• 18.09.2024, 13:04
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Aquasuite x.59 doesn't see the CPU's data

Wednesday, August 7th 2024, 11:10am

I am using aquacomputer cuplex kryos next with vision and I want the display to show the CPU temperature. But aquasuite does not display processor data. All others (motherboard, RAM, HDD) are displayed correctly. Why is this happening?

PetrovichOriginal has attached the following image:
  • Screenshot 2024-08-07 135625.png

Wednesday, August 7th 2024, 11:12am

My hardware: Gigabyte B650M Aorus PRO AX + Ryzen 7800 x3d

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "PetrovichOriginal" (Aug 7th 2024, 11:18am)

Wednesday, August 7th 2024, 11:24am

your aquasuite version is too old.
release date: aquasuite X.59 (28.09.2022)
cpu: 7800x3d -> release 2023


Wednesday, August 7th 2024, 11:51am

I updated the version to x.79. No result

Wednesday, August 7th 2024, 12:08pm

This looks like an error when installing the drivers for monitoring.
Check whether your virus scanner is blocking anything.
Known problems are: BitDefender, Avast, Avira

Wednesday, August 7th 2024, 12:11pm

I just installed an operating system on a new computer. There are no viruses and AIDA sees the CPU temperature

Wednesday, August 7th 2024, 1:03pm

your aquasuite version is too old.
release date: aquasuite X.59 (28.09.2022)
cpu: 7800x3d -> release 2023


how to get a refund of 9.90 euros for a non-working version?

Wednesday, August 7th 2024, 1:07pm

Check Windows Defender or your Anti Virus Software.
It is a know issue as a false positive detection from our Monitoring Driver.

Wednesday, August 7th 2024, 1:24pm

Check Windows Defender or your Anti Virus Software.
It is a know issue as a false positive detection from our Monitoring Driver.

What exactly should I check in the Windows Defender?

Wednesday, August 7th 2024, 2:03pm

your aquasuite version is too old.
release date: aquasuite X.59 (28.09.2022)
cpu: 7800x3d -> release 2023


You didn't answer me, how to get a refund of 9.90 euros for a non-working version? Your advice did not help me solve the problem and I wasted my money

Thursday, August 8th 2024, 7:21am

for a non-working version? Your advice did not help me solve the problem
you have to write a mail to info@aqua-computer.de
the problem is not the aquasuite. the problem is somewhere in your WIndows configuration.