anymore.
  • Are there any fan recommendations? I'd like to run it with two fans only (top and bottom). I see that Silverstone AP184i makes clacking noise when running via PWM, and that was my main choice :(
  • How do you run the cables for the fans? I'd like to control them via the motherboard or possibly the aquaero 6 lt. I mean it's a big beast, the top fan is meter off the ground, is there an internal PWM hub or something? Or do I have to run 2 meters of PWM cables from the case to the radiator?

I plan to use the pumps inside the case and just run tubing to the Gigant, plus the PWM for the fans.

Wednesday, July 10th 2024, 12:15pm

HERE is a little build log of a 1680 I did a few years back.

I no longer have the device, but there is a top-down picture that shows the interior of the radiator.

Mr. Krabs

Senior Member

Saturday, July 13th 2024, 10:22pm

Only in german, but here we´ve written some tips and tricks (and meanings) for the Gigant 3360.

Airplex Gigant Tipps und Tricks

Here are my experiencxes about fan constellations on the Gigant (translated by google):

"If, like me, you plan to mount all 4 fan rails for the 24 fans, you should note the following.

I installed the 4 rails including the 24 fans. Then I wanted to attach the fan cover. Unfortunately it does not work. So it is not possible to operate 2x 180mm and 24x 140mm.

In the maximum case, only the 180 fan at the bottom and the 24 140 fans on the sides. The upper 180 can only be mounted on top, i.e. on the outside of the stainless steel fan grille.

Or you can find a slim fan. I don't know how much space there was anymore. I think it's 1.6cm or so. So if anyone knows a 15mm thick 180mm fan: bring it on ^^.

But I'll test whether, if all the rails are installed at the top, a 120mm fan, for example, will fit in the middle -

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